Mapping the Dulux colours of New Zealand using R

David O’Sullivan

September 2021


We need a bunch of these…

JSON processing

First jsonlite for processing the colours data pulled from the website


Data wrangling

Next, a bunch of data munging packages from the ‘tidyverse’

library(plyr) ## rbind.fill for ragged data with missing entries


Next, the basic R spatial packages

library(tmaptools) ## for geocode_OSM
tmap_mode("plot") ## for static maps


Finally, a range of interpolation tools

library(spatstat) ## for IDW
library(akima)    ## for triangulation
library(fields)   ## for splines

Getting the colours

See the Dulux website for what this is all about

First I had a poke around on the website to figure out where the colour details were to be found

colour_groups <- c("blues", "browns", "greens", "greys", "oranges",
                  "purples", "reds", "whites-neutrals", "yellows")
base_url <- ""

Retrieve and save the colours

The loop on the next slide

  • steps through the group names
  • retrieves the relevant JSON file
  • writes it out locally
  • adds the colours information to a list
  • then we make the list into a single table using bind_rows

colours <- list()
for (i in 1:length(colour_groups)) {
  colour_group <- colour_groups[i]
  json_url <- str_c(base_url, colour_group)
  json <- fromJSON(json_url, flatten = TRUE)
  ## make a local copy (just for convenience)
  json_file_name <- str_c(colour_group, ".json")
  write_json(json, json_file_name)
  ## get the colours information and add to list
  the_colours <- rbind.fill(json$categoryColours$masterColour.colours)
  colours[[i]] <- the_colours
  Sys.sleep(0.5) ## pause to not annoy the the server  
df_colours <- bind_rows(colours)
write.csv(df_colours, "dulux-colours-raw.csv", row.names = FALSE)

Check we’re all good

##       id red green blue lrv      baseId           name woodType coats
## 1 149253 205   210  206  67 vivid_white Pukaki Quarter     None    NA
## 2 149254 220   240  242  86 vivid_white      Canoe Bay     None    NA
## 3 149255 226   240  245  87 vivid_white      Mt Dobson     None    NA
## 4 149256 220   230  235  80 vivid_white        Raetihi     None    NA
## 5 149257 217   219  223  74 vivid_white   Taiaroa Head     None    NA
## 6 149258 180   200  219  60 vivid_white   Gulf Harbour     None    NA

Tidying up the names

There are paint names with modifiers as suffixes for different shades of particular colours, and we need to handle this

The modifiers are

paint_modifiers <- c("Half", "Quarter", "Double")

A tidyverse pipeline

Here’s one way to clean this up (there are others…)

df_colours_tidied <- df_colours %>%
  ## separate the name components, filling from the left with NAs if <5
  separate(name, into = c("p1", "p2", "p3", "p4", "p5"), sep = " ",
           remove = FALSE, fill = "left") %>%
  ## replace any NAs with an empty string
  mutate(p1 = str_replace_na(p1, ""),
         p2 = str_replace_na(p2, ""),
         p3 = str_replace_na(p3, ""),
         p4 = str_replace_na(p4, "")) %>%
  ## if p5 is a paint modifiers, then recompose name
  ## from p1:p4 else from p1:p5
  ## similarly keep modifier where it exists
  mutate(placename = if_else(p5 %in% paint_modifiers,
                       str_trim(str_c(p1, p2, p3, p4, sep = " ")),
                       str_trim(str_c(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, sep = " "))),
         modifier = if_else(p5 %in% paint_modifiers,
                       p5, "")) %>%
  ## remove some places that are tricky to deal with later
  filter(!placename %in% c("Chatham Islands",
                           "Passage Rock",
                           "Auckland Islands",
                           "Cossack Rock")) %>%
  ## throw away variables we no longer need and reorder
  select(name, placename, modifier, red, green, blue)

write.csv(df_colours_tidied, "dulux-colours.csv", row.names = FALSE)

Build the spatial dataset

Add x and y columns to our data for the coordinates

df_colours_tidied_xy <- df_colours_tidied %>%
  mutate(x = 0, y = 0)

Geocode with tmaptools::geocode_OSM

Code on the next slide

  • goes through all the unique placenames
  • appends as many x y coordinates as we have space for (due to the modifiers) from the geocoding results

Best not to re-run this (it takes a good 10 minutes and it’s not good to repeatedly geocode and hit the OSM server)

for (placename in unique(df_colours_tidied_xy$placename)) {
  address <- str_c(placename, "New Zealand", sep = ", ")
  geocode <- geocode_OSM(address, = TRUE, 
                         return.first.only = FALSE)
  num_geocodes <- nrow(geocode)
  matching_rows <- which(df_colours_tidied_xy$placename == placename)
  for (i in 1:length(matching_rows)) {
    if (!is.null(geocode)) {
      if (num_geocodes >= i) {
        df_colours_tidied_xy[matching_rows[i], ]$x <- geocode$lon[i]
        df_colours_tidied_xy[matching_rows[i], ]$y <- geocode$lat[i]
  Sys.sleep(0.5) ## so as not to over-tax the geocoder
## Remove any we missed
df_colours_tidied_xy <- df_colours_tidied_xy %>%
  filter(x != 0 & y != 0)

write.csv(df_colours_tidied_xy, "dulux-colours-xy.csv", row.names = FALSE)

