Module weavingspace.weave_matrices
Functions to generate the matrices summarising tiles of tileable repeating geometries that when repeated across a map area give the appearance of a woven surface composed of criss-crossing strands.
Implementation is based on ideas discussed in variously
- Glassner, A. 2002. Digital weaving. 1. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 22 (6):108–118.
- ———. 2003a. Digital weaving. 3. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 23 (2):80-83.
- ———. 2003b. Digital weaving. 2. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 23 (1):77-90.
and (unpublished)
- Griswold, R. 2006. Mathematical and Computational Topics in Weaving (accessed 29/10/21).
where weaving is shown to be a matrix multiplication of tie-up, threading and treadling matrices. An accessible introduction can be found at
def get_pattern(tie_up: numpy.ndarray,
treadling: numpy.ndarray,
threading: numpy.ndarray,
warp_n: int,
weft_n: int,
rep: int = 1) ‑> numpy.ndarray-
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def get_pattern(tie_up:np.ndarray, treadling:np.ndarray, threading:np.ndarray, warp_n:int, weft_n:int, rep:int = 1) -> np.ndarray: """Returns a 0/1 encoded weave matrix. Given tie_up, treadling and threading matrices. The following conditions must be satisfied to avoid non-conformable matrix error: treadling.shape[1] == tie_up.shape[0] tie_up.shape[1] == threading.shape[0] The "twill", "random", "basket" and "plain" options should guarantee this, but the "this" option requires the user to make this happen If the warp_n and weft_n values are not factors of treadling.shape[0] and threading.shape[1] respectively, the output matrix will be repeated as needed to make this match Args: tie_up (np.ndarray): the tie up matrix. treadling (np.ndarray): the treadling matrix. threading (np.ndarray): the threading matrix. warp_n (int): the number of uniquely labelled warp threads. weft_n (int): the number of uniquely labelled weft threads. rep (int, optional): optional additional repetition of the output applied in both directions. Defaults to 1. Returns: np.ndarray: _description_ """ pattern = (treadling @ tie_up @ threading > 0) + 0 rep_warp = reps_needed(warp_n, pattern.shape[1]) rep_weft = reps_needed(weft_n, pattern.shape[0]) return np.tile(pattern, (rep_weft[1] * rep, rep_warp[1] * rep))
Returns a 0/1 encoded weave matrix.
Given tie_up, treadling and threading matrices. The following conditions must be satisfied to avoid non-conformable matrix error:
treadling.shape[1] == tie_up.shape[0] tie_up.shape[1] == threading.shape[0]
The "twill", "random", "basket" and "plain" options should guarantee this, but the "this" option requires the user to make this happen If the warp_n and weft_n values are not factors of treadling.shape[0] and threading.shape[1] respectively, the output matrix will be repeated as needed to make this match
- the tie up matrix.
- the treadling matrix.
- the threading matrix.
- the number of uniquely labelled warp threads.
- the number of uniquely labelled weft threads.
, optional- optional additional repetition of the output
applied in both directions. Defaults to 1.
