tmap vs. ggplot2 for mapping

I think I prefer…

David O’Sullivan


November 16, 2024

I’ve just spent much of a not especially nice Saturday (weather-wise) tidying up some loose ends on the Computing Geographically website. In particular, I’ve been updating the R code snippets that make many of the figures. I started out intending to update the tmap v3 code to v4, since the latter is now recommended by the developer. It has, for example, been adopted in the latest edition of the excellent Geocomputation with R.

A little way into the process, I realised that since doing last year’s 30 Day Map Challenge (see my efforts here) I use ggplot2 a lot more for my everyday mapping work than I do tmap. That’s in spite of having taught tmap for several years, a choice I made because its learning curve is less steep than ggplot2’s. Anyway, long story short, migrating the code on my book website from tmap v3 to v4 turned into more of a mixed bag: migrating some code to tmap v4, and some to ggplot2.

In this post I discuss some things to consider if you are choosing which of these two excellent packages—that’s important: they are both excellent packages—to use in various situations.

Same only different


What the packages have in common is that they implement the idea of a grammar of graphics (hence ggplot2’s name) where we progressively add layers to a graphic, specifying for each layer how data attributes are scaled to give values of :visual variables (colour, line width, line style, symbol size and so on). There’s a graphic (in German) showing this idea here.

So the packages are similar at a high-level. However, I’m not going to delve into details of the differences between these packages. For that, you will should explore the extensive online resources available. The best places to start are hard to pick. Maybe here for tmap and here for geospatial stuff in ggplot2. Just be aware that tmap is undergoing a major upheaval as it transitions to v4 and while older code should still work, you’ll see a lot of warnings. Meanwhile, ggplot2 has a habit of changing things without preserving backwards compatibility, so it’s advisable to be wary of any code snippets more than 3 or 4 years old when you are looking for help.

Rather than the details, I want to explore the packages ‘in use’ by looking at four broad aspects of mapping that speak to the advantages of a package specifically designed for mapping (tmap) over a more general purpose visualization tool (ggplot2), which nevertheless holds it own. Those four things are choropleth maps, raster data, web maps, and ‘map junk’ (north arrows and the like).

Choropleth maps: tmap’s killer app

Making ‘proper’ choropleth maps in ggplot2 is no fun at all. See my Day 13 experience in the 2023 30 Day Map Challenge. The difficulty is that the central tenet of classified choropleth mapping is controlling how you relate data to colour fills. It’s not that ggplot2 won’t allow you fine control over this aspect of your choropleth map, it’s just that it really, really wants you to map your data linearly, and continuously to a colour ramp. That’s a reasonable design decision for a general scientific visualization tool. It’s just not what cartographers do in choropleth mapping.

To illustrate, here’s an old dataset I often use: TB cases in Auckland City in 2006 by Census Area Unit:

ak <- st_read("ak-tb.gpkg")

And here’s the most basic ggplot2 choropleth map of the TB_RATE variable (which is cases per 100,000 population):

ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data = ak, aes(fill = TB_RATE))
aes(fill = ...) specifies which variable maps to the colour fill

A few things stand out here (to my eye at least):

  • you get a graticule in latitude-longitude even if the data are in a projected coordinate system (to be clear, the map is in the projected coordinates);
  • the default colour ramp goes from dark for low values to light for high values; and
  • the default colour ramp is black-to-blue, which might be preferable to the default muddy browns we’ve become accustomed to, but is an unusual choice for a map.

Of course we can fix all these things:

ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data = ak, aes(fill = TB_RATE)) +
    palette = "brewer.reds") +
  coord_sf(datum = st_crs(ak))
scale_fill_continuous_c4a_seq() is in the cols4all package which includes a very wide range of palettes
Use Brewer palette ‘Reds’
Get the coordinate system of the data using st_crs() and apply to the coordinate frame using coord_sf()

Note that I am using a cols4all scale, because this is the preferred colour palettes package for tmap, and provides a wide array of options. For casual mapping, we likely don’t care about the grid, and we can get rid of that too using theme_void():

ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data = ak, aes(fill = TB_RATE)) +
    palette = "brewer.reds") +

Something like the above, which is three lines of code after the introductory ggplot() call, is what I use most of the time. And the map is good enough, especially if it’s temporary and a stepping stone on the way to some other analysis.

