
   1#!/usr/bin/env python
   2# coding: utf-8
   4# don't understand it but this allows import of TileUnit for type hinting only
   5from __future__ import annotations
   6from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
   8  from weavingspace import TileUnit
   9from typing import Iterable, Union
  11import re
  12import string
  13import copy
  15import numpy as np
  16from scipy import interpolate
  18import geopandas as gpd
  19import pandas as pd
  20import shapely.geometry as geom
  21import shapely.affinity as affine
  22from shapely.testing import assert_geometries_equal
  23# import shapely.wkt as wkt
  24import shapely.ops
  27"""Utility functions for use by various classes in the `weavingspace`
  28package. Most are geometric convenience functions for commonly applied
  33RESOLUTION = 1e-6
  35def _parse_strand_label(s:str) -> list[str]:
  36  """Breaks a strand label specification in to a list of labels
  38  Args:
  39    s (str): see get_strand_ids() for details
  40  Returns:
  41    list[str]: list of strand labels.
  42  """
  43  clean_s = re.sub("[(]+", "(", re.sub("[)]+", ")", s))
  44  is_combo = False
  45  output = []
  46  current = ""
  47  for c in clean_s:
  48    if is_combo:
  49      if c == ")":
  50        output.append(current)
  51        current = ""
  52        is_combo = False
  53      else:
  54        current = current + c
  55    else:
  56      if c == "(":
  57        is_combo = True
  58      else:
  59        output.append(c)
  60  return output
  63def get_strand_ids(strands_spec: str) -> tuple[list[str]]:
  64  """Conversts a strands specification string to a list of lists of strand
  65  labels.
  67  Args:
  68    strands_spec (str): string format "a|bc|(de)f" | separates strands in
  69      each direction and () designates combining labels into a single
  70      strand that will be sliced lengthwise. Example output:
  72        "a|bc|(de)f" -> (["a"], ["b", "c"], ["de", "f"])
  74    Superflous parentheses are removed, but no other error-checks are
  75      applied.
  77  Returns:
  78    tuple[str]: tuple of lists of labels for each set of strands.
  79  """
  80  strand_ids = [_parse_strand_label(s) for s in strands_spec.split("|")]
  81  strand_ids = strand_ids if len(strand_ids) == 3 else strand_ids + [[""]]
  82  return tuple(strand_ids)
  85def centre_offset(shape: geom.Polygon,
  86                  target:tuple[float] = (0, 0)) -> tuple[float]:
  87  """Returns vector required to move centroid of polygon to target.
  89  Args:
  90    shape (Polygon): polygon to move.
  91    target (tuple[float], optional): target to move to.
  92      Defaults to (0, 0).
  94  Returns:
  95    tuple[float]: tuple of x, y movement required.
  96  """
  97  shape_c = shape.centroid
  98  return (target[0] - shape_c.x, target[1] - shape_c.y)
 101def get_regular_polygon(spacing, n:int) -> geom.Polygon:
 102  """Returns regular polygon with n sides centered on (0, 0) with a horizontal base, and height given by spacing.
 104  Args:
 105    spacing (_type_): required height.
 106    n (int): number of sides.
 108  Returns:
 109    geom.Polygon: required geom.Polygon.
 110  """
 111  R = spacing / np.cos(np.radians(180 / n)) / 2
 112  a0 = -90 + 180 / n
 113  a_diff = 360 / n
 114  angles = [a0 + a * a_diff for a in range(n)]
 115  corners = [(R * np.cos(np.radians(a)),
 116              R * np.sin(np.radians(a))) for a in angles]
 117  return gridify(geom.Polygon(corners))
 120def offset_polygon_corners(polygon:geom.Polygon, 
 121                          offset:int) -> geom.Polygon:
 122  """Returns this polygon but with its first corner offset from its
 123  original position in the coordinate sequence. The returned polygon will
 124  be identical but stored differently internally.
 126  Args:
 127    polygon (geom.Polygon): the polygon to reorder.
 128    offset (int): the number of corner positions by which to shift the
 129      sequence.
 131  Returns:
 132      geom.Polygon: the reordered polygon.
 133  """
 134  corners = get_corners(polygon, repeat_first = False)
 135  return geom.Polygon([c for c in corners[offset:] + corners[:offset]]) 
 138def rotate_preserving_order(polygon:geom.Polygon, angle:float,
 139                            centre:geom.Point) -> geom.Polygon:
 140  """Returns the supplied polygon rotated with the order of its corner points
 141  preserved (not guaranteed by shapely.affinity.rotate).
 143  Args:
 144      polygon (geom.Polygon): polygon to rotate.
 145      angle (float): desired angle of rotation (in degrees).
 146      centre (geom.Point): the rotation centre (passed on to shapely.affinity.
 147        rotate).
 149  Returns:
 150      geom.Polygon: rotated polygon.
 151  """
 152  corners = get_corners(polygon, repeat_first = False)
 153  return geom.Polygon([affine.rotate(c, angle, centre) for c in corners])
 156def geometry_matches(geom1:geom.Polygon, geom2:geom.Polygon):
 157  a = geom1.area
 158  return np.isclose(a, geom1.intersection(geom2).area,
 159                    rtol = RESOLUTION * 100, atol=RESOLUTION * 100)
 160  return shapely.equals_exact(
 161    geom1.normalize(), geom2.normalize(), RESOLUTION * 10)
 164def is_convex(shape:geom.Polygon) -> bool:
 165  """Tests for shape convexity. There are better ways to do this, like
 166  e.g. using something like the get_interior_angles() function, but simply
 167  checking if the area is close to that of its convex hull works too!
 169  Args:
 170    shape (geom.Polygon): polygon to check
 172  Returns:
 173    bool: True if the polygon is convex, False otherwise.
 174  """
 175  return np.isclose(shape.area, shape.convex_hull.area, rtol = RESOLUTION)
 178def get_corners(shape:geom.Polygon,
 179                repeat_first:bool = True) -> list[geom.Point]:
 180  """Returns a list of geom.Points around the boundary of a polygon, optionally
 181  repeating the first. Does no simplification (e.g. if a line segment has a 
 182  'corner' along its length, it is NOT removed; see get_clean_polygon for 
 183  that). Points have precision set to the package default tiling_utils.
 186  Args:
 187    shape (geom.Polygon): polygon whose corners are required.
 188    repeat_first (bool, optional): if True the first corner is repeated in the 
 189      returned list, if False it is omitted. Defaults to True.
 191  Returns:
 192    list[geom.Point]: list of geom.Point vertices of the polygon.
 193  """
 194  corners = [gridify(geom.Point(pt)) for pt in shape.exterior.coords]
 195  if repeat_first:
 196    return corners
 197  else:
 198    return corners[:-1]
 201def get_sides(shape:geom.Polygon) -> list[geom.LineString]:
 202  """Returns polygon sides as a list of geom.LineStrings, with resolution set
 203  to the package default tiling_utils.RESOLUTION. No simplification for 
 204  successive colinear sides is carried out.
 206  Args:
 207    shape (geom.Polygon): polygon whose edges are required.
 209  Returns:
 210    list[geom.LineString]: list of geom.LineString sides of the polygon.
 211  """
 212  corners = get_corners(shape)
 213  return [gridify(geom.LineString([p1, p2]))
 214          for p1, p2 in zip(corners[:-1], corners[1:])]
 217def get_side_lengths(shape:geom.Polygon) -> list[float]:
 218  """Returns list of lengths of polygon sides. No simplification for corners
 219  along sides is carried out.
 221  Args:
 222    shape (geom.Polygon): polygon whose edge lengths are required.
 224  Returns:
 225    list[float]: list of side lengths.
 226  """
 227  corners = get_corners(shape)
 228  return [p1.distance(p2) for p1, p2 in zip(corners[:-1], corners[1:])]
 231def get_side_bearings(shape:geom.Polygon) -> tuple[tuple[float]]:
 232  """Returns a list of angles (in degrees) between the sides of a polygon and
 233  the positive x-axis, when proceeding from the first point in each side to its
 234  end point. This should usually be CW around the polygon.
 236  Args:
 237    shape (geom.Polygon): polygon whose side bearings are required.
 239  Returns:
 240    tuple[tuple[float]]: tuple of bearings of each edge.
 241  """
 242  return tuple([np.degrees(np.arctan2(
 243    e.coords[1][1] - e.coords[0][1], e.coords[1][0] - e.coords[0][0])) 
 244    for e in get_sides(shape)])
 247def get_interior_angles(shape:geom.Polygon) -> list[float]:
 248  """Returns angles (in degrees) between successive edges of a polygon. No 
 249  polygon simplification is carried out so some angles may be 180 (i.e. a 
 250  'corner' along a side, such that successive sides are colinear). 
 252  Args:
 253    shape (geom.Polygon): polygon whose angles are required.
 255  Returns:
 256    list[float]: list of angles.
 257  """
 258  corners = get_corners(shape, repeat_first = False)
 259  wrap_corners = corners[-1:] + corners + corners[:1]
 260  triples = zip(wrap_corners[:-2], wrap_corners[1:-1], wrap_corners[2:])
 261  return [get_inner_angle(p1, p2, p3) for p1, p2, p3 in triples]
 264def get_clean_polygon(
 265    shape:Union[geom.MultiPolygon,geom.Polygon]) -> geom.Polygon:
 266  """Returns polygon with any successive corners that are co-linear along a 
 267  side or very close to one another removed. 
 269  Particularly useful for tidying polygons weave tilings that have been 
 270  assembled from multiple 'cells' in the weave grid.
 272  Args:
 273    shape (Union[geom.MultiPolygon,geom.Polygon]): polygon to clean.
 275  Returns:
 276    geom.Polygon: cleaned polygon.
 277  """
 278  if isinstance(shape, geom.MultiPolygon):
 279    return geom.MultiPolygon([get_clean_polygon(p) for p in shape.geoms])
 280  else:
 281    corners = get_corners(shape, repeat_first = False)
 282    # first remove any 'near neighbour' corners
 283    distances = get_side_lengths(shape)
 284    to_remove = [np.isclose(d, 0, rtol = RESOLUTION, atol = 10 * RESOLUTION) 
 285                 for d in distances]
 286    corners = [c for c, r in zip(corners, to_remove) if not r]
 287    # next remove any that are colinear
 288    p = geom.Polygon(corners)
 289    corners = get_corners(p, repeat_first = False)
 290    angles = get_interior_angles(p)
 291    to_remove = [np.isclose(a, 0, rtol = RESOLUTION, atol = RESOLUTION) or
 292                 np.isclose(a, 180, rtol = RESOLUTION, atol = RESOLUTION)
 293                 for a in angles]
 294    corners = [c for c, r in zip(corners, to_remove) if not r]
 295    return gridify(geom.Polygon(corners))
 298def get_inner_angle(p1:geom.Point, p2:geom.Point, p3:geom.Point) -> float:
 299  r"""Returns the angle (in degrees) between line p1-p2 and p2-p3, i.e., the 
 300  angle A below
 302            p2
 303           / \ 
 304          / A \ 
 305        p1     p3
 307  Args:
 308    p1 (geom.Point): first point.
 309    p2 (geom.Point): second 'corner' point.
 310    p3 (geom.Point): third point.
 312  Returns:
 313      float: angle in degrees.
 314  """
 315  return np.degrees(np.arctan2(p3.y - p2.y, p3.x - p2.x) -
 316                    np.arctan2(p1.y - p2.y, p1.x - p2.x)) % 360
 319def get_outer_angle(p1:geom.Point, p2:geom.Point, p3:geom.Point) -> float:
 320  r"""Returns outer angle (in degrees) between lines p1-p2 and p2-p3, i.e., the 
 321  angle A below
 323              /
 324             /
 325            p2 A
 326           / \ 
 327          /   \ 
 328        p1     p3
 330  Args:
 331    p1 (geom.Point): first point.
 332    p2 (geom.Point): second 'corner' point.
 333    p3 (geom.Point): third point.
 335  Returns:
 336    float: angle in degrees.
 337  """
 338  return 180 - get_inner_angle(p1, p2, p3)
 341def is_regular_polygon(shape:geom.Polygon) -> bool:
 342  """Tests if supplied polygon is regular (i.e. equal sides and angles).
 344  Args:
 345      shape (geom.Polygon): polygon to test.
 347  Returns:
 348      bool: True if polygon is regular, False if not.
 349  """
 350  side_lengths = get_side_lengths(shape)
 351  angles = get_interior_angles(shape)
 352  return all(np.isclose(side_lengths, side_lengths[0])) \
 353     and all(np.isclose(angles, angles[0]))
 356def is_tangential(shape:geom.Polygon) -> bool:
 357  """Determines if the supplied polygon is tangential i.e., it can have
 358  circle inscribed tangential to all its sides. 
 360  Note that this will fail for polygons with successive colinear sides,
 361  meaning that polygons should be fully simplified...
 362  """
 363  if is_regular_polygon(shape):
 364    return True
 365  side_lengths = get_side_lengths(shape)
 366  n = len(side_lengths)
 367  if n % 2 == 1:
 368    if n == 3: #triangles are easy!
 369      return True
 370    # odd number of sides there is a nice solvable system  of equations
 371    # see https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/4065370/tangential-polygons-conditions-on-edge-lengths
 372    mat = np.identity(n) + np.roll(np.identity(n), 1, axis = 1)
 373    fractions = np.linalg.inv(mat) @ side_lengths / side_lengths
 374    if not(np.isclose(np.mean(fractions), 
 375                      0.5, rtol= RESOLUTION, atol = RESOLUTION)):
 376      return False
 377    ones = [np.isclose(f, 1, rtol = RESOLUTION, atol = RESOLUTION) 
 378            for f in fractions]
 379    zeros = [np.isclose(f, 0, rtol = RESOLUTION, atol = RESOLUTION) 
 380             for f in fractions]
 381    negatives = [f < 0 for f in fractions]
 382    return not (any(ones) or any(zeros) or any(negatives))
 383  elif n == 4:
 384    # for quadrilaterals odd and even side lengths are equal
 385    return np.isclose(sum(side_lengths[0::2]), 
 386                      sum(side_lengths[1::2]), rtol = RESOLUTION)
 387  else:
 388    # other even numbers of sides... hard to avoid brute force
