Module weavingspace.symmetry
class KMP_Matcher (sequence: Iterable)
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class KMP_Matcher: """Class to find matching subsequences in a sequence.""" sequence: Iterable """Iterable in which subsequences are to be found.""" def __init__(self, sequence:Iterable): self.sequence = sequence def find_matches(self, pat:Iterable[tuple[float]]) -> list[int]: """ Implements Knuth-Morris-Pratt string pattern matching algorithm. See:–Morris–Pratt_algorithm which provides detailed pseudo-code on which this code is directly based. See also: Knuth DE, JH Morris Jr, and VR Pratt. 1977. Fast pattern matching in strings. SIAM Journal on Computing 6(2): 323–350. doi: 10.1137/0206024. This implementation expects sequences of tuples of floats, although in principle any objects could be contained in the Iterables. Args: pat (Iterable[tuple[float]]): The sequence to match. Returns: Iterable[int]: _description_ """ j, k, = 0, 0 finds = [] table = self._get_table(pat) while j < len(self.sequence): if self._equal_tuples(pat[k], self.sequence[j]): j = j + 1 k = k + 1 if k == len(pat): finds.append(j - k) k = table[k] else: k = table[k] if k < 0: j = j + 1 k = k + 1 return finds def _get_table(self, pattern:Iterable) -> Iterable[int]: """Returns the 'offsets' table used by KMP pattern matching algorithm as required by self.find_matches, based on the supplied pattern. Args: pattern (Iterable): The pattern to set up the table for. equals (function, optional): A function to use to test for equality of elements in patterns. Defaults to _equal_tuples(). Returns: Iterable[int]: _description_ """ pos = 1 cnd = 0 T = {0: -1} while pos < len(pattern): if np.allclose(pattern[pos], pattern[cnd]): T[pos] = T[cnd] else: T[pos] = cnd while cnd >= 0 and not self._equal_tuples(pattern[pos], pattern[cnd]): cnd = T[cnd] pos = pos + 1 cnd = cnd + 1 T[pos] = cnd return tuple(T.values()) def _equal_tuples(self, t1:Iterable[float], t2:Iterable[float]) -> bool: """Tests for near equality of two iterables of floats using numpy allclose. Wrapped so as to allow find_matches function to take alternative equality tests as input. """ return np.allclose(t1, t2, atol = tiling_utils.RESOLUTION * 10) def _round_tuple(self, t:Iterable[float], digits:int = 3) -> Iterable[float]: """Convenience function to round all members of an interable. Used for display purposes.""" return tuple([np.round(x, digits) for x in t])
Class to find matching subsequences in a sequence.
Class variables
var sequence : Iterable
Iterable in which subsequences are to be found.
def find_matches(self, pat: Iterable[tuple[float]]) ‑> list[int]
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def find_matches(self, pat:Iterable[tuple[float]]) -> list[int]: """ Implements Knuth-Morris-Pratt string pattern matching algorithm. See:–Morris–Pratt_algorithm which provides detailed pseudo-code on which this code is directly based. See also: Knuth DE, JH Morris Jr, and VR Pratt. 1977. Fast pattern matching in strings. SIAM Journal on Computing 6(2): 323–350. doi: 10.1137/0206024. This implementation expects sequences of tuples of floats, although in principle any objects could be contained in the Iterables. Args: pat (Iterable[tuple[float]]): The sequence to match. Returns: Iterable[int]: _description_ """ j, k, = 0, 0 finds = [] table = self._get_table(pat) while j < len(self.sequence): if self._equal_tuples(pat[k], self.sequence[j]): j = j + 1 k = k + 1 if k == len(pat): finds.append(j - k) k = table[k] else: k = table[k] if k < 0: j = j + 1 k = k + 1 return finds
Implements Knuth-Morris-Pratt string pattern matching algorithm. See:–Morris–Pratt_algorithm which provides detailed pseudo-code on which this code is directly based. See also:
Knuth DE, JH Morris Jr, and VR Pratt. 1977. Fast pattern matching in strings. SIAM Journal on Computing 6(2): 323–350. doi: 10.1137/0206024.
This implementation expects sequences of tuples of floats, although in principle any objects could be contained in the Iterables.
- The sequence to match.
