Introducing spatial data science

These materials introduce ‘spatial data science’ or might also be considered a course in ‘advanced GIS’ which is what it was developed to be when it was Geog 315 at Victoria University of Wellington.

I am happy to discuss developing any or all of these materials into short intensive one/two/three day courses to suit the needs of organisations grappling with connecting their geospatial and data analytics workflows.

Content Hands-on materials
1. Introducing R for geospatial
Open science, open source, and doing GIS in code
Starting R
Software setup
Introducing R and RStudio
2. Making maps
Choropleth map design
Bonus material on zoomed-in maps
Making maps
3. Wrangling spatial data
The myth of tidy data
Data wrangling
Handling tables
Spatial data wrangling
Spatial data manipulation
4. Clustering analysis
Clustering analysis
Applications of clustering analysis
Geographic cluster analysis
5. Raster data
Introducing raster data
Working with rasters
6. Simple statistical models
From overlay to regression models
Regression models
More on regression
Building a simple statistical model
7. Where to from here?
Other spatial analysis methods
Network analysis
Time geography
Simulation models
See also Spatial analysis & modelling