- description
def get_weave_pattern_matrix(weave_type: str = 'plain',
n: int | tuple[int] = 2,
warp: list[str] | tuple[str] = ['a', 'b'],
weft: list[str] | tuple[str] = ['c', 'd'],
tie_up: numpy.ndarray = array([[0, 1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0, 0]]),
tr: numpy.ndarray = None,
th: numpy.ndarray = None) ‑> numpy.ndarray-
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def get_weave_pattern_matrix(weave_type:str = "plain", n:Union[int, tuple[int]] = 2, warp:Union[list[str], tuple[str]] = ["a", "b"], weft:Union[list[str], tuple[str]] = ["c", "d"], tie_up:np.ndarray = make_twill_matrix((2, 2)), tr:np.ndarray = None, th:np.ndarray = None) -> np.ndarray: """Returns encoded weave pattern matrix. See `_encode_biaxial_weave()` for the encoding. Allowed weave_types: "plain", "twill", "basket", and "this" (pass-thru). These are explained in the respective functions to which this function delegates construction of the base matrices before applying the encoding. Args: weave_type (str, optional): one of "plain", "twill", "basket" or "this". Defaults to "plain". n (Union[int,tuple[int]], optional): over under pattern. See make_over_under_row() for details. Defaults to 2. warp (Union[list[str],tuple[str]], optional): list of labels for warp strands. Defaults to ["a", "b"]. weft (Union[list[str],tuple[str]], optional): list of labels for weft strands. Defaults to ["c", "d"]. tie_up (np.ndarray, optional): a weave pattern matrix to pass thru in the "this" case. Defaults to make_twill_matrix((2, 2)). tr (np.ndarray, optional): treadling matrix for the "this" case. Defaults to None. th (np.ndarray, optional): threading matrix for the "this" case. Defaults to None. Returns: np.ndarray: encoded weave pattern matrix. """ warps = [-1 if c == "-" else i for i, c in enumerate(warp)] wefts = [-1 if c == "-" else i for i, c in enumerate(weft)] width = len(warp) height = len(weft) if weave_type == "plain": p = make_plain_pattern(warp_n = width, weft_n = height) elif weave_type == "twill": p = make_twill_pattern(n = n, warp_n = width, weft_n = height) elif weave_type == "basket": p = make_basket_pattern(n = n, warp_n = width, weft_n = height) else: p = make_this_pattern(tie_up = tie_up, threading = th, treadling = tr, warp_n = width, weft_n = height) nr, nc = p.shape warp_threads = np.array(warps * reps_needed(nc, len(warps))[1] * nr).reshape((nr, nc)) weft_threads = np.array(wefts * reps_needed(nr, len(wefts))[1] * nc).reshape((nc, nr)).transpose() # encode to reflect missing threads return _encode_biaxial_weave(p, warp_threads, weft_threads)
Returns encoded weave pattern matrix.
for the encoding.Allowed weave_types: "plain", "twill", "basket", and "this" (pass-thru). These are explained in the respective functions to which this function delegates construction of the base matrices before applying the encoding.
, optional- one of "plain", "twill", "basket" or "this". Defaults to "plain".
, optional- over under pattern. See make_over_under_row() for details. Defaults to 2.
, optional- list of labels for warp strands. Defaults to ["a", "b"].
, optional- list of labels for weft strands. Defaults to ["c", "d"].
, optional- a weave pattern matrix to pass thru in the "this" case. Defaults to make_twill_matrix((2, 2)).
, optional- treadling matrix for the "this" case.
Defaults to None. th
, optional- threading matrix for the "this" case.
Defaults to None.
- encoded weave pattern matrix.
def make_basket_matrix(n: int) ‑> numpy.ndarray
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def make_basket_matrix(n:int) -> np.ndarray: """Returns a basket weave pattern matrix. Makes a matrix like 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 where the repeat runs in each row are length n Args: n (int): dimension of the 'basket' over-under pattern. Returns: np.ndarray: 0/1 matrix in basket weave pattern. """ return np.array((([1] * n + [0] * n) * n) + (([0] * n + [1] * n) * n)).reshape(n * 2, n * 2)
Returns a basket weave pattern matrix.
Makes a matrix like
1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
where the repeat runs in each row are length n
- dimension of the 'basket' over-under pattern.
- 0/1 matrix in basket weave pattern.
def make_basket_pattern(n: int = 2, warp_n: int = 2, weft_n: int = 2) ‑> numpy.ndarray
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def make_basket_pattern(n:int = 2, warp_n:int = 2, weft_n:int = 2) -> np.ndarray: """Returns basket pattern matrix extended for warp and weft patterns. Args: n (int, optional): over under count. Defaults to 2. warp_n (int, optional): number of warp thread labels. Defaults to 2. weft_n (int, optional): number of weft thread labels. Defaults to 2. Returns: np.ndarray: _description_ """ tie_up = make_basket_matrix(n) threading = np.diag(np.ones(tie_up.shape[0])) treadling = np.diag(np.ones(tie_up.shape[1])) return get_pattern(tie_up, treadling, threading, warp_n, weft_n)
Returns basket pattern matrix extended for warp and weft patterns.