- description
class Shape_Matcher (shape: shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon)
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class Shape_Matcher: shape: geom.Polygon s1: Symmetries other: geom.Polygon centre: geom.Point translation: tuple[float] matches: list[Transform] identity_transform: tuple[float] = (1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0) def __init__(self, shape: geom.Polygon): self.shape = shape self.s1 = Symmetries(shape) def get_polygon_matches(self, shape2: geom.Polygon): s2 = Symmetries(shape2) if self.s1.symmetry_group != s2.symmetry_group: # print("No matches") return None else: match_rot, rots = self._get_rotation_matches(s2) match_ref, refs = self._get_reflection_matches(s2) if match_rot and match_ref: # print(f"Rotation and reflection matches found") return rots + refs elif match_rot: # print(f"Only rotation matches found") return rots elif match_ref: # print(f"Only reflection matches found") return refs else: # print (f"No matches found") return None def _get_rotation_matches(self, s2:Symmetries): matches = self.s1.matcher.find_matches(s2.p_code) if len(matches) == 0: return False, None else: transforms = [] # get lists of polygon corners aligned correctly to measure the angle p1_corners = tiling_utils.get_corners(self.shape, repeat_first = False) p2_corners = tiling_utils.get_corners(s2.polygon, repeat_first = False) for m in matches: a, c = self.get_angle_between_polygons(p1_corners, p2_corners, m) if a == "translation": # print("One of the rotation matches is a translation.") transforms.append( Transform("translation", None, None, c, (1, 0, 0, 1, c[0], c[1]))) elif a == "identity": transforms.append( Transform("identity", None, None, c, (1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0))) elif a is None: continue else: transforms.append(Transform("rotation", a, c, (0, 0), tiling_utils.get_rotation_transform(a, (c.x, c.y)))) return True, transforms def get_angle_between_polygons(self, corners1:list[geom.Point], corners2:list[geom.Point], offset:int) -> tuple[Union[float,geom.Point]]: corners2 = corners2[offset:] + corners2[:offset] dists = [p1.distance(p2) for p1, p2 in zip(corners1, corners2)] if all([np.isclose(dists[0], d, atol = 1e-3, rtol = 1e-3) for d in dists]): if np.isclose(dists[0], 0, atol = 1e-3, rtol = 1e-3): return "identity", (0, 0) else: return "translation", (corners1[0].x - corners2[0].x, corners1[0].y - corners2[0].y) ordered_dists = sorted([(i, d) for i, d in enumerate(dists)], key = lambda x: x[1]) AB = ordered_dists[-2:] p1A, p1B = corners1[AB[0][0]], corners1[AB[1][0]] p2A, p2B = corners2[AB[0][0]], corners2[AB[1][0]] perpAA = self.get_straight_line(p1A, p2A, True) perpBB = self.get_straight_line(p1B, p2B, True) centre = self.get_intersection(perpAA, perpBB) if centre is None: angle = None else: angle = -tiling_utils.get_inner_angle(p1A, centre, p2A) if angle < -179: angle = angle + 360 elif angle > 180: angle = angle - 360 return angle, centre def get_straight_line(self, p1:geom.Point, p2:geom.Point, perpendicular:bool = False) -> StraightLine: if perpendicular: ls = affine.rotate(geom.LineString([p1, p2]), 90) pts = [p for p in ls.coords] x1, y1 = pts[0] x2, y2 = pts[1] else: x1, y1 = p1.x, p1.y x2, y2 = p2.x, p2.y return StraightLine(y1 - y2, x2 - x1, x1 * y2 - x2 * y1) def get_intersection(self, line1:StraightLine, line2:StraightLine) -> geom.Point: x_set, y_set = False, False denominator = line1.A * line2.B - line2.A * line1.B if np.isclose(line1.A, 0, atol = 1e-4, rtol = 1e-4): y = -line1.C / line1.B y_set = True elif np.isclose(line2.A, 0, atol = 1e-4, rtol = 1e-4): y = -line2.C / line2.B y_set = True if np.isclose(line1.B, 0, atol = 1e-4, rtol = 1e-4): x = -line1.C / line1.A x_set = True elif np.isclose(line2.B, 0, atol = 1e-4, rtol = 1e-4): x = -line2.C / line2.A x_set = True if np.isclose(denominator, 0, atol = 1e-4, rtol = 1e-4): return None x = x if x_set else (line1.B * line2.C - line2.B * line1.C) / denominator y = y if y_set else (line1.C * line2.A - line2.C * line1.A) / denominator return geom.Point(x, y) def _get_reflection_matches(self, s2:Symmetries): ctr1 = self.s1.polygon.centroid ctr2 = s2.polygon.centroid c = ((ctr1.x + ctr2.x) / 2, (ctr1.y + ctr2.y) / 2) matches = self.s1.matcher.find_matches(s2.p_code_r) if len(matches) == 0: return False, None reflections1 = self.s1.get_reflections(matches) reflections2 = s2.get_reflections(matches) angles = [(ref1.angle + ref2.angle) / 2 for ref1, ref2 in zip(reflections1, reflections2)] trs = [tiling_utils.get_reflection_transform(angle, c) for angle in angles] ctrs2r = [affine.affine_transform(ctr2, tr) for tr in trs] dxdys = [(ctr1.x - ctr2r.x, ctr1.y - ctr2r.y) for ctr2r in ctrs2r] return True, [Transform( "reflection", angle, geom.Point(c), dxdy, tiling_utils.combine_transforms( [tiling_utils.get_reflection_transform(angle, c), (1, 0, 0, 1, dxdy[0], dxdy[1])])) for angle, dxdy in zip(angles, dxdys)]
Class variables
var centre : shapely.geometry.point.Point
The type of the None singleton.
var identity_transform : tuple[float]
The type of the None singleton.