What does the same map look like in tmap v4?

tm_shape(ak) +
    fill = "TB_RATE",
    fill.scale = tm_scale_continuous(
      values = "brewer.reds")) +
    frame = FALSE, 
    legend.frame = FALSE)
Variable name for fill in quotes
Brewer ‘Reds’ again
Remove annoying frames around map and legend

Essentially the same map, up to minor aesthetic details. These are easily tweaked in either package, so we won’t worry about them too much here.

Where tmap wins out is if you want to experiment with classic choropleth map classification schemes, for example:

m1 <- tm_shape(ak) +
    fill = "TB_RATE",
    fill.scale = tm_scale_intervals(values = "brewer.reds")) +
  tm_layout(title = "Pretty", title.size = 0.8,
            frame = FALSE, legend.frame = FALSE)

m2 <- tm_shape(ak) +
    fill = "TB_RATE",
    fill.scale = tm_scale_intervals(
      values = "brewer.reds", style = "equal", n = 6)) +
    title = "Equal intervals", title.size = 0.8,
    frame = FALSE, legend.frame = FALSE) 

m3 <- tm_shape(ak) +
    fill = "TB_RATE",
    fill.scale = tm_scale_intervals(
      values = "brewer.reds", style = "quantile", n = 6)) +
    title = "Quantiles", title.size = 0.8,
    frame = FALSE, legend.frame = FALSE)

m4 <- tm_shape(ak) +
    fill = "TB_RATE",
    fill.scale = tm_scale_intervals(
      values = "brewer.reds", style = "sd")) +
  tm_layout(title = "Std. Dev.", title.size = 0.8,
            frame = FALSE, legend.frame = FALSE)

tmap_arrange(m1, m2, m3, m4, ncol = 2)
The default classification style is "pretty", i.e. human-friendly round numbers
style = "equal" to get equal intervals
add a title to show the classification style
style = "quantile" for quantiles
style = "sd" for standard deviation breaks

Forget the minor issue with aligning these maps exactly, the point here is that these are all classified choropleth maps, with the classification method specified by the style parameter (more options are available than shown here). This is an established way to make choropleth colours easier to parse, or put another way, to make it easier to highlight the specific features of the data you want readers to focus on.

The magic here is that behind the scenes tmap is using the classInt package, and if we want to make similar maps in ggplot2 we have to do that work ourselves:


class_breaks <- ak$TB_RATE |>
  classIntervals(6, "quantile", digits = 1)
brks <- round(class_breaks$brks, 1)

ggplot() + 
  geom_sf(data = ak, aes(fill = TB_RATE)) +
    palette = "brewer.reds", breaks = brks) + 
Note the change to a binned scale, controlled by the breaks

The above is the minimal ggplot2 version of a quantile map I can come up with. If you want the nice class labels then you have to make those labels yourself and do more work on the legend. You can see an example of this in my Day 13 map in the 2023 30 Day Map Challenge.

Overall, if you are making a lot of classified choropleth maps then tmap is your friend.