 389    bisectors = [get_angle_bisector(shape, i) for i in range(n)]
 390    intersects = [b1.intersection(b2) for b1, b2 in
 391                  zip(bisectors, bisectors[1:] + bisectors[:1])
 392                  if b1.intersects(b2)]
 393    distances = [i1.distance(i2) for i1, i2 in
 394                 zip(intersects, intersects[1:] + intersects[:1])]
 395    return all([d <= 2 * RESOLUTION for d in distances])
 398def incentre(shape:geom.Polygon) -> geom.Point:
 399  """A different polygon centre, which produces better results for some
 400  dual tilings where tiles are not regular polygons... see
 401  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incenter
 403  This method relies on the polygon being tangential, i.e. there is an
 404  inscribed circle to which all sides of the polygon are tangent. It will
 405  work on all the polygons encountered in the Laves tilings, but is not
 406  guaranteed to work on all polygons.
 408  Given that the polygon is tangential, the radius of the inscribed circle is
 409  the [apothem of the polygon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apothem) given
 410  by 2 x Area / Perimeter. We apply a parallel offset of this size to two
 411  sides of the polygon and find their intersection to determine the centre of
 412  the circle, givng the incentre of the polygon.
 414    Args:
 415    shape (geom.Polygon): the polygon.
 417  Returns:
 418    geom.Point: the incentre of the polygon.
 419  """
 420  if is_regular_polygon(shape):
 421    return shape.centroid
 422  shape = ensure_cw(shape)
 423  if is_convex(shape):
 424    if is_tangential(shape):  # find the incentre
 425      corners = get_corners(shape, repeat_first = False)
 426      r = get_apothem_length(shape)
 427      e1 = geom.LineString(corners[:2]).parallel_offset(r, side = "right")
 428      e2 = geom.LineString(corners[1:3]).parallel_offset(r, side = "right")
 429      return e1.intersection(e2)  # TODO: add exception if no intersection
 430  return shape.centroid
 433def get_apothem_length(shape:geom.Polygon) -> float:
 434  return 2 * shape.area / geom.LineString(shape.exterior.coords).length
 437def ensure_cw(shape:geom.Polygon) -> geom.Polygon:
 438  """Returns the polygon with its outer boundary vertices in clockwise order.
 440  It is important to note that shapely.set_precision() imposes clockwise order
 441  on polygons, and since it is used widely throughout theses modules, it makes
 442  sense to impose this order.
 444    Args:
 445    shape (geom.Polygon): the polygon.
 447  Returns:
 448    geom.Polygon: the polygon in clockwise order.
 449  """
 450  if geom.LinearRing(shape.exterior.coords).is_ccw:
 451    return shape.reverse()
 452  else:
 453    return shape
 456def get_angle_bisector(shape:geom.Polygon, v = 0) -> geom.LineString:
 457  """Returns a line which is the angle bisector of the specified corner of the
 458  supplied polygon.
 460  Args:
 461      shape (geom.Polygon): the polygon
 462      v (int, optional): index of the corner whose bisector is required. 
 463      Defaults to 0.
 465  Returns:
 466      geom.LineString: line which bisects the specified corner.
 467  """
 468  pts = get_corners(shape, repeat_first = False)
 469  n = len(pts)
 470  p0 = pts[v % n]
 471  p1 = pts[(v + 1) % n]
 472  p2 = pts[(v - 1) % n]
 473  d01 = p0.distance(p1)
 474  d02 = p0.distance(p2)
 475  if d01 < d02:
 476    p2 = geom.LineString([p0, p2]).interpolate(d01)
 477  else:
 478    p1 = geom.LineString([p0, p1]).interpolate(d02)
 479  m = geom.Point((p1.x + p2.x) / 2, (p1.y + p2.y) / 2)
 480  # we have to scale this to much larger in case of an angle near 180
 481  return affine.scale(geom.LineString([p0, m]), 10, 10, origin = p0)
 484def get_side_bisector(shape:geom.Polygon, i:int = 0) -> geom.LineString:
 485  return affine.scale(affine.rotate(get_sides(shape)[i], 90), 100, 100)
 488def _get_interior_vertices(tiles:gpd.GeoDataFrame) -> gpd.GeoSeries:
 489  """Returns points not on the outer boundary of the supplied set
 490  of tiles.
 492  Args:
 493    shapes (gpd.GeoDataFrame): a set of polygons.
 495  Returns:
 496    gpd.GeoSeries: interior vertices of the set of polygons.
 497  """
 498  tiles = gridify(tiles.geometry)
 499  uu = safe_union(tiles, as_polygon = True)
 500  interior_pts = set()
 501  for tile in tiles:
 502    for corner in tile.exterior.coords:
 503      if uu.contains(geom.Point(corner).buffer(1e-3, cap_style = 3)):
 504        interior_pts.add(corner)
 505  return gridify(gpd.GeoSeries([geom.Point(p) for p in interior_pts]))
 508def gridify(
 509      gs:Union[gpd.GeoSeries, gpd.GeoDataFrame, geom.Polygon]
 510    ) -> Union[gpd.GeoSeries, gpd.GeoDataFrame, geom.Polygon]:
 511  """Returns the supplied GeoSeries rounded to the specified precision.
 513  Args:
 514    gs (gpd.GeoSeries): geometries to gridify.
 515    precision (int, optional): digits of precision. Defaults to 6.
 517  Returns:
 518    gpd.GeoSeries: the rounded geometries.
 519  """
 520  # return gpd.GeoSeries(
 521  #   list(gs.apply(
 522  #     wkt.dumps, rounding_precision = precision).apply(wkt.loads)))
 523  if isinstance(gs, (geom.Polygon, geom.Point, geom.MultiPoint,
 524                     geom.MultiPolygon, geom.LineString)) :
 525    return shapely.set_precision(gs, grid_size = RESOLUTION)
 526  if isinstance(gs, gpd.GeoSeries):
 527    return gpd.GeoSeries(
 528      [shapely.set_precision(g, grid_size = RESOLUTION) for g in list(gs)],
 529      crs = gs.crs)
 530  if isinstance(gs, gpd.GeoDataFrame):
 531    gs.geometry = gridify(gs.geometry)
 532    return gs
 535def get_dual_tile_unit(unit: TileUnit) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame:
 536  """Converts supplied TileUnit to a candidate GeoDataFrame of its dual
 537  TileUnit.
 539  NOTE: this is complicated and not remotely guaranteed to work!
 540  a particular issue is that where to place the vertices of the faces
 541  of the dual with respect to the tiles in the original is ill-defined.
 542  This is because the dual process is topologically not metrically defined,
 543  so that exact vertex locations are ambiguous. Tiling duality is defined in
 544  Section 4.2 of Grunbaum B, Shephard G C, 1987 _Tilings and Patterns_ (W. H.
 545  Freeman and Company, New York)
 547  NOTE: In general, this method will work only if all supplied tiles are
 548  regular polygons. A known exception is if the only non-regular polygons are
 549  triangles.
 551  NOTE: 'clean' polygons are required. If supplied polygons have messy
 552  vertices with multiple points where there is only one proper point, bad
 553  things are likely to happen! Consider using `clean_polygon()` on the
 554  tile geometries.
 556  Because of the above limitations, we only return a GeoDataFrame
 557  for inspection. However some `weavingspace.tile_unit.TileUnit` setup
 558  methods in `weavingspace.tiling_geometries` use this method, where we are
 559  confident the returned dual is valid.
 561  Args:
 562    unit (TileUnit): the tiling for which the dual is required.
 564  Returns:
 565    gpd.GeoDataFrame: GeoDataFrame that could be the tiles attribute for
 566      a TileUnit of the dual tiling.
 567  """
 568  # get a local patch of this Tiling
 569  local_patch = unit.get_local_patch(r = 1, include_0 = True)
 570  # Find the interior points of these tiles - these will be guaranteed
 571  # to have a sequence of surrounding tiles incident on them
 572  interior_pts = _get_interior_vertices(local_patch)
 573  # Compile a list of the polygons incident on the interior points
 574  cycles = []
 575  for pt in interior_pts:
 576    cycles.append(
 577      set([poly_id for poly_id, p in enumerate(local_patch.geometry)
 578           if pt.distance(p) < RESOLUTION * 2]))
 579  # convert the polygon ID sequences to (centroid.x, centroid.y, ID) tuples
 580  dual_faces = []
 581  for cycle in cycles:
 582    ids, pts = [], []
 583    for poly_id in cycle:
 584      ids.append(local_patch.tile_id[poly_id])
 585      poly = local_patch.geometry[poly_id]
 586      pts.append(incentre(poly))
 587    # sort them into CW order so they are well formed
 588    sorted_coords = sort_cw([(pt.x, pt.y, id)
 589                              for pt, id in zip(pts, ids)])
 590    dual_faces.append(
 591      (geom.Polygon([(pt_id[0], pt_id[1]) for pt_id in sorted_coords]),
 592       "".join([pt_id[2] for pt_id in sorted_coords])))
 593  # ensure the resulting face centroids are inside the original tile
 594  # displaced a little to avoid uncertainties at corners/edges
 595  # TODO: Check  the logic of this - it seems like dumb luck that it works...
 596  dual_faces = [(f, id) for f, id in dual_faces
 597                if affine.translate(
 598                  unit.prototile.geometry[0], RESOLUTION * 10, 
 599                  RESOLUTION * 10).contains(f.centroid)]
 600  gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
 601    data = {"tile_id": [f[1] for f in dual_faces]}, crs = unit.crs,
 602    geometry = gridify(gpd.GeoSeries([f[0] for f in dual_faces])))
 603  # ensure no duplicates
 604  gdf = gdf.dissolve(by = "tile_id", as_index = False).explode(
 605    index_parts = False, ignore_index = True)
 607  gdf.tile_id = relabel(gdf.tile_id)
 608  return gdf
 611def relabel(data:Iterable) -> list:
 612  """Returns supplied data reassigned with unique values from
 613  string.ascii_letters.
 615  Args:
 616    data (Iterable): the data to relabel
 618  Returns:
 619    list: the reassigned data
 620  """
 621  new_data = {}
 622  d_count = 0
 623  for d in data:
 624    if not d in new_data:
 625      new_data[d] = string.ascii_letters[d_count]
 626      d_count = d_count + 1
 627  return [new_data[d] for d in data]
 630def sort_cw(pts_ids:list[tuple[float, float, str]]):
 631  """Sorts supplied tuple of x, y, ID into clockwise order relative to their
 632  mean centre.
 634  Args:
 635    pts_ids (list[tuple[float, float, str]]): A tuple of a pair of
 636      floats and a string.
 638  Returns:
 639    list: a list in the same format as supplied sorted into
 640      clockwise order of the point locations.
 641  """
 642  x = [p[0] for p in pts_ids]
 643  y = [p[1] for p in pts_ids]
 644  cx, cy = np.mean(x), np.mean(y)
 645  dx = [_ - cx for _ in x]
 646  dy = [_ - cy for _ in y]
 647  angles = [np.arctan2(dy, dx) for dx, dy in zip(dx, dy)]
 648  d = dict(zip(angles, pts_ids))
 649  return [pt_id for angle, pt_id in reversed(sorted(d.items()))]
 652def order_of_pts_cw_around_centre(pts:list[geom.Point], centre:geom.Point):
 653  """Returns the order of the supplied points clockwise relative to supplied 
 654  centre point, i.e. a list of the indices in clockwise order.
 656  Args:
 657      pts (list[geom.Point]): list of points to order.
 658      centre (geom.Point): centre relative to which CW order is determined.
 660  Returns:
 661      _type_: list of reordered points.
 662  """
 663  dx = [p.x - centre.x for p in pts]
 664  dy = [p.y - centre.y for p in pts]
 665  angles = [np.arctan2(dy, dx) for dx, dy in zip(dx, dy)]
 666  d = dict(zip(angles, range(len(pts))))
 667  return [i for angle, i in reversed(sorted(d.items()))]
 670def write_map_to_layers(gdf:gpd.GeoDataFrame, fname:str = "output.gpkg",
 671                        tile_var:str = "tile_id") -> None:
 672  """Writes supplied GeoDataFrame to a GPKG file with layers based on
 673  the tile_var attribute.
 675  Args:
 676    gdf (gpd.GeoDataFrame): the GeoDataFrame.
 677    fname (str, optional): filename to write.
 678    tile_var (str, optional): the attribute to use to separate
 679      output file into layers. Defaults to "tile_id".
 680  """
 681  grouped = gdf.groupby(tile_var, as_index = False)
 682  for e in pd.Series.unique(gdf[tile_var]):
 683    grouped.get_group(e).to_file(fname, layer = e, driver = "GPKG")
 686def get_collapse_distance(geometry:geom.Polygon) -> float:
 687  """Returns the distance under which the supplied polygon will shrink
 688  to nothing if negatively buffered by that distance.
 690  Performs a binary search between an upper bound based on the radius of
 691  the circle of equal area to the polygon, and 0.
 693  Args:
 694    geometry (geom.Polygon): the polygon.
 696  Returns:
 697    float: its collapse distance.
 698  """
 699  if is_convex(geometry):
 700    return get_apothem_length(geometry)
 701  radius = np.sqrt(geometry.area / np.pi)
 702  lower = 0
 703  upper = radius
 704  delta = 1e12
 705  stop_delta = radius / 1000
 706  while delta > stop_delta:
 707    new_r = (lower + upper) / 2
 708    if geometry.buffer(-new_r).area > 0:
 709      lower = new_r
 710      delta = upper - new_r
 711    else:
 712      upper = new_r
 713      delta = new_r - lower
 714  return new_r
 717def get_largest_polygon(polygons:gpd.GeoSeries) -> gpd.GeoSeries:
 718  """Returns the largest polygon in a GeoSeries as a GeoSeries of one polygon.
 720  Args:
 721    polygons (gpd.GeoSeries): the set of polygons to pick from.
 723  Returns:
 724    gpd.GeoSeries: the largest polygon.
 725  """
 726  actual_polygons = [p for p in polygons.geometry
 727                     if isinstance(p, (geom.Polygon, geom.MultiPolygon))]
 728  areas = [p.area for p in actual_polygons]
 729  max_area = max(areas)
 730  return gpd.GeoSeries([actual_polygons[areas.index(max_area)]])
 733def touch_along_an_edge(p1:geom.Polygon, p2:geom.Polygon) -> bool:
 734  """Tests if two polygons touch along an edge.
 736  Checks that the intersection area of the two polygons buffered by
 737  a small amount is large enough to indicate that they neighbour at more