var matches : list[Transform]
The type of the None singleton.
var other : shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon
The type of the None singleton.
var s1 : Symmetries
The type of the None singleton.
var shape : shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon
The type of the None singleton.
var translation : tuple[float]
The type of the None singleton.
def get_angle_between_polygons(self,
corners1: list[shapely.geometry.point.Point],
corners2: list[shapely.geometry.point.Point],
offset: int) ‑> tuple[float | shapely.geometry.point.Point]-
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def get_angle_between_polygons(self, corners1:list[geom.Point], corners2:list[geom.Point], offset:int) -> tuple[Union[float,geom.Point]]: corners2 = corners2[offset:] + corners2[:offset] dists = [p1.distance(p2) for p1, p2 in zip(corners1, corners2)] if all([np.isclose(dists[0], d, atol = 1e-3, rtol = 1e-3) for d in dists]): if np.isclose(dists[0], 0, atol = 1e-3, rtol = 1e-3): return "identity", (0, 0) else: return "translation", (corners1[0].x - corners2[0].x, corners1[0].y - corners2[0].y) ordered_dists = sorted([(i, d) for i, d in enumerate(dists)], key = lambda x: x[1]) AB = ordered_dists[-2:] p1A, p1B = corners1[AB[0][0]], corners1[AB[1][0]] p2A, p2B = corners2[AB[0][0]], corners2[AB[1][0]] perpAA = self.get_straight_line(p1A, p2A, True) perpBB = self.get_straight_line(p1B, p2B, True) centre = self.get_intersection(perpAA, perpBB) if centre is None: angle = None else: angle = -tiling_utils.get_inner_angle(p1A, centre, p2A) if angle < -179: angle = angle + 360 elif angle > 180: angle = angle - 360 return angle, centre
def get_intersection(self,
line1: StraightLine,
line2: StraightLine) ‑> shapely.geometry.point.Point-
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def get_intersection(self, line1:StraightLine, line2:StraightLine) -> geom.Point: x_set, y_set = False, False denominator = line1.A * line2.B - line2.A * line1.B if np.isclose(line1.A, 0, atol = 1e-4, rtol = 1e-4): y = -line1.C / line1.B y_set = True elif np.isclose(line2.A, 0, atol = 1e-4, rtol = 1e-4): y = -line2.C / line2.B y_set = True if np.isclose(line1.B, 0, atol = 1e-4, rtol = 1e-4): x = -line1.C / line1.A x_set = True elif np.isclose(line2.B, 0, atol = 1e-4, rtol = 1e-4): x = -line2.C / line2.A x_set = True if np.isclose(denominator, 0, atol = 1e-4, rtol = 1e-4): return None x = x if x_set else (line1.B * line2.C - line2.B * line1.C) / denominator y = y if y_set else (line1.C * line2.A - line2.C * line1.A) / denominator return geom.Point(x, y)
def get_polygon_matches(self, shape2: shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon)
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def get_polygon_matches(self, shape2: geom.Polygon): s2 = Symmetries(shape2) if self.s1.symmetry_group != s2.symmetry_group: # print("No matches") return None else: match_rot, rots = self._get_rotation_matches(s2) match_ref, refs = self._get_reflection_matches(s2) if match_rot and match_ref: # print(f"Rotation and reflection matches found") return rots + refs elif match_rot: # print(f"Only rotation matches found") return rots elif match_ref: # print(f"Only reflection matches found") return refs else: # print (f"No matches found") return None
def get_straight_line(self,
p1: shapely.geometry.point.Point,
p2: shapely.geometry.point.Point,
perpendicular: bool = False) ‑> StraightLine-
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def get_straight_line(self, p1:geom.Point, p2:geom.Point, perpendicular:bool = False) -> StraightLine: if perpendicular: ls = affine.rotate(geom.LineString([p1, p2]), 90) pts = [p for p in ls.coords] x1, y1 = pts[0] x2, y2 = pts[1] else: x1, y1 = p1.x, p1.y x2, y2 = p2.x, p2.y return StraightLine(y1 - y2, x2 - x1, x1 * y2 - x2 * y1)
class StraightLine (A, B, C)
StraightLine(A, B, C)
- builtins.tuple
Instance variables
var A
Alias for field number 0
var B
Alias for field number 1
var C
Alias for field number 2
class Symmetries (polygon: shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon)
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@dataclass class Symmetries(): """Class to identify and store the symmetries of a supplied shapely.Polygon as a list of `Transform` objects. """ polygon:geom.Polygon = None """Polygon from which these symmetries are derived.""" matcher:KMP_Matcher = None """the subsequence matcher used in symmetry detection.""" n:int = None """number of vertices of the polygon.""" p_code:list[tuple[float]] = None """the encoding of the polygon as sequence of length, angle pairs.""" p_code_r:list[tuple[float]] = None """the reversed encoding used to detect reflection symmetries.""" rotation_shifts:list[int] = None """list of number of 2pi/n rotation symmetries.""" reflection_shifts:list[int] = None """list of pi/n relection angle symmetries.""" symmetries:list[Transform] = None """list of Transform objects with more complete information.""" symmetry_group:str = None """the code denoting the symmetry group""" def __init__(self, polygon:geom.Polygon): self.polygon = polygon self.n = shapely.count_coordinates(self.polygon) - 1 self.p_code = self._get_polygon_code(self.polygon) self.p_code_r = self._get_polygon_code(self.polygon, mirrored = True) self.matcher = KMP_Matcher(self.p_code + self.p_code[:-1]) self.symmetries = self.get_symmetries() self.symmetry_group = self.get_symmetry_group_code() def _get_polygon_code(self, p:geom.Polygon, mirrored = False) -> list[tuple[float]]: r"""Returns a list of length-angle pairs to uniquely encode a polygon shape (up to scale). The alignment of lengths and angles is important and symmetry detection is sensitively dependent on it... The forward (i.e. unmirrored) polygon pairs are of edge lengths and the angle between each edge and its successor going CW around the polygon. A[i] ----L[i]---- A (i+1) / \ / \ i.e. edge i is between angles i and i + 1, and angle i is between edge i-1 and i. The unmirrored encoding pairs length[i] with angle[i+1]. The mirrored encoding pairs matched indexes of lengths and angles in the original polygon. This means the angle is still the one between and edge and its successor but proceeding CCW around the polygon. See in particular for clarification. Eades P. 1988. Symmetry Finding Algorithms. In Machine Intelligence and Pattern Recognition, ed. GT Toussaint, 6:41-51. Computational Morphology. North-Holland. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-444-70467-2.50009-6. Args: p (geom.Polygon): the polygon to encode mirrored (bool, optional): if true encoding will be in CCC order. Defaults to False. Returns: list[tuple[float]]: _description_ """ # get edge lengths and angles lengths = tiling_utils.get_side_lengths(p) raw_angles = tiling_utils.get_interior_angles(p) if mirrored: lengths_r = list(reversed(lengths)) angles_r = list(reversed(raw_angles)) return list(zip(lengths_r, angles_r)) else: angles = raw_angles[1:] + raw_angles[:1] return list(zip(lengths, angles)) def get_symmetries(self) -> list[Transform]: """Finds rotation and reflection symmetries of the supplied polygon. Based on Eades P. 1988. Symmetry Finding Algorithms. In Machine Intelligence and Pattern Recognition, ed. GT Toussaint, 6:41-51. Computational Morphology. North-Holland. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-444-70467-2.50009-6. and also Wolter JD, TC Woo, and RA Volz. 1985. Optimal algorithms for symmetry detection in two and three dimensions. The Visual Computer 1(1): 37-48. doi: 10.1007/BF01901268. Details in these papers are not unambiguous. This implementation was developed based on them, but with a lot of trial and error to get the index offsets and (especially) retrieval of the reflection axes angles to work. Returns: list[Transform]: a list of Transform objects representing the polygon symmetries. """ # ==== Rotations ==== self.rotation_shifts = self.matcher.find_matches(self.p_code) # ==== Reflections ==== self.reflection_shifts = self.matcher.find_matches(self.p_code_r) return self.get_rotations(self.rotation_shifts) + \ self.get_reflections(self.reflection_shifts) def get_rotations(self, offsets:list[int]) -> list[Transform]: """Gets the rotations associated with this collection of symmetries. Returns: list[Transform]: A list of the rotation symmetries associated with this polygon. """ c = self.polygon.centroid rot_angles = [np.round(i * 360 / self.n, 6) for i in offsets] rotation_transforms = [ np.round(tiling_utils.get_rotation_transform(a, (c.x, c.y)), 6) for a in rot_angles] return [Transform("rotation", angle, c, (0, 0), transform) for transform, angle in zip(rotation_transforms, rot_angles)] def get_reflections(self, offsets:list[int]) -> list[Transform]: """Gets the reflections associated with this collection of symmetries. Returns: list[Transform]: A list of the reflection symmetries associated with this polygon. """ # calculate all possible reflection axes - ordering of these is important # for correct picking - don't mess with this code! c = self.polygon.centroid bearings = tiling_utils.get_side_bearings(self.polygon) reflection_axes = [] interior_angles = tiling_utils.get_interior_angles(self.polygon) for i in range(self.n): # angle bisectors reflection_axes.append(bearings[i] - interior_angles[i] / 2) # edge_perpendicular bisectors reflection_axes.append(bearings[i] - 90) # normal to the edge # pick out those where matches occurred ref_angles = [np.round(reflection_axes[i], 6) for i in offsets] reflection_transforms = [ np.round(tiling_utils.get_reflection_transform(a, (c.x, c.y)), 6) for a in ref_angles] return [Transform("reflection", angle, c, (0, 0), transform) for transform, angle in zip(reflection_transforms, ref_angles)] def get_symmetry_group_code(self): if len(self.reflection_shifts) == 0: return f"C{len(self.rotation_shifts)}" else: return f"D{len(self.rotation_shifts)}" def get_corner_offset(self, poly2:geom.Polygon): s2 = Symmetries(poly2) matches = self.matcher.find_matches(s2.p_code) if len(matches) > 0: return matches[0] matches = self.matcher.find_matches(s2.p_code_r) if