
A variety of video content relevant to different stages of the course is linked from the pages below. Some of the videos may relate to slightly different earlier versions of the course, but will still be useful and relevant. I will keep you posted if any new video is added. Note that the lecture recordings are hosted on Blackboard.

Week 1

An overview of the course focusing on the idea of open science.

Week 2

Lectures introducing R and RStudio and discussing the limitations of data.

Week 3

Lectures on choropleth maps and tidyverse pipelines. Practical material on making maps in R

Week 4

Lectures on dealing with tables, and spatial data wrangling.

Week 5

Lectures on clustering analysis and applications of clustering analysis.

Week 6

Lectures on surface analysis and handling raster data in R

Week 7

Lectures on overlay and regression, regression modelling, and practical information about using RStudio with scripts and Rmarkdown

Week 8

More material about regression including practical materials as demonstrated in class, plus an introduction to the mini-projects.

Week 9

A lecture about spatial analysis methods and some ‘bonus’ material on zoomed-in maps.