, optional- over under count. Defaults to 2.
, optional- number of warp thread labels. Defaults to 2.
, optional- number of weft thread labels. Defaults to 2.
- description
def make_over_under_row(n: int | tuple[int]) ‑> list[int]
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def make_over_under_row(n:Union[int,tuple[int]]) -> list[int]: """Returns a tuple of runs of 1s and 0s. Returns a tuple of runs of 1s and 0s per supplied n. If n is an integer, returned tuple will be a series of n 1s followed by n 0s. If n is a tuple of odd length it will be repeated to produce an even length over-under sequence. This is required to avoid cases such as e.g, (1,2,3) -> 100111 which repeated is 1001111001111, i.e. a (2,4) pattern. Repeating it yields 100111011000 which is the requested pattern. Args: n (Union[int,tuple[int]]): requested over-under sequence. See details. Returns: list[int]: list of runs of 1s and 0s in the requested pattern. """ over_under = n if type(over_under) == int: over_under = [n, n] elif len(n) % 2 != 0: over_under = n * 2 x = 1 row = [] for y in over_under: row.extend([x] * y) x = 1 - x return row
Returns a tuple of runs of 1s and 0s.
Returns a tuple of runs of 1s and 0s per supplied n.
If n is an integer, returned tuple will be a series of n 1s followed by n 0s.
If n is a tuple of odd length it will be repeated to produce an even length over-under sequence. This is required to avoid cases such as e.g, (1,2,3) -> 100111 which repeated is 1001111001111, i.e. a (2,4) pattern. Repeating it yields 100111011000 which is the requested pattern.
- requested over-under sequence. See details.
- list of runs of 1s and 0s in the requested pattern.
def make_plain_pattern(warp_n: int = 1, weft_n: int = 1) ‑> numpy.ndarray
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def make_plain_pattern(warp_n:int = 1, weft_n:int = 1) -> np.ndarray: """Returns plain weave (checkerboard) matrix. Args: warp_n (int, optional): number of warp thread labels. Defaults to 1. weft_n (int, optional): number of weft thread labels. Defaults to 1. Returns: np.ndarray: 0/1 matrix where 1 = warp on top. """ return make_twill_pattern(n = 1, warp_n = warp_n, weft_n = weft_n)
Returns plain weave (checkerboard) matrix.
, optional- number of warp thread labels. Defaults to 1.
, optional- number of weft thread labels. Defaults to 1.
- 0/1 matrix where 1 = warp on top.
def make_this_pattern(tie_up: numpy.ndarray,
threading: numpy.ndarray = None,
treadling: numpy.ndarray = None,
warp_n: int = 1,
weft_n: int = 1) ‑> numpy.ndarray-
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def make_this_pattern(tie_up:np.ndarray, threading:np.ndarray = None, treadling:np.ndarray = None, warp_n:int = 1, weft_n:int = 1) -> np.ndarray: """Pass through returns weave pattern matrix from supplied input. This is just a pass through function which applies suitable size identity. Could try to enforce treadling.shape[1] == tie_up.shape[0] and tie_up.shape[1] == threading.shape[0] but unsure what would be an appropriate way to do this... Args: tie_up (np.ndarray): desired weave pattern. threading (np.ndarray): desired threading pattern. treadling (np.ndarray): desired treadling pattern. warp_n (int, optional): number of warp thread labels. Defaults to 1. weft_n (int, optional): number of weft thread labels. Defaults to 1. Returns: np.ndarray: resulting 0/1 weave pattern matrix. """ threading = (np.diag(np.ones(tie_up.shape[0])) if threading is None else threading) treadling = (np.diag(np.ones(tie_up.shape[1])) if treadling is None else treadling) return get_pattern(tie_up, treadling, threading, warp_n, weft_n)
Pass through returns weave pattern matrix from supplied input.