len(matches) > 0: return -matches[0] return None def get_corner_labels(self) -> dict[str, list[str]]: """Returns all the reorderings of vertex labels corresponding to each symmetry. Returns: dict[str, list[str]]: A dictionary with two entries. "rotations" is a list of labels under the rotation symmetries, "reflections" those under the reflection symmetries. """ labels = list(string.ascii_letters.upper())[:self.n] return self._get_labels_under_symmetries(labels) def get_unique_labels(self, offset:int = 0) -> list[str]: labellings = self.get_corner_labels() labellings = labellings["rotations"] + labellings["reflections"] labellings = ["".join(sorted(x)) for x in zip(*labellings)] n_new_labels = len(set(labellings)) letters = list(string.ascii_letters.upper())[offset:offset + n_new_labels] mapping = dict() i = 0 for label in labellings: if not label in mapping: mapping[label] = letters[i] i = i + 1 return self._get_labels_under_symmetries([mapping[x] for x in labellings]) def _get_labels_under_symmetries( self, labels:list[str]) -> dict[str, list[str]]: cycle = labels * 2 under_rotation = ["".join(cycle[i:self.n + i]) for i in self.rotation_shifts] under_reflection = ["".join(cycle[self.n + i:i:-1]) for i in self.reflection_shifts] return {"rotations": under_rotation, "reflections": under_reflection} def plot(self, as_image:bool = False, title:str = ""): fig = pyplot.figure() fig.suptitle(title) n_subplots = len(self.symmetries) nr = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(n_subplots))) nc = int(np.ceil(n_subplots / nr)) n_plots = 0 for s in self.symmetries: n_plots = n_plots + 1 ax = fig.add_subplot(nr, nc, n_plots) s.plot(ax, self.polygon) if as_image: buf = io.BytesIO() fig.savefig(buf) return return ax
Class to identify and store the symmetries of a supplied shapely.Polygon as a list of
objects.Class variables
var matcher : KMP_Matcher
the subsequence matcher used in symmetry detection.
var n : int
number of vertices of the polygon.
var p_code : list[tuple[float]]
the encoding of the polygon as sequence of length, angle pairs.
var p_code_r : list[tuple[float]]
the reversed encoding used to detect reflection symmetries.
var polygon : shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon
Polygon from which these symmetries are derived.
var reflection_shifts : list[int]
list of pi/n relection angle symmetries.
var rotation_shifts : list[int]
list of number of 2pi/n rotation symmetries.
var symmetries : list[Transform]
list of Transform objects with more complete information.
var symmetry_group : str
the code denoting the symmetry group
def get_corner_labels(self) ‑> dict[str, list[str]]
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def get_corner_labels(self) -> dict[str, list[str]]: """Returns all the reorderings of vertex labels corresponding to each symmetry. Returns: dict[str, list[str]]: A dictionary with two entries. "rotations" is a list of labels under the rotation symmetries, "reflections" those under the reflection symmetries. """ labels = list(string.ascii_letters.upper())[:self.n] return self._get_labels_under_symmetries(labels)
Returns all the reorderings of vertex labels corresponding to each symmetry.
dict[str, list[str]]
- A dictionary with two entries. "rotations" is a list of labels under the rotation symmetries, "reflections" those under the reflection symmetries.
def get_corner_offset(self, poly2: shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon)
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def get_corner_offset(self, poly2:geom.Polygon): s2 = Symmetries(poly2) matches = self.matcher.find_matches(s2.p_code) if len(matches) > 0: return matches[0] matches = self.matcher.find_matches(s2.p_code_r) if len(matches) > 0: return -matches[0] return None
def get_reflections(self, offsets: list[int]) ‑> list[Transform]
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def get_reflections(self, offsets:list[int]) -> list[Transform]: """Gets the reflections associated with this collection of symmetries. Returns: list[Transform]: A list of the reflection symmetries associated with this polygon. """ # calculate all possible reflection axes - ordering of these is important # for correct picking - don't mess with this code! c = self.polygon.centroid bearings = tiling_utils.get_side_bearings(self.polygon) reflection_axes = [] interior_angles = tiling_utils.get_interior_angles(self.polygon) for i in range(self.n): # angle bisectors reflection_axes.append(bearings[i] - interior_angles[i] / 2) # edge_perpendicular bisectors reflection_axes.append(bearings[i] - 90) # normal to the edge # pick out those where matches occurred ref_angles = [np.round(reflection_axes[i], 6) for i in offsets] reflection_transforms = [ np.round(tiling_utils.get_reflection_transform(a, (c.x, c.y)), 6) for a in ref_angles] return [Transform("reflection", angle, c, (0, 0), transform) for transform, angle in zip(reflection_transforms, ref_angles)]
Gets the reflections associated with this collection of symmetries.