 738  than a corner.
 740  Args:
 741    p1 (geom.Polygon): First polygon
 742    p2 (geom.Polygon): Second polygon
 744  Returns:
 745    bool: True if they neighbour along an edge
 746  """
 747  return p1.buffer(RESOLUTION, join_style = 2, cap_style = 3) \
 748    .intersection(p2.buffer(RESOLUTION, join_style = 2, cap_style = 3)) \
 749      .area > 16 * RESOLUTION ** 2
 752def get_width_height_left_bottom(gs:gpd.GeoSeries) -> tuple[float]:
 753  """Returns width, height, left and bottom limits of a GeoSeries
 755  Args:
 756    gs (geopandas.GeoSeries): GeoSeries for which limits are required.
 758  Returns:
 759    tuple: four float values of width, height, left and bottom of gs.
 760  """
 761  extent = gs.total_bounds
 762  return (extent[2] - extent[0], extent[3] - extent[1],
 763      extent[0], extent[1])
 766def get_bounding_ellipse(shapes:gpd.GeoSeries, 
 767                         mag:float = 1.0) -> gpd.GeoSeries:
 768  """Returns an ellipse containing the supplied shapes.
 770  The method used is to calculate the size of square that would contain
 771  the shapes, if they had an aspect ratio 1, then stretch the circle in
 772  the x, y directions according to the actual aspect ratio of the shapes.
 774  Args:
 775    shapes (gpd.GeoSeries): the shapes to be contained.
 776    mag (float, optional): optionally increase the size of the returned
 777      ellipse by this scale factor. Defaults to 1.0.
 779  Returns:
 780    gpd.GeoSeries: the set of shapes.
 781  """
 783  w, h, l, b = get_width_height_left_bottom(shapes)
 785  c = geom.Point(l + w / 2, b + h / 2)
 786  r = min(w, h) * np.sqrt(2)
 787  circle = [c.buffer(r)]
 788  return gridify(gpd.GeoSeries(circle, crs = shapes.crs).scale(
 789    w / r * mag / np.sqrt(2), h / r * mag / np.sqrt(2), origin = c))
 792def get_tiling_edges(tiles:gpd.GeoSeries) -> gpd.GeoSeries:
 793  """Returns linestring GeoSeries from supplied polygon GeoSeries.
 795  This is used to allow display of edges of tiles in legend when they are
 796  masked by an ellipse (if we instead clip polygons then the ellipse edge
 797  will also show in the result.)
 799  Args:
 800    shapes (gpd.GeoSeries): Polygons to convert.
 802  Returns:
 803    gpd.GeoSeries: LineStrings from the supplied Polygons.
 804  """
 805  tiles = tiles.explode(ignore_index = True)
 806  edges = [geom.LineString(p.exterior.coords) for p in tiles]
 807  return gpd.GeoSeries(edges, crs = tiles.crs)
 810def get_polygon_sector(polygon:geom.Polygon, start:float = 0.0,
 811                       end:float = 1.0) -> geom.Polygon:
 812  """Returns a sector of the provided Polygon.
 814  The returned sector is a section of the polygon boundary between the
 815  normalized start and end positions, and including the polygon centroid.
 816  Should (probably) only be applied to convex polygons.
 818  Args:
 819    shape (geom.Polygon): the Polygon.
 820    start (float): normalized start position along the boundary. Defaults to
 821      0.
 822    end (float): normalized start position along the boundary. Defaults to
 823      1.
 825  Returns:
 826    geom.Polygon: the requested polygon sector.
 827  """
 828  if start == end:
 829    # must return a null polygon since the calling context
 830    # expects to get something back... which most likely
 831    # is needed to align with other data
 832    return geom.Polygon()
 833  if start * end < 0:
 834    # either side of 0/1 so assume required sector includes 0
 835    e1, e2 = min(start, end), max(start, end)
 836    arc1 = shapely.ops.substring(geom.LineString(polygon.exterior.coords),
 837                                 np.mod(e1, 1), 1, normalized = True)
 838    arc2 = shapely.ops.substring(geom.LineString(polygon.exterior.coords),
 839                                 0, e2, normalized = True)
 840    sector = geom.Polygon([polygon.centroid] +
 841               list(arc1.coords) +
 842               list(arc2.coords)[1:])
 843  else:
 844    arc = shapely.ops.substring(geom.LineString(polygon.exterior.coords),
 845                                start, end, normalized = True)
 846    sector = geom.Polygon([polygon.centroid] + list(arc.coords))
 847  return gridify(sector)
 850def repair_polygon(
 851    polygon:Union[geom.Polygon, geom.MultiPolygon, gpd.GeoSeries],
 852    shrink_then_grow:bool = True) -> Union[geom.Polygon, gpd.GeoSeries]:
 853  """Convenience function to 'repair' a shapely polyon or GeoSeries by applying
 854  a negative buffer then the same positive buffer.
 856  Optionally the buffer may be applied in the opposite order (i.e. grow then
 857  shrink). This operation may also convert a MultiPolygon that has some 'stray'
 858  parts to a Polygon.
 860  This is method is often unofficially recommended (on stackexchange etc.)
 861  even in the shapely docs, to resolve topology issues and extraneous
 862  additional vertices appearing when spatial operations are repeatedly
 863  applied.
 865  Args:
 866    p (Union[geom.Polygon, gpd.GeoSeries]): Polygon or GeoSeries to clean.
 867    res (float, optional): buffer size to use. Defaults to 1e-3.
 868    shrink_then_grow (bool, optional): if True the negative buffer is
 869      applied first, otherwise the buffer operations are applied in
 870      reverse. Defaults to True.
 872  Returns:
 873    Union[geom.Polygon, gpd.GeoSeries]: the cleaned Polygon or GeoSeries.
 874  """
 875  if shrink_then_grow:
 876    return polygon.buffer(
 877      -RESOLUTION * 10, join_style = 2, cap_style = 3).buffer(
 878      RESOLUTION * 10, join_style = 2, cap_style = 3)
 879  else:
 880    return polygon.buffer(
 881      RESOLUTION * 10, join_style = 2, cap_style = 3).buffer(
 882      -RESOLUTION * 10, join_style = 2, cap_style = 3)
 885def safe_union(gs:gpd.GeoSeries,
 886               as_polygon:bool = False) -> Union[gpd.GeoSeries, geom.Polygon]:
 887  """Unions the supplied GeoSeries of Polygons while buffering them to avoid
 888  gaps and odd internal floating edges. Optionally returns a Polygon or a
 889  GeoSeries.
 891  Frequently when unioning polygons that are ostensibly adjacent 'rogue'
 892  internal boundaries remain in the result. We can avoid this by buffering the
 893  polygons before unioning them, then reversing the buffer on the unioned
 894  shape.
 896  Args:
 897    gs (gpd.GeoSeries): the Polygons to union.
 898    res (float, optional): size of the buffer to use. Defaults to 1e-3.
 899    as_polygon (bool, optional): if True returns a Polygon, otherwise
 900      returns a one Polygon GeoSeries. Defaults to False.
 902  Returns:
 903    Union[gpd.GeoSeries, geom.Polygon]: the resulting union of supplied
 904      polygons.
 905  """
 906  union = gs.buffer(RESOLUTION * 10, join_style = 2, cap_style = 3) \
 907    .unary_union.buffer(-RESOLUTION * 10, join_style = 2, cap_style = 3)
 908  if as_polygon:
 909    return gridify(union)
 910  else:
 911    return gridify(gpd.GeoSeries([union], crs = gs.crs))
 914def zigzag_between_points(
 915    p0:geom.Point, p1: geom.Point, n:int, h:float = 1.0,  smoothness: int = 0):
 917  template_steps = n * 2 + 1
 918  r = p0.distance(p1)
 920  x = np.linspace(0, n * np.pi, template_steps, endpoint = True)
 921  y = [np.sin(x) for x in x]
 922  s = interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(x, y, k = 2)
 924  spline_steps = (n + smoothness) * 2 + 1
 925  xs = np.linspace(0, n * np.pi, spline_steps, endpoint = True)
 926  ys = s(xs)
 928  sfx = 1 / max(x) * r
 929  sfy = h * r / 2
 930  theta = np.arctan2(p1.y - p0.y, p1.x - p0.x)
 932  ls = geom.LineString([geom.Point(x, y) for x, y in zip(xs, ys)])
 933  ls = affine.translate(ls, 0, -(ls.bounds[1] + ls.bounds[3]) / 2)
 934  ls = affine.scale(ls, xfact = sfx, yfact = sfy, origin = (0, 0))
 935  ls = affine.rotate(ls, theta, (0, 0), use_radians = True)
 936  x0, y0 = list(ls.coords)[0]
 937  return affine.translate(ls, p0.x - x0, p0.y - y0)
 940def get_translation_transform(dx:float, dy:float) -> list[float]:
 941  """Returns the shapely affine transform tuple for a translation.
 943  Args:
 944      dx (float): translation distance in x direction.
 945      dy (float): translation distance in y direction.
 947  Returns:
 948    list[float]: a six item list of floats, per the shapely.affinity.
 949    affine_transform method, see 
 950      https://shapely.readthedocs.io/en/stable/manual.html#affine-transformations
 951  """
 952  return [1, 0, 0, 1, dx, dy]
 955def get_rotation_transform(
 956    angle:float, centre:tuple[float] = None) -> list[float]:
 957  """Returns the shapely affine transform tuple for a rotation, optionally
 958  about a supplied centre point.
 960  Args:
 961      angle (float): the angle of rotation (in degrees).
 962      centre (tuple[float], optional): An option centre location. Defaults to 
 963      None, which will in turn be converted to (0, 0).
 965  Returns:
 966    list[float]: a six item list of floats, per the shapely.affinity.
 967      affine_transform method, see 
 968        https://shapely.readthedocs.io/en/stable/manual.html#affine-transformations
 969  """
 970  if centre is None or np.allclose((0, 0), centre, atol = RESOLUTION):
 971    a = np.radians(angle)
 972    return [np.cos(a), -np.sin(a), np.sin(a), np.cos(a), 0, 0]
 974  dx, dy = centre
 975  t1 = get_translation_transform(-dx, -dy)
 976  r = get_rotation_transform(angle)
 977  t2 = get_translation_transform(dx, dy)
 978  return combine_transforms([t1, r, t2])
 981def get_reflection_transform(
 982    angle:float, centre:tuple[float] = None) -> list[float]:
 983  """Returns a shapely affine transform tuple that will reflect a shape
 984  in a line at the specified angle, optionally through a specified centre
 985  point.
 987  Args:
 988    angle (float): angle to the x-axis of the line of reflection.
 989    centre (tuple[float], optional): point through which the line of 
 990      reflection passes. Defaults to None, which
 991      will in turn be converted to (0, 0).
 993  Returns:
 994    list[float]: a six item list of floats, per the shapely.affinity.
 995      affine_transform method, see 
 996        https://shapely.readthedocs.io/en/stable/manual.html#affine-transformations
 997  """
 998  if centre is None or np.allclose((0, 0), centre, atol = RESOLUTION):
 999    A = 2 * np.radians(angle)
1000    return (np.cos(A), np.sin(A), np.sin(A), -np.cos(A), 0, 0)
1001  dx, dy = centre
1002  t1 = get_translation_transform(-dx, -dy)
1003  r = get_reflection_transform(angle)
1004  t2 = get_translation_transform(dx, dy)
1005  return combine_transforms([t1, r, t2])
1008def combine_transforms(transforms:list[list[float]]) -> list[float]:
1009  """Returns a shapely affine transform list that combines the listed
1010  sequence of transforms applied in order.
1012  Args:
1013    transforms (list[list[float]]): sequence of transforms to combine.
1015  Returns:
1016    list[float]: a transform tuple combining the supplied transforms applied
1017      in order, see 
1018        https://shapely.readthedocs.io/en/stable/manual.html#affine-transformations
1019  """
1020  result = np.identity(3)
1021  for t in transforms:
1022    result = as_numpy_matrix(t) @ result
1023  return as_shapely_transform(result)
1026def reverse_transform(transform:list[float]) -> list[float]:
1027  """Returns the inverse shapely affine transform of the supplied transform.
1029  Args:
1030    transform (list[float]): the transform for which the inverse is desired.
1032  Returns:
1033    list[float]: shapely affine transform tuple that will invert the supplied
1034      transform.
1035  """
1036  return as_shapely_transform(
1037    np.linalg.inv(as_numpy_matrix(transform)))
1040def as_shapely_transform(arr:np.array) -> list[float]:
1041  """Returns the shapely affine transform list equivalent to the supplied
1042  numpy matrix of a conventional augmented affine transform matrix.
1044  Args:
1045    arr (np.array): augmented affine transform matrix of the desired 
1046      transform.
1048  Returns:
1049    list[float]: desired shapely affine transform list of floats.
1050  """
1051  return [arr[0][0], arr[0][1], arr[1][0], arr[1][1], arr[0][2], arr[1][2]]
1054def as_numpy_matrix(transform:list[float]) -> np.array:
1055  """Converts the supplied shapely affine transform list to an augmented
1056  affine transform matrix in numpy array form. This makes combining transforms
1057  much easier.
1059  Args:
1060    transform (list[float]): the transform in shapely format.
1062  Returns:
1063    np.array: the transform in numpy matrix format.
1064  """
1065  return np.array([[transform[0], transform[1], transform[4]],
1066                   [transform[2], transform[3], transform[5]],
1067                   [           0,            0,            1]])
def get_strand_ids(strands_spec: str) -> tuple[list[str]]:
64def get_strand_ids(strands_spec: str) -> tuple[list[str]]:
65  """Conversts a strands specification string to a list of lists of strand
66  labels.
68  Args:
69    strands_spec (str): string format "a|bc|(de)f" | separates strands in
70      each direction and () designates combining labels into a single
71      strand that will be sliced lengthwise. Example output:
73        "a|bc|(de)f" -> (["a"], ["b", "c"], ["de", "f"])
75    Superflous parentheses are removed, but no other error-checks are
76      applied.
78  Returns:
79    tuple[str]: tuple of lists of labels for each set of strands.
80  """
81  strand_ids = [_parse_strand_label(s) for s in strands_spec.split("|")]
82  strand_ids = strand_ids if len(strand_ids) == 3 else strand_ids + [[""]]
83  return tuple(strand_ids)

