
GISC 420 T1 2022 (always under construction!)

Consolidated index of video content

Week 1 Introduction

These are a mix of videos from 2021 and 2022, depending on which seem most useful.

Week 2 Functions and conditionals

Introduction and practical aspects

Slides about functions

Slides about conditionals

These are from 2021, because I forgot to hit record this time around (oops)

Introducing geopandas

Projections in geopandas

The assignment

Week 3 Iteration and sequences



The hangman program

Overview of ASSIGNMENT 2

Week 4 Dictionaries and data decoding

How dictionaries work

Two ways to use dictionaries: counting and memoizing

Overview of ASSIGNMENT 3

Week 5 geopandas as a GIS

These materials were recorded in 2020, but remain applicable this year.

Week 6 Object orientation

The mini-project and me rambling about some potential topics

Nothing to see here really…, but for completeness…

Week 7 Random other stuff and working environments


Smart function signatures

List comprehensions

Importing modules

Working on a project with conda, git and VSCode

Week 8 Web scraping

New! For 2021…

HTML and the web

Browser developer tools

Grabbing data and APIs

Web scraping

Week 9 Automating GIS with python

Some glitches at the start with getting that WFS layer into Q. And the sound is only OK, I’m afraid…

The python console and pyqgis

(Try import this in a python console.)

Model designer

Use code!

Wrapping code in a model? No! Make a plugin