- A list of the reflection symmetries associated with this polygon.
def get_rotations(self, offsets: list[int]) ‑> list[Transform]
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def get_rotations(self, offsets:list[int]) -> list[Transform]: """Gets the rotations associated with this collection of symmetries. Returns: list[Transform]: A list of the rotation symmetries associated with this polygon. """ c = self.polygon.centroid rot_angles = [np.round(i * 360 / self.n, 6) for i in offsets] rotation_transforms = [ np.round(tiling_utils.get_rotation_transform(a, (c.x, c.y)), 6) for a in rot_angles] return [Transform("rotation", angle, c, (0, 0), transform) for transform, angle in zip(rotation_transforms, rot_angles)]
Gets the rotations associated with this collection of symmetries.
- A list of the rotation symmetries associated with this polygon.
def get_symmetries(self) ‑> list[Transform]
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def get_symmetries(self) -> list[Transform]: """Finds rotation and reflection symmetries of the supplied polygon. Based on Eades P. 1988. Symmetry Finding Algorithms. In Machine Intelligence and Pattern Recognition, ed. GT Toussaint, 6:41-51. Computational Morphology. North-Holland. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-444-70467-2.50009-6. and also Wolter JD, TC Woo, and RA Volz. 1985. Optimal algorithms for symmetry detection in two and three dimensions. The Visual Computer 1(1): 37-48. doi: 10.1007/BF01901268. Details in these papers are not unambiguous. This implementation was developed based on them, but with a lot of trial and error to get the index offsets and (especially) retrieval of the reflection axes angles to work. Returns: list[Transform]: a list of Transform objects representing the polygon symmetries. """ # ==== Rotations ==== self.rotation_shifts = self.matcher.find_matches(self.p_code) # ==== Reflections ==== self.reflection_shifts = self.matcher.find_matches(self.p_code_r) return self.get_rotations(self.rotation_shifts) + \ self.get_reflections(self.reflection_shifts)
Finds rotation and reflection symmetries of the supplied polygon. Based on
Eades P. 1988. Symmetry Finding Algorithms. In Machine Intelligence and Pattern Recognition, ed. GT Toussaint, 6:41-51. Computational Morphology. North-Holland. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-444-70467-2.50009-6.
and also
Wolter JD, TC Woo, and RA Volz. 1985. Optimal algorithms for symmetry detection in two and three dimensions. The Visual Computer 1(1): 37-48. doi: 10.1007/BF01901268.
Details in these papers are not unambiguous. This implementation was developed based on them, but with a lot of trial and error to get the index offsets and (especially) retrieval of the reflection axes angles to work.
- a list of Transform objects representing the polygon symmetries.
def get_symmetry_group_code(self)
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def get_symmetry_group_code(self): if len(self.reflection_shifts) == 0: return f"C{len(self.rotation_shifts)}" else: return f"D{len(self.rotation_shifts)}"
def get_unique_labels(self, offset: int = 0) ‑> list[str]
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def get_unique_labels(self, offset:int = 0) -> list[str]: labellings = self.get_corner_labels() labellings = labellings["rotations"] + labellings["reflections"] labellings = ["".join(sorted(x)) for x in zip(*labellings)] n_new_labels = len(set(labellings)) letters = list(string.ascii_letters.upper())[offset:offset + n_new_labels] mapping = dict() i = 0 for label in labellings: if not label in mapping: mapping[label] = letters[i] i = i + 1 return self._get_labels_under_symmetries([mapping[x] for x in labellings])
def plot(self, as_image: bool = False, title: str = '')
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def plot(self, as_image:bool = False, title:str = ""): fig = pyplot.figure() fig.suptitle(title) n_subplots = len(self.symmetries) nr = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(n_subplots))) nc = int(np.ceil(n_subplots / nr)) n_plots = 0 for s in self.symmetries: n_plots = n_plots + 1 ax = fig.add_subplot(nr, nc, n_plots) s.plot(ax, self.polygon) if as_image: buf = io.BytesIO() fig.savefig(buf) return return ax
class Transform (transform_type: str,
angle: float,
centre: shapely.geometry.point.Point,
translation: tuple[float],
transform: tuple[float])-