Conversts a strands specification string to a list of lists of strand labels.

  • strands_spec (str): string format "a|bc|(de)f" | separates strands in each direction and () designates combining labels into a single strand that will be sliced lengthwise. Example output:

    "a|bc|(de)f" -> (["a"], ["b", "c"], ["de", "f"])

  • Superflous parentheses are removed, but no other error-checks are applied.

tuple[str]: tuple of lists of labels for each set of strands.

def centre_offset( shape: shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon, target: tuple[float] = (0, 0)) -> tuple[float]:
86def centre_offset(shape: geom.Polygon,
87                  target:tuple[float] = (0, 0)) -> tuple[float]:
88  """Returns vector required to move centroid of polygon to target.
90  Args:
91    shape (Polygon): polygon to move.
92    target (tuple[float], optional): target to move to.
93      Defaults to (0, 0).
95  Returns:
96    tuple[float]: tuple of x, y movement required.
97  """
98  shape_c = shape.centroid
99  return (target[0] - shape_c.x, target[1] - shape_c.y)

Returns vector required to move centroid of polygon to target.

  • shape (Polygon): polygon to move.
  • target (tuple[float], optional): target to move to. Defaults to (0, 0).

tuple[float]: tuple of x, y movement required.

def get_regular_polygon(spacing, n: int) -> shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon:
102def get_regular_polygon(spacing, n:int) -> geom.Polygon:
103  """Returns regular polygon with n sides centered on (0, 0) with a horizontal base, and height given by spacing.
105  Args:
106    spacing (_type_): required height.
107    n (int): number of sides.
109  Returns:
110    geom.Polygon: required geom.Polygon.
111  """
112  R = spacing / np.cos(np.radians(180 / n)) / 2
113  a0 = -90 + 180 / n
114  a_diff = 360 / n
115  angles = [a0 + a * a_diff for a in range(n)]
116  corners = [(R * np.cos(np.radians(a)),
117              R * np.sin(np.radians(a))) for a in angles]
118  return gridify(geom.Polygon(corners))

Returns regular polygon with n sides centered on (0, 0) with a horizontal base, and height given by spacing.

  • spacing (_type_): required height.
  • n (int): number of sides.

geom.Polygon: required geom.Polygon.

def offset_polygon_corners( polygon: shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon, offset: int) -> shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon:
121def offset_polygon_corners(polygon:geom.Polygon, 
122                          offset:int) -> geom.Polygon:
123  """Returns this polygon but with its first corner offset from its
124  original position in the coordinate sequence. The returned polygon will
125  be identical but stored differently internally.
127  Args:
128    polygon (geom.Polygon): the polygon to reorder.
129    offset (int): the number of corner positions by which to shift the
130      sequence.
132  Returns:
133      geom.Polygon: the reordered polygon.
134  """
135  corners = get_corners(polygon, repeat_first = False)
136  return geom.Polygon([c for c in corners[offset:] + corners[:offset]]) 

Returns this polygon but with its first corner offset from its original position in the coordinate sequence. The returned polygon will be identical but stored differently internally.

  • polygon (geom.Polygon): the polygon to reorder.
  • offset (int): the number of corner positions by which to shift the sequence.

geom.Polygon: the reordered polygon.

def rotate_preserving_order( polygon: shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon, angle: float, centre: shapely.geometry.point.Point) -> shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon:
139def rotate_preserving_order(polygon:geom.Polygon, angle:float,
140                            centre:geom.Point) -> geom.Polygon:
141  """Returns the supplied polygon rotated with the order of its corner points
142  preserved (not guaranteed by shapely.affinity.rotate).
144  Args:
145      polygon (geom.Polygon): polygon to rotate.
146      angle (float): desired angle of rotation (in degrees).
147      centre (geom.Point): the rotation centre (passed on to shapely.affinity.
148        rotate).
150  Returns:
151      geom.Polygon: rotated polygon.
152  """
153  corners = get_corners(polygon, repeat_first = False)
154  return geom.Polygon([affine.rotate(c, angle, centre) for c in corners])

Returns the supplied polygon rotated with the order of its corner points preserved (not guaranteed by shapely.affinity.rotate).

  • polygon (geom.Polygon): polygon to rotate.
  • angle (float): desired angle of rotation (in degrees).
  • centre (geom.Point): the rotation centre (passed on to shapely.affinity. rotate).

geom.Polygon: rotated polygon.

def geometry_matches( geom1: shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon, geom2: shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon):
157def geometry_matches(geom1:geom.Polygon, geom2:geom.Polygon):
158  a = geom1.area
159  return np.isclose(a, geom1.intersection(geom2).area,
160                    rtol = RESOLUTION * 100, atol=RESOLUTION * 100)
161  return shapely.equals_exact(
162    geom1.normalize(), geom2.normalize(), RESOLUTION * 10)
def is_convex(shape: shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon) -> bool:
165def is_convex(shape:geom.Polygon) -> bool:
166  """Tests for shape convexity. There are better ways to do this, like
167  e.g. using something like the get_interior_angles() function, but simply
168  checking if the area is close to that of its convex hull works too!
170  Args:
171    shape (geom.Polygon): polygon to check
173  Returns:
174    bool: True if the polygon is convex, False otherwise.
175  """
176  return np.isclose(shape.area, shape.convex_hull.area, rtol = RESOLUTION)

Tests for shape convexity. There are better ways to do this, like e.g. using something like the get_interior_angles() function, but simply checking if the area is close to that of its convex hull works too!

  • shape (geom.Polygon): polygon to check

bool: True if the polygon is convex, False otherwise.

def get_corners( shape: shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon, repeat_first: bool = True) -> list[shapely.geometry.point.Point]:
179def get_corners(shape:geom.Polygon,
180                repeat_first:bool = True) -> list[geom.Point]:
181  """Returns a list of geom.Points around the boundary of a polygon, optionally
182  repeating the first. Does no simplification (e.g. if a line segment has a 
183  'corner' along its length, it is NOT removed; see get_clean_polygon for 
184  that). Points have precision set to the package default tiling_utils.
187  Args:
188    shape (geom.Polygon): polygon whose corners are required.
189    repeat_first (bool, optional): if True the first corner is repeated in the 
190      returned list, if False it is omitted. Defaults to True.
192  Returns:
193    list[geom.Point]: list of geom.Point vertices of the polygon.
194  """
195  corners = [gridify(geom.Point(pt)) for pt in shape.exterior.coords]
196  if repeat_first:
197    return corners
198  else:
199    return corners[:-1]

Returns a list of geom.Points around the boundary of a polygon, optionally repeating the first. Does no simplification (e.g. if a line segment has a 'corner' along its length, it is NOT removed; see get_clean_polygon for that). Points have precision set to the package default tiling_utils. RESOLUTION.

