Module weavingspace.weave_unit

The WeaveUnit subclass of Tileable implements tileable geometric patterns constructed by specifying 2- or 3-axial weaves.


Explain usage here…


class WeaveUnit (**kwargs)
Expand source code
class WeaveUnit(Tileable):
  """Extends Tileable to allow for tiles that appear like woven patterns.

  weave_type:str = "plain"
  """type of weave pattern, one of `plain`, `twill`, `basket`, `cube`, `hex` or
  `this`. Defaults to `plain`."""
  aspect:float = 1.
  """width of strands relative to the `spacing`. Defaults to 1.0."""
  n:Union[int, tuple[int]] = (2, 2)
  """number of over-under strands in biaxial weaves. Only one item is 
  required in a plain weave. Twill and basket patterns expect an even number of 
  entries in the tuple."""
  strands:str = "a|b|c"
  """specification of the strand labels along each axis. Defaults to `a|b|c`."""
  _tie_up:np.ndarray = None
  """optional tie-up array to pass through for `this` weave type."""
  _tr:np.ndarray = None
  """optional treadling array to pass through for `this` weave type."""
  _th:np.ndarray = None
  """optional threading array to pass through for `this` weave type."""

  def __init__(self, **kwargs):
    super(WeaveUnit, self).__init__(**kwargs)
    self.weave_type = self.weave_type.lower()

  def _setup_tiles(self) -> None:
    """Returns dictionary with weave unit and tile GeoDataFrames based on
    parameters already supplied to the constructor.

    if self.weave_type in ("hex", "cube"):
      self.base_shape = TileShape.HEXAGON
      self.base_shape = TileShape.RECTANGLE
  def _setup_regularised_prototile(self) -> None:
    if self.aspect < 1:
    self.regularised_prototile.geometry = tiling_utils.repair_polygon(

  def _parameter_info(self) -> None:
    """Outputs logging message concerning the supplied aspect settings.
    if self.aspect == 0:"Setting aspect to 0 is probably not a great plan.")

    if self.aspect < 0 or self.aspect > 1:
        """Values of aspect outside the range 0 to 1 won't produce tiles 
        that will look like weaves, but they might be pretty anyway! Values
        less than -1 seem particularly promising, especially with opacity 
        set less than 1.""")

    return None

  def _setup_biaxial_weave_unit(self) -> None:
    """Returns weave tiles GeoDataFrame and tile GeoDataFrame in a 
    dictionary based on paramters already supplied to constructor.
    warp_threads, weft_threads, _ = \

    if self.weave_type == "basket" and isinstance(self.n, (list, tuple)):
      self.n = self.n[0]

    p = weave_matrices.get_weave_pattern_matrix(
      weave_type = self.weave_type, n = self.n, warp = warp_threads,
      weft = weft_threads, tie_up = self._tie_up, tr = self._tr,
      th = self._th)

      Loom(p), strand_labels = [weft_threads, warp_threads, []])

  def _get_triaxial_weave_matrices(self,
    strands_1:Union[list[str],tuple[str]] = ["a"],
    strands_2:Union[list[str],tuple[str]] = ["b"],
    strands_3:Union[list[str],tuple[str]] = ["c"]) -> Loom:
    """Returns encoded weave pattern matrix as Loom of three biaxial matrices.

    Allowed weave_types: "cube" or "hex".

    "hex" is not flexible and will fail with any strand label lists that are 
    not length 3 or include more than one non-blank "-" item. You can 
    generate the "hex" weave with the default settings in any case!

    Strand lists should be length 3 or length 1. "cube" tolerates more 
    than "hex" for the items in the strand lists.

    Defaults will produce 'mad weave'.

      strands_1 (Union[list[str],tuple[str]], optional): list of labels
      for warp strands. Defaults to ["a"].
      strands_2 (Union[list[str],tuple[str]], optional): list of labels
      for weft strands. Defaults to ["b"].
      strands_3 (Union[list[str],tuple[str]], optional): list of labels
      for weft strands. Defaults to ["c"].

      Loom: which combines the three biaxial weaves 12, 23 and 31 implied
      by the strand label lists.
    if self.weave_type == "hex":
      loom = Loom(
          weave_type = "this", tie_up = np.ones((6, 6)),
          warp = strands_1, weft = strands_2),
          weave_type = "this", tie_up = np.ones((6, 6)),
          warp = strands_2, weft = strands_3),
          weave_type = "this", tie_up = np.ones((6, 6)),
          warp = strands_3, weft = strands_1))
    else: # "cube"
      loom = Loom(
      # Note n = (1,2,1,2) is required here to force 6x6 twill
          weave_type = "twill", n = (1, 2, 1, 2),
          warp = strands_1, weft = strands_2),
          weave_type = "twill", n = (1, 2, 1, 2),
          warp = strands_2, weft = strands_3),
          weave_type = "twill", n = (1, 2, 1, 2),
          warp = strands_3, weft = strands_1))
    return loom