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class Transform: """Class to store details of a transform and draw it.""" transform_type: str """Type of transform, 'rotation', 'reflection', 'translation' or 'identity'.""" angle: float """Angle of rotation (degrees).""" centre: geom.Point """Centre of the transformation.""" translation: tuple[float] """X and Y coordinates shifts of a translation transform. A glide reflection may also include this.""" transform: tuple[float] """Six element tuple for the transform in shapely.transform format. See and methods in `weavingspace.tiling_utils`.""" offset: int def __init__(self, transform_type:str, angle:float, centre:geom.Point, translation: tuple[float], transform:tuple[float]): self.transform_type = transform_type self.angle = angle self.centre = centre self.translation = translation self.transform = transform def __str__(self) -> str: if self.transform_type == "rotation": return f"{self.transform_type} {self.angle:.1f}° POINT ({self.centre.x:.1f} {self.centre.y:.1f}) {tuple([np.round(x, 3) for x in self.transform])}" elif self.transform_type == "reflection": return f"{self.transform_type} {self.angle:.1f}° {tuple([np.round(x, 3) for x in self.transform])}" else: return f"{self.transform_type} {tuple([np.round(x, 3) for x in self.transform])}" def __repr__(self) -> str: return str(self) def apply(self, geometry:Any) -> Any: """Applies this transform to supplied shapely geometry and returns result. Args: geometry (Any): a shapely geometry to transform. Returns: Any: the resulting transformed shapely geometry. """ return affine.affine_transform(geometry, self.transform) def draw(self, ax:pyplot.axes, **kwargs) -> pyplot.Axes: """Draws this transform on the supplied axes. Arguments specific to each transform type are supplied as **kwargs and are documented in `draw_rotation`, `draw_reflection`, and `draw_translation`. Args: ax (pyplot.axes): the axes on which to draw the transform. Returns: pyplot.Axes: the axes with the rendering of this transform added. """ if self.transform_type == "rotation": rotn_args = list(inspect.signature(self.draw_rotation).parameters) rotn_dict = {k: kwargs.pop(k) for k in dict(kwargs) if k in rotn_args} return self.draw_rotation(ax = ax, **rotn_dict) elif self.transform_type == "reflection": refn_args = list(inspect.signature(self.draw_reflection).parameters) refn_dict = {k: kwargs.pop(k) for k in dict(kwargs) if k in refn_args} return self.draw_reflection(ax = ax, **refn_dict) if self.transform_type == "translation": trans_args = list(inspect.signature(self.draw_translation).parameters) trans_dict = {k: kwargs.pop(k) for k in dict(kwargs) if k in trans_args} return self.draw_translation(ax = ax, **trans_dict) elif self.transform_type == "identity": w = ax.get_window_extent().width return ax.set_title(f"{self.transform_type}", fontsize = w / 20) def draw_rotation(self, ax:pyplot.Axes, radius = 200, add_title = True) -> pyplot.Axes: x, y = self.centre.x, self.centre.y axis = geom.LineString([(x, y), (x + radius * 1.25, y)]) arc = geom.LineString([ geom.Point(x + radius * np.cos(np.radians(a)), y + radius * np.sin(np.radians(a))) for a in np.linspace(0, self.angle, 50)]) gpd.GeoSeries([self.centre]).plot( ax = ax, color = "r", markersize = 4, zorder = 5) gpd.GeoSeries([axis, arc]).plot(ax = ax, color = "r", lw = .5) if add_title: w = ax.get_window_extent().width ax.set_title(f"{self.transform_type} {np.round(self.angle, 2)}", fontsize = w / 20) return ax def draw_reflection(self, ax:pyplot.Axes, w = 5, mirror_length = 100, add_title = True) -> pyplot.Axes: x, y = self.centre.x, self.centre.y dx, dy = self.translation r = np.sqrt(self.translation[0] ** 2 + self.translation[1] ** 2) mirror = geom.LineString([ (x - mirror_length / 2 * np.cos(np.radians(self.angle)), y - mirror_length / 2 * np.sin(np.radians(self.angle))), (x + mirror_length / 2 * np.cos(np.radians(self.angle)), y + mirror_length / 2 * np.sin(np.radians(self.angle)))]) gpd.GeoSeries([mirror]).plot( ax = ax, color = "r", lw = 1, ls = "dashdot", zorder = 5) no_slide = np.isclose(r, 0, rtol = 1e-6, atol = 1e-6) if not no_slide: pyplot.arrow( x - dx / 2, y - dy / 2, dx, dy, length_includes_head = True, width = w, fc = "k", ec = None, head_width = w * 6, zorder = 5) if add_title: w = ax.get_window_extent().width ax.set_title(f"{self.transform_type} {np.round(self.angle, 2)}", fontsize = w / 20) return ax def draw_translation(self, ax:pyplot.Axes, c:geom.Point, w:float = 5, add_title = True) -> pyplot.Axes: gpd.GeoSeries([c]).plot(ax = ax, color = "b") pyplot.arrow(c.x, c.y, self.translation[0], self.translation[1], lw = 0.5, width = w, fc = "b", ec = None, head_width = w * 6, zorder = 5) if add_title: w = ax.get_window_extent().width rounded_tr = tuple([np.round(x, 1) for x in self.translation]) ax.set_title(f"{self.transform_type} {rounded_tr}", fontsize = w / 20) return ax
Class to store details of a transform and draw it.