  • shape (geom.Polygon): polygon whose corners are required.
  • repeat_first (bool, optional): if True the first corner is repeated in the returned list, if False it is omitted. Defaults to True.

list[geom.Point]: list of geom.Point vertices of the polygon.

def get_sides( shape: shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon) -> list[shapely.geometry.linestring.LineString]:
202def get_sides(shape:geom.Polygon) -> list[geom.LineString]:
203  """Returns polygon sides as a list of geom.LineStrings, with resolution set
204  to the package default tiling_utils.RESOLUTION. No simplification for 
205  successive colinear sides is carried out.
207  Args:
208    shape (geom.Polygon): polygon whose edges are required.
210  Returns:
211    list[geom.LineString]: list of geom.LineString sides of the polygon.
212  """
213  corners = get_corners(shape)
214  return [gridify(geom.LineString([p1, p2]))
215          for p1, p2 in zip(corners[:-1], corners[1:])]

Returns polygon sides as a list of geom.LineStrings, with resolution set to the package default tiling_utils.RESOLUTION. No simplification for successive colinear sides is carried out.

  • shape (geom.Polygon): polygon whose edges are required.

list[geom.LineString]: list of geom.LineString sides of the polygon.

def get_side_lengths(shape: shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon) -> list[float]:
218def get_side_lengths(shape:geom.Polygon) -> list[float]:
219  """Returns list of lengths of polygon sides. No simplification for corners
220  along sides is carried out.
222  Args:
223    shape (geom.Polygon): polygon whose edge lengths are required.
225  Returns:
226    list[float]: list of side lengths.
227  """
228  corners = get_corners(shape)
229  return [p1.distance(p2) for p1, p2 in zip(corners[:-1], corners[1:])]

Returns list of lengths of polygon sides. No simplification for corners along sides is carried out.

  • shape (geom.Polygon): polygon whose edge lengths are required.

list[float]: list of side lengths.

def get_side_bearings(shape: shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon) -> tuple[tuple[float]]:
232def get_side_bearings(shape:geom.Polygon) -> tuple[tuple[float]]:
233  """Returns a list of angles (in degrees) between the sides of a polygon and
234  the positive x-axis, when proceeding from the first point in each side to its
235  end point. This should usually be CW around the polygon.
237  Args:
238    shape (geom.Polygon): polygon whose side bearings are required.
240  Returns:
241    tuple[tuple[float]]: tuple of bearings of each edge.
242  """
243  return tuple([np.degrees(np.arctan2(
244    e.coords[1][1] - e.coords[0][1], e.coords[1][0] - e.coords[0][0])) 
245    for e in get_sides(shape)])

Returns a list of angles (in degrees) between the sides of a polygon and the positive x-axis, when proceeding from the first point in each side to its end point. This should usually be CW around the polygon.

  • shape (geom.Polygon): polygon whose side bearings are required.

tuple[tuple[float]]: tuple of bearings of each edge.

def get_interior_angles(shape: shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon) -> list[float]:
248def get_interior_angles(shape:geom.Polygon) -> list[float]:
249  """Returns angles (in degrees) between successive edges of a polygon. No 
250  polygon simplification is carried out so some angles may be 180 (i.e. a 
251  'corner' along a side, such that successive sides are colinear). 
253  Args:
254    shape (geom.Polygon): polygon whose angles are required.
256  Returns:
257    list[float]: list of angles.
258  """
259  corners = get_corners(shape, repeat_first = False)
260  wrap_corners = corners[-1:] + corners + corners[:1]
261  triples = zip(wrap_corners[:-2], wrap_corners[1:-1], wrap_corners[2:])
262  return [get_inner_angle(p1, p2, p3) for p1, p2, p3 in triples]

Returns angles (in degrees) between successive edges of a polygon. No polygon simplification is carried out so some angles may be 180 (i.e. a 'corner' along a side, such that successive sides are colinear).

  • shape (geom.Polygon): polygon whose angles are required.

list[float]: list of angles.

def get_clean_polygon( shape: Union[shapely.geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon, shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon]) -> shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon:
265def get_clean_polygon(
266    shape:Union[geom.MultiPolygon,geom.Polygon]) -> geom.Polygon:
267  """Returns polygon with any successive corners that are co-linear along a 
268  side or very close to one another removed. 
270  Particularly useful for tidying polygons weave tilings that have been 
271  assembled from multiple 'cells' in the weave grid.
273  Args:
274    shape (Union[geom.MultiPolygon,geom.Polygon]): polygon to clean.
276  Returns:
277    geom.Polygon: cleaned polygon.
278  """
279  if isinstance(shape, geom.MultiPolygon):
280    return geom.MultiPolygon([get_clean_polygon(p) for p in shape.geoms])
281  else:
282    corners = get_corners(shape, repeat_first = False)
283    # first remove any 'near neighbour' corners
284    distances = get_side_lengths(shape)
285    to_remove = [np.isclose(d, 0, rtol = RESOLUTION, atol = 10 * RESOLUTION) 
286                 for d in distances]
287    corners = [c for c, r in zip(corners, to_remove) if not r]
288    # next remove any that are colinear
289    p = geom.Polygon(corners)
290    corners = get_corners(p, repeat_first = False)
291    angles = get_interior_angles(p)
292    to_remove = [np.isclose(a, 0, rtol = RESOLUTION, atol = RESOLUTION) or
293                 np.isclose(a, 180, rtol = RESOLUTION, atol = RESOLUTION)
294                 for a in angles]
295    corners = [c for c, r in zip(corners, to_remove) if not r]
296    return gridify(geom.Polygon(corners))

Returns polygon with any successive corners that are co-linear along a side or very close to one another removed.

Particularly useful for tidying polygons weave tilings that have been assembled from multiple 'cells' in the weave grid.

  • shape (Union[geom.MultiPolygon,geom.Polygon]): polygon to clean.

geom.Polygon: cleaned polygon.

def get_inner_angle( p1: shapely.geometry.point.Point, p2: shapely.geometry.point.Point, p3: shapely.geometry.point.Point) -> float:
299def get_inner_angle(p1:geom.Point, p2:geom.Point, p3:geom.Point) -> float:
300  r"""Returns the angle (in degrees) between line p1-p2 and p2-p3, i.e., the 
301  angle A below
303            p2
304           / \ 
305          / A \ 
306        p1     p3
308  Args:
309    p1 (geom.Point): first point.
310    p2 (geom.Point): second 'corner' point.
311    p3 (geom.Point): third point.
313  Returns:
314      float: angle in degrees.
315  """
316  return np.degrees(np.arctan2(p3.y - p2.y, p3.x - p2.x) -
317                    np.arctan2(p1.y - p2.y, p1.x - p2.x)) % 360

Returns the angle (in degrees) between line p1-p2 and p2-p3, i.e., the angle A below

     / \ 
    / A \ 
  p1     p3
  • p1 (geom.Point): first point.
  • p2 (geom.Point): second 'corner' point.
  • p3 (geom.Point): third point.

float: angle in degrees.

def get_outer_angle( p1: shapely.geometry.point.Point, p2: shapely.geometry.point.Point, p3: shapely.geometry.point.Point) -> float:
320def get_outer_angle(p1:geom.Point, p2:geom.Point, p3:geom.Point) -> float:
321  r"""Returns outer angle (in degrees) between lines p1-p2 and p2-p3, i.e., the 
322  angle A below
324              /
325             /
326            p2 A
327           / \ 
328          /   \ 
329        p1     p3
331  Args:
332    p1 (geom.Point): first point.
333    p2 (geom.Point): second 'corner' point.
334    p3 (geom.Point): third point.
336  Returns:
337    float: angle in degrees.
338  """
339  return 180 - get_inner_angle(p1, p2, p3)

Returns outer angle (in degrees) between lines p1-p2 and p2-p3, i.e., the angle A below

      p2 A
     / \ 
    /   \ 
  p1     p3
  • p1 (geom.Point): first point.
  • p2 (geom.Point): second 'corner' point.
  • p3 (geom.Point): third point.

float: angle in degrees.

def is_regular_polygon(shape: shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon) -> bool:
342def is_regular_polygon(shape:geom.Polygon) -> bool:
343  """Tests if supplied polygon is regular (i.e. equal sides and angles).
345  Args:
346      shape (geom.Polygon): polygon to test.
348  Returns:
349      bool: True if polygon is regular, False if not.
350  """
351  side_lengths = get_side_lengths(shape)
352  angles = get_interior_angles(shape)
353  return all(np.isclose(side_lengths, side_lengths[0])) \
354     and all(np.isclose(angles, angles[0]))

Tests if supplied polygon is regular (i.e. equal sides and angles).

  • shape (geom.Polygon): polygon to test.

bool: True if polygon is regular, False if not.

def is_tangential(shape: shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon) -> bool:
357def is_tangential(shape:geom.Polygon) -> bool:
358  """Determines if the supplied polygon is tangential i.e., it can have
359  circle inscribed tangential to all its sides. 
361  Note that this will fail for polygons with successive colinear sides,
362  meaning that polygons should be fully simplified...
363  """
364  if is_regular_polygon(shape):
365    return True
366  side_lengths = get_side_lengths(shape)
367  n = len(side_lengths)
368  if n % 2 == 1:
369    if n == 3: #triangles are easy!
370      return True
371    # odd number of sides there is a nice solvable system  of equations
372    # see https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/4065370/tangential-polygons-conditions-on-edge-lengths
373    mat = np.identity(n) + np.roll(np.identity(n), 1, axis = 1)
374    fractions = np.linalg.inv(mat) @ side_lengths / side_lengths
375    if not(np.isclose(np.mean(fractions), 
376                      0.5, rtol= RESOLUTION, atol = RESOLUTION)):
377      return False
378    ones = [np.isclose(f, 1, rtol = RESOLUTION, atol = RESOLUTION) 
379            for f in fractions]
380    zeros = [np.isclose(f, 0, rtol = RESOLUTION, atol = RESOLUTION) 
381             for f in fractions]
382    negatives = [f < 0 for f in fractions]
383    return not (any(ones) or any(zeros) or any(negatives))
384  elif n == 4:
385    # for quadrilaterals odd and even side lengths are equal
386    return np.isclose(sum(side_lengths[0::2]), 
387                      sum(side_lengths[1::2]), rtol = RESOLUTION)
388  else:
389    # other even numbers of sides... hard to avoid brute force
390    bisectors = [get_angle_bisector(shape, i) for i in range(n)]
391    intersects = [b1.intersection(b2) for b1, b2 in
392                  zip(bisectors, bisectors[1:] + bisectors[:1])
393                  if b1.intersects(b2)]
394    distances = [i1.distance(i2) for i1, i2 in
395                 zip(intersects, intersects[1:] + intersects[:1])]
396    return all([d <= 2 * RESOLUTION for d in distances])

Determines if the supplied polygon is tangential i.e., it can have circle inscribed tangential to all its sides.