  def _setup_triaxial_weave_unit(self) -> None:
    """Returns weave tiles GeoDataFrame and tile GeoDataFrame in a
    dictionary based on parameters already supplied to constructor.
    strands_1, strands_2, strands_3 = \

    loom = self._get_triaxial_weave_matrices(
      strands_1 = strands_1, strands_2 = strands_2, strands_3 = strands_3)

      loom, strand_labels = [strands_1, strands_2, strands_3])

  def _make_shapes_from_coded_weave_matrix(
    self, loom:Loom, strand_labels:list[list[str]] = [["a"], ["b"], ["c"]]
    ) -> None:
    """Returns weave tiles and prototile GeoDataFrames in a dictionary

    Builds the geometries associated with a given weave supplied as
    'loom' containing the coordinates in an appropriate grid (Cartesian or
    triangular) and the orderings of the strands at each coordinate location

      loom (Loom): matrix or stack of matrices representing the weave
      strand_labels (list[list[str]], optional): list of lists of labels
      for strands in each direction. Defaults to [["a"], ["b"], ["c"]]
    grid = WeaveGrid(loom.n_axes, loom.orientations, self.spacing)
    # expand the list of strand labels if needed in each direction
    # labels = []
    labels = [thread * int(np.ceil(dim // len(thread)))
              for dim, thread in zip(loom.dimensions, strand_labels)]
    weave_polys = [] 
    strand_ids = [] 
    cells = []
    for k, strand_order in zip(loom.indices, loom.orderings):
      ids = [thread[coord] for coord, thread in zip(k, labels)]
      if strand_order is None:
        continue  # No strands present
      if strand_order == "NA":
        continue  # Inconsistency in layer order
      n_slices = [len(id) for id in ids]
      next_polys = grid.get_visible_cell_strands(
        width = self.aspect, coords = k,
        strand_order = strand_order, n_slices = n_slices)
      next_labels = [list(ids[i]) for i in strand_order]  # list of lists
      next_labels = list(itertools.chain(*next_labels))   # flatten
    # sometimes empty polygons make it to here, so
    # filter those out along with the associated IDs
    real_polys = [not p.is_empty for p in weave_polys]
    weave_polys = [p for p, b in zip(weave_polys, real_polys) if b]
    strand_ids = [id for id, b in zip(strand_ids, real_polys) if b]
    # note that the tile is important for the biaxial case, which may
    # not be centred on (0, 0)
    tile = tiling_utils.safe_union(gpd.GeoSeries(cells), as_polygon = True)
    shift = (-tile.centroid.x, -tile.centroid.y) if loom.n_axes == 2 else (0, 0)
    tile = grid.get_tile_from_cells(tile)
    self.tiles = self._get_weave_tiles_gdf(weave_polys, strand_ids, shift)
    self.prototile = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry = gpd.GeoSeries([
      tiling_utils.get_clean_polygon(tile)]), crs =
    # self.setup_vectors()
    return None

  def _get_weave_tiles_gdf(
      self, polys:list[geom.Polygon], strand_ids:list[str], 
      offset:tuple[float]) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame:
    """Makes a GeoDataFrame from weave tile polygons, labels, etc.

      polys (list[Polygon | MultiPolygon]): list of weave tile
      strand_ids (list[str]): list of strand labels.
      offset (tuple[float]): offset to centre the weave tiles on the

      geopandas.GeoDataFrame: GeoDataFrame clipped to the tile, with
        margin applied.
    weave = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
      data = {"tile_id": strand_ids},
      geometry = gpd.GeoSeries([affine.translate(p, offset[0], offset[1])
                                for p in polys]))
    weave = weave[weave.tile_id != "-"]
    # some buffering is required if aspect is 1 to safely dissolve and
    # explode weave unit tiles that meet at corners
    if self.aspect == 1:
      # grow for dissolve
      weave.geometry = weave.geometry.buffer(
        self.spacing * tiling_utils.RESOLUTION, 
        join_style = 2, cap_style = 3)
      weave = weave.dissolve(by = "tile_id", as_index = False)
      # shrink by more to explode into separate polygons
      weave.geometry = weave.geometry.buffer(
        -2 * self.spacing * tiling_utils.RESOLUTION, 
        join_style = 2, cap_style = 3)
      weave = weave.explode(ignore_index = True)
      weave.geometry = weave.geometry.buffer(
        self.spacing * tiling_utils.RESOLUTION, 
        join_style = 2, cap_style = 3)
    else: # aspect < 1 is fine without buffering
      weave = weave.dissolve(by = "tile_id", as_index = False)
      weave = weave.explode(ignore_index = True)

    weave.geometry = gpd.GeoSeries(
      [tiling_utils.get_clean_polygon(p) for p in weave.geometry])
    return weave.set_crs(

  def _get_axis_from_label(self, label:str = "a", strands:str = None):
    """Determines the axis of a tile_id from the strands spec string.

      label (str, optional): the tile_id. Defaults to "a".
      strands (str, optional): the strand spec. Defaults to the WeaveUnit
      strands attribute.