Making maps

Make the dataframe into a sf point dataset

dulux_colours_sf <- df_colours_tidied_xy %>% 
  st_as_sf(coords = c("x", "y"), ## columns with the coordinates
           crs = 4326) %>%       ## EPSG:4326 for lng-lat
  st_transform(2193) %>%         ## convert to NZTM
  ## and make an RGB column
  mutate(rgb = rgb(red / 255, green / 255, blue/ 255))

## jitter any duplicate locations
duplicate_pts <- which(duplicated(dulux_colours_sf$geometry) |
                                  fromLast = TRUE))
jittered_pts <- dulux_colours_sf %>%
  slice(duplicate_pts) %>%
dulux_colours_sf[duplicate_pts, ]$geometry <- jittered_pts$geometry

st_write(dulux_colours_sf, "dulux-colours-pts.gpkg", delete_dsn = TRUE)

Update points dataframe with the jittered points

jittered_pts <- dulux_colours_sf %>%
  st_coordinates() %>%
df_colours_tidied_xy <- df_colours_tidied_xy %>%
  mutate(x = jittered_pts$X, y = jittered_pts$Y)
write.csv(df_colours_tidied_xy, "dulux-colours-xy-jit.csv", row.names = TRUE)

And at last a map!

Grab NZ dataset and a slides-friendly bounding box

nz <- st_read("nz.gpkg")
# just for the slideshow maps, a bbox
bbox <- bb(cx = 1.9e6, cy = 5.75e6, width = 3.2e5, height = 2.4e5)

And map using the tmap package

tm_shape(nz, bbox = bbox) +
  tm_borders() +
  tm_shape(dulux_colours_sf) +
  tm_dots(col = "rgb", size = 0.5) +
  tm_text(text = "placename", size = 0.6, auto.placement = TRUE)

We can do better (depending on taste!)

Points aren’t really much fun, instead:

Voronoi polygons

We can make Voronois and clip to NZ

dulux_colours_vor <- dulux_colours_sf %>%
  st_union() %>%
  st_voronoi() %>%
  st_cast() %>%
  st_as_sf() %>%
  st_join(dulux_colours_sf, left = FALSE) %>%

st_write(dulux_colours_vor, "dulux-colours-vor.gpkg", delete_dsn = TRUE)


Using the akima::interp package

components = c("red", "green", "blue")

layers = list()
for (component in components) {
  ## the dimensions, nx, ny give ~2500m resolution
  layers[[component]] <- raster(
    interp(df_colours_tidied_xy$x, df_colours_tidied_xy$y, 
           nx = 402, ny = 591, linear = TRUE))
rgb.t <- brick(layers)
crs(rgb.t) <- st_crs(nz)$wkt
rgb.t <- mask(rgb.t, nz)

writeRaster(rgb.t, "dulux-colours-tri.tif", overwrite = TRUE)

## stars object downsampled to 825 by 1213 cells. See tm_shape manual (argument raster.downsample)


Here we use the spatstat::idw function

We need spatstat::ppp (point pattern) objects

## We need a window for the ppps
W <- nz %>%
  st_geometry() %>%
  st_buffer(1000) %>%
  st_union() %>%
  as("Spatial") %>%
layers <- list()
for (component in components) {
  pp <- ppp(x = df_colours_tidied_xy$x, 
            y = df_colours_tidied_xy$y, 
            window = W, 
            marks = df_colours_tidied_xy[[component]])
  ## eps is the approximate resolution
  layers[[component]] <- raster(idw(pp, eps = 2500, power = 4))
rgb.idw <- brick(layers)
crs(rgb.idw) <- st_crs(nz)$wkt

writeRaster(rgb.idw, "dulux-colours-idw.tif", overwrite = TRUE)


For this we use the fields::Tps (thin plate spline) function

We need an empty raster to interpolate into

r <- nz %>% 
  raster(resolution = 2500)

Then we can interpolate as before

layers <- list()
for (component in components) {
  spline <- Tps(df_colours_tidied_xy[, c("x", "y")], 
                scale.type = "unscaled", m = 3)
  layers[[component]] <- interpolate(r, spline)
rgb.s <- brick(layers)
crs(rgb.s) <- st_crs(nz)$wkt
rgb.s <- mask(rgb.s, nz)

writeRaster(rgb.s, "dulux-colours-spline.tif", overwrite = TRUE)

## Warning: Raster values found that are outside the range [0, 255]

Areal interpolation

We can also do weighted mixing by areas of overlap with any other set of areas from the Voronois.

sa2 <- st_read("sa2-generalised.gpkg")

dulux_colours_sa2 <- dulux_colours_vor %>%
  dplyr::select(red:blue) %>%
  st_interpolate_aw(sa2, extensive = FALSE) %>%
  mutate(rgb = rgb(red / 256, green / 256, blue / 256),
         name = sa2$SA22018_V1_00_NAME)

st_write(dulux_colours_sa2, "dulux-colours-sa2.gpkg", delete_dsn = TRUE)

Credits and more

  • Maptime!
  • See for the code
  • See the same place for other odds and ends I do (including my classes at Vic!)
  • All the amazing people behind:
    • R and RStudio
    • sf and tmap (for basic geospatial)
    • the tidyverse packages
    • RMarkdown