Note that this will fail for polygons with successive colinear sides, meaning that polygons should be fully simplified...

def incentre(shape: shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon) -> shapely.geometry.point.Point:
399def incentre(shape:geom.Polygon) -> geom.Point:
400  """A different polygon centre, which produces better results for some
401  dual tilings where tiles are not regular polygons... see
402  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incenter
404  This method relies on the polygon being tangential, i.e. there is an
405  inscribed circle to which all sides of the polygon are tangent. It will
406  work on all the polygons encountered in the Laves tilings, but is not
407  guaranteed to work on all polygons.
409  Given that the polygon is tangential, the radius of the inscribed circle is
410  the [apothem of the polygon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apothem) given
411  by 2 x Area / Perimeter. We apply a parallel offset of this size to two
412  sides of the polygon and find their intersection to determine the centre of
413  the circle, givng the incentre of the polygon.
415    Args:
416    shape (geom.Polygon): the polygon.
418  Returns:
419    geom.Point: the incentre of the polygon.
420  """
421  if is_regular_polygon(shape):
422    return shape.centroid
423  shape = ensure_cw(shape)
424  if is_convex(shape):
425    if is_tangential(shape):  # find the incentre
426      corners = get_corners(shape, repeat_first = False)
427      r = get_apothem_length(shape)
428      e1 = geom.LineString(corners[:2]).parallel_offset(r, side = "right")
429      e2 = geom.LineString(corners[1:3]).parallel_offset(r, side = "right")
430      return e1.intersection(e2)  # TODO: add exception if no intersection
431  return shape.centroid

A different polygon centre, which produces better results for some dual tilings where tiles are not regular polygons... see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incenter

This method relies on the polygon being tangential, i.e. there is an inscribed circle to which all sides of the polygon are tangent. It will work on all the polygons encountered in the Laves tilings, but is not guaranteed to work on all polygons.

Given that the polygon is tangential, the radius of the inscribed circle is the apothem of the polygon given by 2 x Area / Perimeter. We apply a parallel offset of this size to two sides of the polygon and find their intersection to determine the centre of the circle, givng the incentre of the polygon.

Args: shape (geom.Polygon): the polygon.


geom.Point: the incentre of the polygon.

def get_apothem_length(shape: shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon) -> float:
434def get_apothem_length(shape:geom.Polygon) -> float:
435  return 2 * shape.area / geom.LineString(shape.exterior.coords).length
def ensure_cw( shape: shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon) -> shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon:
438def ensure_cw(shape:geom.Polygon) -> geom.Polygon:
439  """Returns the polygon with its outer boundary vertices in clockwise order.
441  It is important to note that shapely.set_precision() imposes clockwise order
442  on polygons, and since it is used widely throughout theses modules, it makes
443  sense to impose this order.
445    Args:
446    shape (geom.Polygon): the polygon.
448  Returns:
449    geom.Polygon: the polygon in clockwise order.
450  """
451  if geom.LinearRing(shape.exterior.coords).is_ccw:
452    return shape.reverse()
453  else:
454    return shape

Returns the polygon with its outer boundary vertices in clockwise order.

It is important to note that shapely.set_precision() imposes clockwise order on polygons, and since it is used widely throughout theses modules, it makes sense to impose this order.

Args: shape (geom.Polygon): the polygon.


geom.Polygon: the polygon in clockwise order.

def get_angle_bisector( shape: shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon, v=0) -> shapely.geometry.linestring.LineString:
457def get_angle_bisector(shape:geom.Polygon, v = 0) -> geom.LineString:
458  """Returns a line which is the angle bisector of the specified corner of the
459  supplied polygon.
461  Args:
462      shape (geom.Polygon): the polygon
463      v (int, optional): index of the corner whose bisector is required. 
464      Defaults to 0.
466  Returns:
467      geom.LineString: line which bisects the specified corner.
468  """
469  pts = get_corners(shape, repeat_first = False)
470  n = len(pts)
471  p0 = pts[v % n]
472  p1 = pts[(v + 1) % n]
473  p2 = pts[(v - 1) % n]
474  d01 = p0.distance(p1)
475  d02 = p0.distance(p2)
476  if d01 < d02:
477    p2 = geom.LineString([p0, p2]).interpolate(d01)
478  else:
479    p1 = geom.LineString([p0, p1]).interpolate(d02)
480  m = geom.Point((p1.x + p2.x) / 2, (p1.y + p2.y) / 2)
481  # we have to scale this to much larger in case of an angle near 180
482  return affine.scale(geom.LineString([p0, m]), 10, 10, origin = p0)

Returns a line which is the angle bisector of the specified corner of the supplied polygon.

  • shape (geom.Polygon): the polygon
  • v (int, optional): index of the corner whose bisector is required.
  • Defaults to 0.

geom.LineString: line which bisects the specified corner.

def get_side_bisector( shape: shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon, i: int = 0) -> shapely.geometry.linestring.LineString:
485def get_side_bisector(shape:geom.Polygon, i:int = 0) -> geom.LineString:
486  return affine.scale(affine.rotate(get_sides(shape)[i], 90), 100, 100)
def gridify( gs: Union[geopandas.geoseries.GeoSeries, geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame, shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon]) -> Union[geopandas.geoseries.GeoSeries, geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame, shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon]:
509def gridify(
510      gs:Union[gpd.GeoSeries, gpd.GeoDataFrame, geom.Polygon]
511    ) -> Union[gpd.GeoSeries, gpd.GeoDataFrame, geom.Polygon]:
512  """Returns the supplied GeoSeries rounded to the specified precision.
514  Args:
515    gs (gpd.GeoSeries): geometries to gridify.
516    precision (int, optional): digits of precision. Defaults to 6.
518  Returns:
519    gpd.GeoSeries: the rounded geometries.
520  """
521  # return gpd.GeoSeries(
522  #   list(gs.apply(
523  #     wkt.dumps, rounding_precision = precision).apply(wkt.loads)))
524  if isinstance(gs, (geom.Polygon, geom.Point, geom.MultiPoint,
525                     geom.MultiPolygon, geom.LineString)) :
526    return shapely.set_precision(gs, grid_size = RESOLUTION)
527  if isinstance(gs, gpd.GeoSeries):
528    return gpd.GeoSeries(
529      [shapely.set_precision(g, grid_size = RESOLUTION) for g in list(gs)],
530      crs = gs.crs)
531  if isinstance(gs, gpd.GeoDataFrame):
532    gs.geometry = gridify(gs.geometry)
533    return gs

Returns the supplied GeoSeries rounded to the specified precision.

  • gs (gpd.GeoSeries): geometries to gridify.
  • precision (int, optional): digits of precision. Defaults to 6.

gpd.GeoSeries: the rounded geometries.

def get_dual_tile_unit( unit: weavingspace.tile_unit.TileUnit) -> geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame:
536def get_dual_tile_unit(unit: TileUnit) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame:
537  """Converts supplied TileUnit to a candidate GeoDataFrame of its dual
538  TileUnit.
540  NOTE: this is complicated and not remotely guaranteed to work!
541  a particular issue is that where to place the vertices of the faces
542  of the dual with respect to the tiles in the original is ill-defined.
543  This is because the dual process is topologically not metrically defined,
544  so that exact vertex locations are ambiguous. Tiling duality is defined in
545  Section 4.2 of Grunbaum B, Shephard G C, 1987 _Tilings and Patterns_ (W. H.
546  Freeman and Company, New York)
548  NOTE: In general, this method will work only if all supplied tiles are
549  regular polygons. A known exception is if the only non-regular polygons are
550  triangles.
552  NOTE: 'clean' polygons are required. If supplied polygons have messy
553  vertices with multiple points where there is only one proper point, bad
554  things are likely to happen! Consider using `clean_polygon()` on the
555  tile geometries.
557  Because of the above limitations, we only return a GeoDataFrame
558  for inspection. However some `weavingspace.tile_unit.TileUnit` setup
559  methods in `weavingspace.tiling_geometries` use this method, where we are
560  confident the returned dual is valid.
562  Args:
563    unit (TileUnit): the tiling for which the dual is required.
565  Returns:
566    gpd.GeoDataFrame: GeoDataFrame that could be the tiles attribute for
567      a TileUnit of the dual tiling.
568  """
569  # get a local patch of this Tiling
570  local_patch = unit.get_local_patch(r = 1, include_0 = True)
571  # Find the interior points of these tiles - these will be guaranteed
572  # to have a sequence of surrounding tiles incident on them
573  interior_pts = _get_interior_vertices(local_patch)
574  # Compile a list of the polygons incident on the interior points
575  cycles = []
576  for pt in interior_pts:
577    cycles.append(
578      set([poly_id for poly_id, p in enumerate(local_patch.geometry)
579           if pt.distance(p) < RESOLUTION * 2]))
580  # convert the polygon ID sequences to (centroid.x, centroid.y, ID) tuples
581  dual_faces = []
582  for cycle in cycles:
583    ids, pts = [], []
584    for poly_id in cycle:
585      ids.append(local_patch.tile_id[poly_id])
586      poly = local_patch.geometry[poly_id]
587      pts.append(incentre(poly))
588    # sort them into CW order so they are well formed
589    sorted_coords = sort_cw([(pt.x, pt.y, id)
590                              for pt, id in zip(pts, ids)])
591    dual_faces.append(
592      (geom.Polygon([(pt_id[0], pt_id[1]) for pt_id in sorted_coords]),
593       "".join([pt_id[2] for pt_id in sorted_coords])))
594  # ensure the resulting face centroids are inside the original tile
595  # displaced a little to avoid uncertainties at corners/edges
596  # TODO: Check  the logic of this - it seems like dumb luck that it works...
597  dual_faces = [(f, id) for f, id in dual_faces
598                if affine.translate(
599                  unit.prototile.geometry[0], RESOLUTION * 10, 
600                  RESOLUTION * 10).contains(f.centroid)]
601  gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
602    data = {"tile_id": [f[1] for f in dual_faces]}, crs = unit.crs,
603    geometry = gridify(gpd.GeoSeries([f[0] for f in dual_faces])))
604  # ensure no duplicates
605  gdf = gdf.dissolve(by = "tile_id", as_index = False).explode(
606    index_parts = False, ignore_index = True)
608  gdf.tile_id = relabel(gdf.tile_id)
609  return gdf

Converts supplied TileUnit to a candidate GeoDataFrame of its dual TileUnit.

NOTE: this is complicated and not remotely guaranteed to work! a particular issue is that where to place the vertices of the faces of the dual with respect to the tiles in the original is ill-defined. This is because the dual process is topologically not metrically defined, so that exact vertex locations are ambiguous. Tiling duality is defined in Section 4.2 of Grunbaum B, Shephard G C, 1987 _Tilings and Patterns_ (W. H. Freeman and Company, New York)

NOTE: In general, this method will work only if all supplied tiles are regular polygons. A known exception is if the only non-regular polygons are triangles.

NOTE: 'clean' polygons are required. If supplied polygons have messy vertices with multiple points where there is only one proper point, bad things are likely to happen! Consider using clean_polygon() on the tile geometries.

Because of the above limitations, we only return a GeoDataFrame for inspection. However some weavingspace.tile_unit.TileUnit setup methods in weavingspace.tiling_geometries use this method, where we are confident the returned dual is valid.

  • unit (TileUnit): the tiling for which the dual is required.

gpd.GeoDataFrame: GeoDataFrame that could be the tiles attribute for a TileUnit of the dual tiling.

def relabel(data: Iterable) -> list:
612def relabel(data:Iterable) -> list:
613  """Returns supplied data reassigned with unique values from
614  string.ascii_letters.
616  Args:
617    data (Iterable): the data to relabel
619  Returns:
620    list: the reassigned data
621  """
622  new_data = {}
623  d_count = 0
624  for d in data:
625    if not d in new_data:
626      new_data[d] = string.ascii_letters[d_count]
627      d_count = d_count + 1
628  return [new_data[d] for d in data]

Returns supplied data reassigned with unique values from string.ascii_letters.

  • data (Iterable): the data to relabel

list: the reassigned data

def sort_cw(pts_ids: list[tuple[float, float, str]]):
631def sort_cw(pts_ids:list[tuple[float, float, str]]):
632  """Sorts supplied tuple of x, y, ID into clockwise order relative to their
633  mean centre.
635  Args:
636    pts_ids (list[tuple[float, float, str]]): A tuple of a pair of
637      floats and a string.
639  Returns:
640    list: a list in the same format as supplied sorted into
641      clockwise order of the point locations.
642  """
643  x = [p[0] for p in pts_ids]
644  y = [p[1] for p in pts_ids]
645  cx, cy = np.mean(x), np.mean(y)
646  dx = [_ - cx for _ in x]
647  dy = [_ - cy for _ in y]
648  angles = [np.arctan2(dy, dx) for dx, dy in zip(dx, dy)]
649  d = dict(zip(angles, pts_ids))
650  return [pt_id for angle, pt_id in reversed(sorted(d.items()))]

Sorts supplied tuple of x, y, ID into clockwise order relative to their mean centre.