      _type_: the axis in which the supplied tile is found.
    if strands == None:
      strands = self.strands
    index = strands.index(label)
    return strands[:index].count("|")

  def _get_legend_tiles(self) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame:
    """Returns tiles suitable for use in a legend representation.

    One tile for each tile_id value will be chosen, close to the
    centre of the prototile extent, and not among the smallest tiles present
    (for example not a short length of strand mostly hidden by other

      gpd.GeoDataFrame: the chosen tiles.
    angles = ((0, 240, 120)
              if self.weave_type in ("hex", "cube")
              else (90, 0))
    tile_ids = pd.Series.unique(self.tiles.tile_id)
    groups = self.tiles.groupby("tile_id")
    tiles, rotations = [], []
    for id in tile_ids:
      candidates = groups.get_group(id)
      axis = self._get_axis_from_label(id, self.strands)
      candidates, tiles))
      rotations.append(-angles[axis] + self.rotation)
    return gpd.GeoDataFrame(
      data = {"tile_id": tile_ids, "rotation": rotations},
      crs =,
      geometry = gpd.GeoSeries(tiles))

  def _get_most_central_large_tile(self, tiles:gpd.GeoDataFrame,
          other_tiles:list[geom.Polygon]) -> geom.Polygon:
    """Gets a large tile close to the centre of the WeaveUnit.

      tiles (gpd.GeoDataFrame): the set of tiles to choose from.

      geom.Polygon: the chosen, large central tile.
    areas = [g.area for g in tiles.geometry]
    min_area, max_area = min(areas), max(areas)
    if min_area / max_area > 0.5:
      geoms = list(tiles.geometry)
      mean_log_a = np.mean(np.log(areas))
      geoms = [g for g, a in zip(tiles.geometry, areas)
              if np.log(a) > mean_log_a]
    if len(other_tiles) == 0 or self.weave_type in ("cube", "hex"):
      d = [g.centroid.distance(geom.Point(0, 0)) for g in geoms]
      c = geom.MultiPolygon(other_tiles).centroid
      d = [geom.MultiPolygon([g] + other_tiles).centroid.distance(c)
          for g in geoms]
    return geoms[d.index(min(d))]

  def _get_legend_key_shapes(self, polygon:geom.Polygon,
                             counts:Iterable = [1] * 25, angle:float = 0,
                             radial:bool = False) -> list[geom.Polygon]:
    """Returns a list of polygons obtained by slicing the supplied polygon
    across its length into n slices. Orientation of the polygon is
    indicated by the angle.

    The returned list of polygons can be used to form a colour ramp in a

      polygon (geom.Polygon): the weave strand polygon to slice.
      counts (Iterable, optional): an iterable list of the numbers of
        slices in each category. Defaults to [1] * 25.
      angle (float, optional): orientation of the polygon. Defaults to 0.
      categorical (bool, optional): ignored by WeaveUnit.

      list[geom.Polygon]: a list of polygons.
    c = polygon.centroid
    g = affine.rotate(polygon, -angle, origin = c)
    width, height, left, bottom = \
    total = sum(counts)
    cuts = list(np.cumsum(counts))
    cuts = [0] + [c / total for c in cuts]
    cuts = [left + c * width for c in cuts]
    # add margin to avoid weird effects intersecting almost parallel lines.
    cuts[0] = cuts[0] - 1
    cuts[-1] = cuts[-1] + 1
    bottom = bottom - 1
    top = bottom + height + 1
    slices = []
    for l, r in zip(cuts[:-1], cuts[1:]):
      slice = geom.Polygon([(l, bottom), (r, bottom), (r, top), (l, top)])
    return [affine.rotate(s, angle, origin = c) for s in slices]

Extends Tileable to allow for tiles that appear like woven patterns.


Class variables

var aspect : float

width of strands relative to the spacing. Defaults to 1.0.

var n : int | tuple[int]

number of over-under strands in biaxial weaves. Only one item is required in a plain weave. Twill and basket patterns expect an even number of entries in the tuple.

var strands : str

specification of the strand labels along each axis. Defaults to a|b|c.

var weave_type : str

type of weave pattern, one of plain, twill, basket, cube, hex or this. Defaults to plain.

Inherited members