Class variables
var angle : float
Angle of rotation (degrees).
var centre : shapely.geometry.point.Point
Centre of the transformation.
var offset : int
The type of the None singleton.
var transform : tuple[float]
Six element tuple for the transform in shapely.transform format. See and methods in
. var transform_type : str
Type of transform, 'rotation', 'reflection', 'translation' or 'identity'.
var translation : tuple[float]
X and Y coordinates shifts of a translation transform. A glide reflection may also include this.
def apply(self, geometry: Any) ‑> Any
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def apply(self, geometry:Any) -> Any: """Applies this transform to supplied shapely geometry and returns result. Args: geometry (Any): a shapely geometry to transform. Returns: Any: the resulting transformed shapely geometry. """ return affine.affine_transform(geometry, self.transform)
Applies this transform to supplied shapely geometry and returns result.
- a shapely geometry to transform.
- the resulting transformed shapely geometry.
def draw(self, ax:
, **kwargs) ‑> matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes -
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def draw(self, ax:pyplot.axes, **kwargs) -> pyplot.Axes: """Draws this transform on the supplied axes. Arguments specific to each transform type are supplied as **kwargs and are documented in `draw_rotation`, `draw_reflection`, and `draw_translation`. Args: ax (pyplot.axes): the axes on which to draw the transform. Returns: pyplot.Axes: the axes with the rendering of this transform added. """ if self.transform_type == "rotation": rotn_args = list(inspect.signature(self.draw_rotation).parameters) rotn_dict = {k: kwargs.pop(k) for k in dict(kwargs) if k in rotn_args} return self.draw_rotation(ax = ax, **rotn_dict) elif self.transform_type == "reflection": refn_args = list(inspect.signature(self.draw_reflection).parameters) refn_dict = {k: kwargs.pop(k) for k in dict(kwargs) if k in refn_args} return self.draw_reflection(ax = ax, **refn_dict) if self.transform_type == "translation": trans_args = list(inspect.signature(self.draw_translation).parameters) trans_dict = {k: kwargs.pop(k) for k in dict(kwargs) if k in trans_args} return self.draw_translation(ax = ax, **trans_dict) elif self.transform_type == "identity": w = ax.get_window_extent().width return ax.set_title(f"{self.transform_type}", fontsize = w / 20)
Draws this transform on the supplied axes. Arguments specific to each transform type are supplied as **kwargs and are documented in
, anddraw_translation
- the axes on which to draw the transform.
- the axes with the rendering of this transform added.
def draw_reflection(self, ax: matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes, w=5, mirror_length=100, add_title=True) ‑> matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes
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def draw_reflection(self, ax:pyplot.Axes, w = 5, mirror_length = 100, add_title = True) -> pyplot.Axes: x, y = self.centre.x, self.centre.y dx, dy = self.translation r = np.sqrt(self.translation[0] ** 2 + self.translation[1] ** 2) mirror = geom.LineString([ (x - mirror_length / 2 * np.cos(np.radians(self.angle)), y - mirror_length / 2 * np.sin(np.radians(self.angle))), (x + mirror_length / 2 * np.cos(np.radians(self.angle)), y + mirror_length / 2 * np.sin(np.radians(self.angle)))]) gpd.GeoSeries([mirror]).plot( ax = ax, color = "r", lw = 1, ls = "dashdot", zorder = 5) no_slide = np.isclose(r, 0, rtol = 1e-6, atol = 1e-6) if not no_slide: pyplot.arrow( x - dx / 2, y - dy / 2, dx, dy, length_includes_head = True, width = w, fc = "k", ec = None, head_width = w * 6, zorder = 5) if add_title: w = ax.get_window_extent().width ax.set_title(f"{self.transform_type} {np.round(self.angle, 2)}", fontsize = w / 20) return ax
def draw_rotation(self, ax: matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes, radius=200, add_title=True) ‑> matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes
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def draw_rotation(self, ax:pyplot.Axes, radius = 200, add_title = True) -> pyplot.Axes: x, y = self.centre.x, self.centre.y axis = geom.LineString([(x, y), (x + radius * 1.25, y)]) arc = geom.LineString([ geom.Point(x + radius * np.cos(np.radians(a)), y + radius * np.sin(np.radians(a))) for a in np.linspace(0, self.angle, 50)]) gpd.GeoSeries([self.centre]).plot( ax = ax, color = "r", markersize = 4, zorder = 5) gpd.GeoSeries([axis, arc]).plot(ax = ax, color = "r", lw = .5) if add_title: w = ax.get_window_extent().width ax.set_title(f"{self.transform_type} {np.round(self.angle, 2)}", fontsize = w / 20) return ax
def draw_translation(self,
ax: matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes,
c: shapely.geometry.point.Point,
w: float = 5,
add_title=True) ‑> matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes-
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def draw_translation(self, ax:pyplot.Axes, c:geom.Point, w:float = 5, add_title = True) -> pyplot.Axes: gpd.GeoSeries([c]).plot(ax = ax, color = "b") pyplot.arrow(c.x, c.y, self.translation[0], self.translation[1], lw = 0.5, width = w, fc = "b", ec = None, head_width = w * 6, zorder = 5) if add_title: w = ax.get_window_extent().width rounded_tr = tuple([np.round(x, 1) for x in self.translation]) ax.set_title(f"{self.transform_type} {rounded_tr}", fontsize = w / 20) return ax