  • pts_ids (list[tuple[float, float, str]]): A tuple of a pair of floats and a string.

list: a list in the same format as supplied sorted into clockwise order of the point locations.

def order_of_pts_cw_around_centre( pts: list[shapely.geometry.point.Point], centre: shapely.geometry.point.Point):
653def order_of_pts_cw_around_centre(pts:list[geom.Point], centre:geom.Point):
654  """Returns the order of the supplied points clockwise relative to supplied 
655  centre point, i.e. a list of the indices in clockwise order.
657  Args:
658      pts (list[geom.Point]): list of points to order.
659      centre (geom.Point): centre relative to which CW order is determined.
661  Returns:
662      _type_: list of reordered points.
663  """
664  dx = [p.x - centre.x for p in pts]
665  dy = [p.y - centre.y for p in pts]
666  angles = [np.arctan2(dy, dx) for dx, dy in zip(dx, dy)]
667  d = dict(zip(angles, range(len(pts))))
668  return [i for angle, i in reversed(sorted(d.items()))]

Returns the order of the supplied points clockwise relative to supplied centre point, i.e. a list of the indices in clockwise order.

  • pts (list[geom.Point]): list of points to order.
  • centre (geom.Point): centre relative to which CW order is determined.

_type_: list of reordered points.

def write_map_to_layers( gdf: geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame, fname: str = 'output.gpkg', tile_var: str = 'tile_id') -> None:
671def write_map_to_layers(gdf:gpd.GeoDataFrame, fname:str = "output.gpkg",
672                        tile_var:str = "tile_id") -> None:
673  """Writes supplied GeoDataFrame to a GPKG file with layers based on
674  the tile_var attribute.
676  Args:
677    gdf (gpd.GeoDataFrame): the GeoDataFrame.
678    fname (str, optional): filename to write.
679    tile_var (str, optional): the attribute to use to separate
680      output file into layers. Defaults to "tile_id".
681  """
682  grouped = gdf.groupby(tile_var, as_index = False)
683  for e in pd.Series.unique(gdf[tile_var]):
684    grouped.get_group(e).to_file(fname, layer = e, driver = "GPKG")

Writes supplied GeoDataFrame to a GPKG file with layers based on the tile_var attribute.

  • gdf (gpd.GeoDataFrame): the GeoDataFrame.
  • fname (str, optional): filename to write.
  • tile_var (str, optional): the attribute to use to separate output file into layers. Defaults to "tile_id".
def get_collapse_distance(geometry: shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon) -> float:
687def get_collapse_distance(geometry:geom.Polygon) -> float:
688  """Returns the distance under which the supplied polygon will shrink
689  to nothing if negatively buffered by that distance.
691  Performs a binary search between an upper bound based on the radius of
692  the circle of equal area to the polygon, and 0.
694  Args:
695    geometry (geom.Polygon): the polygon.
697  Returns:
698    float: its collapse distance.
699  """
700  if is_convex(geometry):
701    return get_apothem_length(geometry)
702  radius = np.sqrt(geometry.area / np.pi)
703  lower = 0
704  upper = radius
705  delta = 1e12
706  stop_delta = radius / 1000
707  while delta > stop_delta:
708    new_r = (lower + upper) / 2
709    if geometry.buffer(-new_r).area > 0:
710      lower = new_r
711      delta = upper - new_r
712    else:
713      upper = new_r
714      delta = new_r - lower
715  return new_r

Returns the distance under which the supplied polygon will shrink to nothing if negatively buffered by that distance.

Performs a binary search between an upper bound based on the radius of the circle of equal area to the polygon, and 0.

  • geometry (geom.Polygon): the polygon.

float: its collapse distance.

def get_largest_polygon(polygons: geopandas.geoseries.GeoSeries) -> geopandas.geoseries.GeoSeries:
718def get_largest_polygon(polygons:gpd.GeoSeries) -> gpd.GeoSeries:
719  """Returns the largest polygon in a GeoSeries as a GeoSeries of one polygon.
721  Args:
722    polygons (gpd.GeoSeries): the set of polygons to pick from.
724  Returns:
725    gpd.GeoSeries: the largest polygon.
726  """
727  actual_polygons = [p for p in polygons.geometry
728                     if isinstance(p, (geom.Polygon, geom.MultiPolygon))]
729  areas = [p.area for p in actual_polygons]
730  max_area = max(areas)
731  return gpd.GeoSeries([actual_polygons[areas.index(max_area)]])

Returns the largest polygon in a GeoSeries as a GeoSeries of one polygon.

  • polygons (gpd.GeoSeries): the set of polygons to pick from.

gpd.GeoSeries: the largest polygon.

def touch_along_an_edge( p1: shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon, p2: shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon) -> bool:
734def touch_along_an_edge(p1:geom.Polygon, p2:geom.Polygon) -> bool:
735  """Tests if two polygons touch along an edge.
737  Checks that the intersection area of the two polygons buffered by
738  a small amount is large enough to indicate that they neighbour at more
739  than a corner.
741  Args:
742    p1 (geom.Polygon): First polygon
743    p2 (geom.Polygon): Second polygon
745  Returns:
746    bool: True if they neighbour along an edge
747  """
748  return p1.buffer(RESOLUTION, join_style = 2, cap_style = 3) \
749    .intersection(p2.buffer(RESOLUTION, join_style = 2, cap_style = 3)) \
750      .area > 16 * RESOLUTION ** 2

Tests if two polygons touch along an edge.

Checks that the intersection area of the two polygons buffered by a small amount is large enough to indicate that they neighbour at more than a corner.

  • p1 (geom.Polygon): First polygon
  • p2 (geom.Polygon): Second polygon

bool: True if they neighbour along an edge

def get_width_height_left_bottom(gs: geopandas.geoseries.GeoSeries) -> tuple[float]:
753def get_width_height_left_bottom(gs:gpd.GeoSeries) -> tuple[float]:
754  """Returns width, height, left and bottom limits of a GeoSeries
756  Args:
757    gs (geopandas.GeoSeries): GeoSeries for which limits are required.
759  Returns:
760    tuple: four float values of width, height, left and bottom of gs.
761  """
762  extent = gs.total_bounds
763  return (extent[2] - extent[0], extent[3] - extent[1],
764      extent[0], extent[1])

Returns width, height, left and bottom limits of a GeoSeries

  • gs (geopandas.GeoSeries): GeoSeries for which limits are required.

tuple: four float values of width, height, left and bottom of gs.

def get_bounding_ellipse( shapes: geopandas.geoseries.GeoSeries, mag: float = 1.0) -> geopandas.geoseries.GeoSeries:
767def get_bounding_ellipse(shapes:gpd.GeoSeries, 
768                         mag:float = 1.0) -> gpd.GeoSeries:
769  """Returns an ellipse containing the supplied shapes.
771  The method used is to calculate the size of square that would contain
772  the shapes, if they had an aspect ratio 1, then stretch the circle in
773  the x, y directions according to the actual aspect ratio of the shapes.
775  Args:
776    shapes (gpd.GeoSeries): the shapes to be contained.
777    mag (float, optional): optionally increase the size of the returned
778      ellipse by this scale factor. Defaults to 1.0.
780  Returns:
781    gpd.GeoSeries: the set of shapes.
782  """
784  w, h, l, b = get_width_height_left_bottom(shapes)
786  c = geom.Point(l + w / 2, b + h / 2)
787  r = min(w, h) * np.sqrt(2)
788  circle = [c.buffer(r)]
789  return gridify(gpd.GeoSeries(circle, crs = shapes.crs).scale(
790    w / r * mag / np.sqrt(2), h / r * mag / np.sqrt(2), origin = c))

Returns an ellipse containing the supplied shapes.

The method used is to calculate the size of square that would contain the shapes, if they had an aspect ratio 1, then stretch the circle in the x, y directions according to the actual aspect ratio of the shapes.

  • shapes (gpd.GeoSeries): the shapes to be contained.
  • mag (float, optional): optionally increase the size of the returned ellipse by this scale factor. Defaults to 1.0.

gpd.GeoSeries: the set of shapes.

def get_tiling_edges(tiles: geopandas.geoseries.GeoSeries) -> geopandas.geoseries.GeoSeries:
793def get_tiling_edges(tiles:gpd.GeoSeries) -> gpd.GeoSeries:
794  """Returns linestring GeoSeries from supplied polygon GeoSeries.
796  This is used to allow display of edges of tiles in legend when they are
797  masked by an ellipse (if we instead clip polygons then the ellipse edge
798  will also show in the result.)
800  Args:
801    shapes (gpd.GeoSeries): Polygons to convert.
803  Returns:
804    gpd.GeoSeries: LineStrings from the supplied Polygons.
805  """
806  tiles = tiles.explode(ignore_index = True)
807  edges = [geom.LineString(p.exterior.coords) for p in tiles]
808  return gpd.GeoSeries(edges, crs = tiles.crs)

Returns linestring GeoSeries from supplied polygon GeoSeries.

This is used to allow display of edges of tiles in legend when they are masked by an ellipse (if we instead clip polygons then the ellipse edge will also show in the result.)

  • shapes (gpd.GeoSeries): Polygons to convert.

gpd.GeoSeries: LineStrings from the supplied Polygons.

def get_polygon_sector( polygon: shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon, start: float = 0.0, end: float = 1.0) -> shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon:
811def get_polygon_sector(polygon:geom.Polygon, start:float = 0.0,
812                       end:float = 1.0) -> geom.Polygon:
813  """Returns a sector of the provided Polygon.
815  The returned sector is a section of the polygon boundary between the
816  normalized start and end positions, and including the polygon centroid.
817  Should (probably) only be applied to convex polygons.
819  Args:
820    shape (geom.Polygon): the Polygon.
821    start (float): normalized start position along the boundary. Defaults to
822      0.
823    end (float): normalized start position along the boundary. Defaults to
824      1.
826  Returns:
827    geom.Polygon: the requested polygon sector.
828  """
829  if start == end:
830    # must return a null polygon since the calling context
831    # expects to get something back... which most likely
832    # is needed to align with other data
833    return geom.Polygon()
834  if start * end < 0:
835    # either side of 0/1 so assume required sector includes 0
836    e1, e2 = min(start, end), max(start, end)
837    arc1 = shapely.ops.substring(geom.LineString(polygon.exterior.coords),
838                                 np.mod(e1, 1), 1, normalized = True)
839    arc2 = shapely.ops.substring(geom.LineString(polygon.exterior.coords),
840                                 0, e2, normalized = True)
841    sector = geom.Polygon([polygon.centroid] +
842               list(arc1.coords) +
843               list(arc2.coords)[1:])
844  else:
845    arc = shapely.ops.substring(geom.LineString(polygon.exterior.coords),
846                                start, end, normalized = True)
847    sector = geom.Polygon([polygon.centroid] + list(arc.coords))
848  return gridify(sector)

Returns a sector of the provided Polygon.

The returned sector is a section of the polygon boundary between the normalized start and end positions, and including the polygon centroid. Should (probably) only be applied to convex polygons.

  • shape (geom.Polygon): the Polygon.
  • start (float): normalized start position along the boundary. Defaults to 0.
  • end (float): normalized start position along the boundary. Defaults to 1.

geom.Polygon: the requested polygon sector.

def repair_polygon( polygon: Union[shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon, shapely.geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon, geopandas.geoseries.GeoSeries], shrink_then_grow: bool = True) -> Union[shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon, geopandas.geoseries.GeoSeries]:
851def repair_polygon(
852    polygon:Union[geom.Polygon, geom.MultiPolygon, gpd.GeoSeries],
853    shrink_then_grow:bool = True) -> Union[geom.Polygon, gpd.GeoSeries]:
854  """Convenience function to 'repair' a shapely polyon or GeoSeries by applying
855  a negative buffer then the same positive buffer.
857  Optionally the buffer may be applied in the opposite order (i.e. grow then
858  shrink). This operation may also convert a MultiPolygon that has some 'stray'
859  parts to a Polygon.
861  This is method is often unofficially recommended (on stackexchange etc.)
862  even in the shapely docs, to resolve topology issues and extraneous
863  additional vertices appearing when spatial operations are repeatedly
864  applied.
866  Args:
867    p (Union[geom.Polygon, gpd.GeoSeries]): Polygon or GeoSeries to clean.
868    res (float, optional): buffer size to use. Defaults to 1e-3.
869    shrink_then_grow (bool, optional): if True the negative buffer is
870      applied first, otherwise the buffer operations are applied in
871      reverse. Defaults to True.
873  Returns:
874    Union[geom.Polygon, gpd.GeoSeries]: the cleaned Polygon or GeoSeries.
875  """
876  if shrink_then_grow:
877    return polygon.buffer(
878      -RESOLUTION * 10, join_style = 2, cap_style = 3).buffer(
879      RESOLUTION * 10, join_style = 2, cap_style = 3)
880  else:
881    return polygon.buffer(
882      RESOLUTION * 10, join_style = 2, cap_style = 3).buffer(
883      -RESOLUTION * 10, join_style = 2, cap_style = 3)

Convenience function to 'repair' a shapely polyon or GeoSeries by applying a negative buffer then the same positive buffer.

