
David O’Sullivan

This website is a shop window for Geospatial Stuff through which I offer contract expertise in data analytics and visualisation, simulation modelling, and training, especially in relation to all things geospatial. For more information get in touch.


I am an accomplished geospatial researcher with over 25 years experience. I am an Honorary Professor at the University of Auckland and a Research Affiliate at Motu. You can find out more about my academic exploits from the drop-down above, or at Google Scholar.

You’ll find examples of my work in my portfolio and blog posts. To summarise:

Commmunicating ideas

I have written 3 books and numerous research articles. I have taught for over 20 years and can put together a mean slide show. I use web-formats, primarily revealjs and quarto. See my presentations, or the slides here. Years of teaching experience is the basis for the training I offer.

Communicating data

I work all the time in R and Python developing workflows to tidy, reformat, analyse, and visualize data, especially spatial data. I am a trained cartographer, and have regularly worked on visual analytics or maps of complex data in research projects and publications. There are many examples among the blog posts.

Wrangling data

I have been programming since forever. My everyday languages are Python and R, but I have experience in others (notably Java and JavaScript). I can write well organised and documented code. I am not a web developer, but will roll up my sleeves and figure stuff out as needed. Most of my web stuff is linked from these pages, so have a look around.

Simulating stuff

I love NetLogo, but admit that it is niche, albeit surprisingly powerful (see this geographical COVID model I built in lockdown. I’ve also written a book about this.

Project management

Before academia I was a project engineer leading build, test, commissioning, and maintenance of production line laser-scanning inspection equipment, working with multinational clients such as IBM, Kodak, Dow Chemical, and Sony. In that role I learned a great deal about project and people management.