This is just a pass through function which applies suitable size identity. Could try to enforce
treadling.shape[1] == tie_up.shape[0] and tie_up.shape[1] == threading.shape[0]
but unsure what would be an appropriate way to do this…
- desired weave pattern.
- desired threading pattern.
- desired treadling pattern.
, optional- number of warp thread labels. Defaults to 1.
, optional- number of weft thread labels. Defaults to 1.
- resulting 0/1 weave pattern matrix.
def make_twill_matrix(over_under: int | tuple[int]) ‑> numpy.ndarray
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def make_twill_matrix(over_under:Union[int, tuple[int]]) -> np.ndarray: """Makes a twill 0/1 matrix. Makes a matrix like 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 where the repeat runs in each row are lengths returned by make_over_under_rown(n) Args: over_under (Union[int,tuple[int]]): over-under run specification. See make_over_under_row(). Returns: np.ndarray: a matrix of 0s and 1s. """ row = make_over_under_row(over_under) d = len(row) out = [] for i in range(d): row = wrap_row(row, 1) out.extend(row) return np.array(out).reshape(d, d)
Makes a twill 0/1 matrix.
Makes a matrix like
1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1
where the repeat runs in each row are lengths returned by make_over_under_rown(n)
- over-under run specification. See make_over_under_row().
- a matrix of 0s and 1s.
def make_twill_pattern(n: int | tuple[int] = 2, warp_n: int = 2, weft_n: int = 2) ‑> numpy.ndarray
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def make_twill_pattern(n:Union[int, tuple[int]] = 2, warp_n:int = 2, weft_n:int = 2) -> np.ndarray: """Returns twill pattern matrix extended for warp and weft patterns. n is the number of over-unders. With n = 1 we get a plain weave. Args: n (Union[int,tuple[int]], optional): specifies over-under sequence in the weave. Defaults to 2. warp_n (int, optional): number of warp thread labels. Defaults to 2. weft_n (int, optional): number of weft thread labels. Defaults to 2. Returns: np.ndarray: _description_ """ tie_up = make_twill_matrix(n) threading = np.diag(np.ones(tie_up.shape[0])) treadling = np.diag(np.ones(tie_up.shape[1])) return get_pattern(tie_up, treadling, threading, warp_n, weft_n)
Returns twill pattern matrix extended for warp and weft patterns.
n is the number of over-unders. With n = 1 we get a plain weave.
, optional- specifies over-under sequence in the weave. Defaults to 2.
, optional- number of warp thread labels. Defaults to 2.
, optional- number of weft thread labels. Defaults to 2.
- description
def reps_needed(x1: int, x2: int) ‑> tuple[int]
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def reps_needed(x1:int, x2:int) -> tuple[int]: """Returns how many repetitions of sequences of length x1 and x2 are needed to make a matched length sequence Args: x1 (int): length of first sequence. x2 (int): length of second sequence. Returns: tuple[int]: (number of repeats of x1, number of repeats of x2). """ n = np.lcm(x1, x2) return tuple(i for i in (n // x1, n // x2))
Returns how many repetitions of sequences of length x1 and x2 are needed to make a matched length sequence
- length of first sequence.
- length of second sequence.
- (number of repeats of x1, number of repeats of x2).
def wrap_row(r: list, by: int = 1) ‑> list
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def wrap_row(r:list, by:int = 1) -> list: """Wraps the list r by number of positions. Positive by will shift right. Negative shifts left. Args: r (list): list to wrap. by (int, optional): number of positions to shift by. Defaults to 1. Returns: list: wrapped list. """ return r[-by:] + r[:-by]
Wraps the list r by number of positions.
Positive by will shift right. Negative shifts left.
- list to wrap.
, optional- number of positions to shift by. Defaults to 1.
- wrapped list.