Optionally the buffer may be applied in the opposite order (i.e. grow then shrink). This operation may also convert a MultiPolygon that has some 'stray' parts to a Polygon.

This is method is often unofficially recommended (on stackexchange etc.) even in the shapely docs, to resolve topology issues and extraneous additional vertices appearing when spatial operations are repeatedly applied.

  • p (Union[geom.Polygon, gpd.GeoSeries]): Polygon or GeoSeries to clean.
  • res (float, optional): buffer size to use. Defaults to 1e-3.
  • shrink_then_grow (bool, optional): if True the negative buffer is applied first, otherwise the buffer operations are applied in reverse. Defaults to True.

Union[geom.Polygon, gpd.GeoSeries]: the cleaned Polygon or GeoSeries.

def safe_union( gs: geopandas.geoseries.GeoSeries, as_polygon: bool = False) -> Union[geopandas.geoseries.GeoSeries, shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon]:
886def safe_union(gs:gpd.GeoSeries,
887               as_polygon:bool = False) -> Union[gpd.GeoSeries, geom.Polygon]:
888  """Unions the supplied GeoSeries of Polygons while buffering them to avoid
889  gaps and odd internal floating edges. Optionally returns a Polygon or a
890  GeoSeries.
892  Frequently when unioning polygons that are ostensibly adjacent 'rogue'
893  internal boundaries remain in the result. We can avoid this by buffering the
894  polygons before unioning them, then reversing the buffer on the unioned
895  shape.
897  Args:
898    gs (gpd.GeoSeries): the Polygons to union.
899    res (float, optional): size of the buffer to use. Defaults to 1e-3.
900    as_polygon (bool, optional): if True returns a Polygon, otherwise
901      returns a one Polygon GeoSeries. Defaults to False.
903  Returns:
904    Union[gpd.GeoSeries, geom.Polygon]: the resulting union of supplied
905      polygons.
906  """
907  union = gs.buffer(RESOLUTION * 10, join_style = 2, cap_style = 3) \
908    .unary_union.buffer(-RESOLUTION * 10, join_style = 2, cap_style = 3)
909  if as_polygon:
910    return gridify(union)
911  else:
912    return gridify(gpd.GeoSeries([union], crs = gs.crs))

Unions the supplied GeoSeries of Polygons while buffering them to avoid gaps and odd internal floating edges. Optionally returns a Polygon or a GeoSeries.

Frequently when unioning polygons that are ostensibly adjacent 'rogue' internal boundaries remain in the result. We can avoid this by buffering the polygons before unioning them, then reversing the buffer on the unioned shape.

  • gs (gpd.GeoSeries): the Polygons to union.
  • res (float, optional): size of the buffer to use. Defaults to 1e-3.
  • as_polygon (bool, optional): if True returns a Polygon, otherwise returns a one Polygon GeoSeries. Defaults to False.

Union[gpd.GeoSeries, geom.Polygon]: the resulting union of supplied polygons.

def zigzag_between_points( p0: shapely.geometry.point.Point, p1: shapely.geometry.point.Point, n: int, h: float = 1.0, smoothness: int = 0):
915def zigzag_between_points(
916    p0:geom.Point, p1: geom.Point, n:int, h:float = 1.0,  smoothness: int = 0):
918  template_steps = n * 2 + 1
919  r = p0.distance(p1)
921  x = np.linspace(0, n * np.pi, template_steps, endpoint = True)
922  y = [np.sin(x) for x in x]
923  s = interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(x, y, k = 2)
925  spline_steps = (n + smoothness) * 2 + 1
926  xs = np.linspace(0, n * np.pi, spline_steps, endpoint = True)
927  ys = s(xs)
929  sfx = 1 / max(x) * r
930  sfy = h * r / 2
931  theta = np.arctan2(p1.y - p0.y, p1.x - p0.x)
933  ls = geom.LineString([geom.Point(x, y) for x, y in zip(xs, ys)])
934  ls = affine.translate(ls, 0, -(ls.bounds[1] + ls.bounds[3]) / 2)
935  ls = affine.scale(ls, xfact = sfx, yfact = sfy, origin = (0, 0))
936  ls = affine.rotate(ls, theta, (0, 0), use_radians = True)
937  x0, y0 = list(ls.coords)[0]
938  return affine.translate(ls, p0.x - x0, p0.y - y0)
def get_translation_transform(dx: float, dy: float) -> list[float]:
941def get_translation_transform(dx:float, dy:float) -> list[float]:
942  """Returns the shapely affine transform tuple for a translation.
944  Args:
945      dx (float): translation distance in x direction.
946      dy (float): translation distance in y direction.
948  Returns:
949    list[float]: a six item list of floats, per the shapely.affinity.
950    affine_transform method, see 
951      https://shapely.readthedocs.io/en/stable/manual.html#affine-transformations
952  """
953  return [1, 0, 0, 1, dx, dy]

Returns the shapely affine transform tuple for a translation.

  • dx (float): translation distance in x direction.
  • dy (float): translation distance in y direction.

list[float]: a six item list of floats, per the shapely.affinity. affine_transform method, see https://shapely.readthedocs.io/en/stable/manual.html#affine-transformations

def get_rotation_transform(angle: float, centre: tuple[float] = None) -> list[float]:
956def get_rotation_transform(
957    angle:float, centre:tuple[float] = None) -> list[float]:
958  """Returns the shapely affine transform tuple for a rotation, optionally
959  about a supplied centre point.
961  Args:
962      angle (float): the angle of rotation (in degrees).
963      centre (tuple[float], optional): An option centre location. Defaults to 
964      None, which will in turn be converted to (0, 0).
966  Returns:
967    list[float]: a six item list of floats, per the shapely.affinity.
968      affine_transform method, see 
969        https://shapely.readthedocs.io/en/stable/manual.html#affine-transformations
970  """
971  if centre is None or np.allclose((0, 0), centre, atol = RESOLUTION):
972    a = np.radians(angle)
973    return [np.cos(a), -np.sin(a), np.sin(a), np.cos(a), 0, 0]
975  dx, dy = centre
976  t1 = get_translation_transform(-dx, -dy)
977  r = get_rotation_transform(angle)
978  t2 = get_translation_transform(dx, dy)
979  return combine_transforms([t1, r, t2])

Returns the shapely affine transform tuple for a rotation, optionally about a supplied centre point.

  • angle (float): the angle of rotation (in degrees).
  • centre (tuple[float], optional): An option centre location. Defaults to
  • None, which will in turn be converted to (0, 0).

list[float]: a six item list of floats, per the shapely.affinity. affine_transform method, see https://shapely.readthedocs.io/en/stable/manual.html#affine-transformations

def get_reflection_transform(angle: float, centre: tuple[float] = None) -> list[float]:
 982def get_reflection_transform(
 983    angle:float, centre:tuple[float] = None) -> list[float]:
 984  """Returns a shapely affine transform tuple that will reflect a shape
 985  in a line at the specified angle, optionally through a specified centre
 986  point.
 988  Args:
 989    angle (float): angle to the x-axis of the line of reflection.
 990    centre (tuple[float], optional): point through which the line of 
 991      reflection passes. Defaults to None, which
 992      will in turn be converted to (0, 0).
 994  Returns:
 995    list[float]: a six item list of floats, per the shapely.affinity.
 996      affine_transform method, see 
 997        https://shapely.readthedocs.io/en/stable/manual.html#affine-transformations
 998  """
 999  if centre is None or np.allclose((0, 0), centre, atol = RESOLUTION):
1000    A = 2 * np.radians(angle)
1001    return (np.cos(A), np.sin(A), np.sin(A), -np.cos(A), 0, 0)
1002  dx, dy = centre
1003  t1 = get_translation_transform(-dx, -dy)
1004  r = get_reflection_transform(angle)
1005  t2 = get_translation_transform(dx, dy)
1006  return combine_transforms([t1, r, t2])

Returns a shapely affine transform tuple that will reflect a shape in a line at the specified angle, optionally through a specified centre point.

  • angle (float): angle to the x-axis of the line of reflection.
  • centre (tuple[float], optional): point through which the line of reflection passes. Defaults to None, which will in turn be converted to (0, 0).

list[float]: a six item list of floats, per the shapely.affinity. affine_transform method, see https://shapely.readthedocs.io/en/stable/manual.html#affine-transformations

def combine_transforms(transforms: list[list[float]]) -> list[float]:
1009def combine_transforms(transforms:list[list[float]]) -> list[float]:
1010  """Returns a shapely affine transform list that combines the listed
1011  sequence of transforms applied in order.
1013  Args:
1014    transforms (list[list[float]]): sequence of transforms to combine.
1016  Returns:
1017    list[float]: a transform tuple combining the supplied transforms applied
1018      in order, see 
1019        https://shapely.readthedocs.io/en/stable/manual.html#affine-transformations
1020  """
1021  result = np.identity(3)
1022  for t in transforms:
1023    result = as_numpy_matrix(t) @ result
1024  return as_shapely_transform(result)

Returns a shapely affine transform list that combines the listed sequence of transforms applied in order.

  • transforms (list[list[float]]): sequence of transforms to combine.

list[float]: a transform tuple combining the supplied transforms applied in order, see https://shapely.readthedocs.io/en/stable/manual.html#affine-transformations

def reverse_transform(transform: list[float]) -> list[float]:
1027def reverse_transform(transform:list[float]) -> list[float]:
1028  """Returns the inverse shapely affine transform of the supplied transform.
1030  Args:
1031    transform (list[float]): the transform for which the inverse is desired.
1033  Returns:
1034    list[float]: shapely affine transform tuple that will invert the supplied
1035      transform.
1036  """
1037  return as_shapely_transform(
1038    np.linalg.inv(as_numpy_matrix(transform)))

Returns the inverse shapely affine transform of the supplied transform.

  • transform (list[float]): the transform for which the inverse is desired.

list[float]: shapely affine transform tuple that will invert the supplied transform.

def as_shapely_transform(arr: <built-in function array>) -> list[float]:
1041def as_shapely_transform(arr:np.array) -> list[float]:
1042  """Returns the shapely affine transform list equivalent to the supplied
1043  numpy matrix of a conventional augmented affine transform matrix.
1045  Args:
1046    arr (np.array): augmented affine transform matrix of the desired 
1047      transform.
1049  Returns:
1050    list[float]: desired shapely affine transform list of floats.
1051  """
1052  return [arr[0][0], arr[0][1], arr[1][0], arr[1][1], arr[0][2], arr[1][2]]

Returns the shapely affine transform list equivalent to the supplied numpy matrix of a conventional augmented affine transform matrix.

  • arr (np.array): augmented affine transform matrix of the desired transform.

list[float]: desired shapely affine transform list of floats.

def as_numpy_matrix(transform: list[float]) -> <built-in function array>:
1055def as_numpy_matrix(transform:list[float]) -> np.array:
1056  """Converts the supplied shapely affine transform list to an augmented
1057  affine transform matrix in numpy array form. This makes combining transforms
1058  much easier.
1060  Args:
1061    transform (list[float]): the transform in shapely format.
1063  Returns:
1064    np.array: the transform in numpy matrix format.
1065  """
1066  return np.array([[transform[0], transform[1], transform[4]],
1067                   [transform[2], transform[3], transform[5]],
1068                   [           0,            0,            1]])

Converts the supplied shapely affine transform list to an augmented affine transform matrix in numpy array form. This makes combining transforms much easier.

  • transform (list[float]): the transform in shapely format.

np.array: the transform in numpy matrix format.