Raster data: tmap’s other killer app

tmap is comfortable dealing with raster data. Here’s a simple example:

dem <- rast("dem.tif")

tm_shape(dem) + 
    col = "dem",
    col.scale = tm_scale_intervals(values = "hcl.terrain2"),
    col.legend = tm_legend(title = "Elevation")) +
  tm_layout(legend.frame = FALSE)
tm_raster() ‘announces’ that these data are raster so that some visual variables might be interpreted differently, e.g. col is now what fill is on a polygon layer, where col is interpreted as linework or outline colour

Nice! Note that the same tm_scale_intervals() function is used here to specify colours in this case as it was to specify fill colours in the choropleth map case. We can also have a continuous colour ramp, and layer on top a hillshade. First make the hillshade using some terra functions:

slope <- dem |> terrain("slope", unit = "radians")
aspect <- dem |> terrain("aspect", unit = "radians")
hillshade <- shade(slope, aspect, 
                   angle = 35, direction = 135)

Then just add it as another layer also using the col aesthetic with a semi-transparent grey palette.

tm_shape(dem) + 
    col = "dem",
    col.scale = tm_scale_continuous(values = "hcl.terrain2"),
    col.legend = tm_legend(title = "Elevation")) +
  tm_shape(hillshade) +
    col = "hillshade",
    col.scale = tm_scale_continuous(values = "brewer.greys"),
    col_alpha = 0.35
  ) +
    legend.frame = FALSE, = FALSE)
tmap is OK about adding a second layer using the col visual variable

Nicer! If I have one issue here it’s with using the parameter name values for the palette name, which takes a little bit of getting used to. Of course, the rationale for this is that the palette specifies where the colour visual variable is to get its values which in this context, are colours.

ggplot2 doesn’t really deal in rasters. We can make similar maps pretty easily, by converting to an x, y, attribute dataframe:

dem_df <- dem |> = TRUE)
ggplot(dem_df) +
  geom_raster(aes(x = x, y = y, fill = dem)) +
    palette = "hcl.terrain2", name = "Elevation") +
  coord_sf(expand = FALSE) +
  theme_void() +
    panel.border = element_rect(fill = NA, linewidth = 1))
Note that for ggplot2 the colours are still a fill here
expand = FALSE prevents a margin around the data
ggplot2’s theming system has a lot going on…

You can probably tell I’ve done a fair bit of this kind of thing: I didn’t just magic that expand = FALSE option and the panel.border thing out of nowhere.

Anyway, while this approach is fine for a small raster like this one, even here the x-y dataframe equivalent to the raster has 35,000 or so rows, so this won’t scale well.

And we haven’t even got into the headaches involved if you want to layer something else on top of a raster dataset where you need to use the fill aesthetic again, like say… a hillshade. Let’s just say the ggnewscale package is your friend. I leave that as an exercise for the reader…

Again… I think it’s clear that tmap is a better choice if you are making a lot of maps of raster data.

Web maps: tmap’s oth… OK, this is just getting silly

When it comes to web maps ggplot2 doesn’t even try. tmap on the other hand has its ‘mode switch’ option. Set the mode to view and you are making web maps!

tm_shape(ak) +
    fill = "TB_RATE", 
    fill.scale = tm_scale_intervals(values = "brewer.reds"), 
    fill_alpha = 0.5)
Now you’re making web maps! Use tmap_mode("plot") to switch back


So, yeah, if you are making bona fide web maps, tmap every time. Switch back to plot mode, and tmap also does a good job of allowing you to use a web map as a basemap layer:

tm_shape(ak) +
    fill = "TB_RATE",
    fill.scale = tm_scale_intervals(values = "brewer.reds"),
    fill_alpha = 0.5) +
  tm_basemap(server = "OpenStreetMap") +
  tm_layout(frame = FALSE, legend.frame = FALSE)
Adds a static web map as a basemap

ggplot2 can get the same effect using the ggspatial::annotation_maptile() function (you will also need to have the prettymapr package installed).

ggplot() + 
  annotation_map_tile(zoomin = 1) +
  geom_sf(data = ak, aes(fill = TB_RATE), alpha = 0.5) +
  scale_fill_continuous_c4a_seq(palette = "brewer.reds") +
annotation_map_tile() is a function from ggspatial

Overall though, another win for tmap.

Map junk: whatever

As you might guess from the title of this section, I am not much concerned with north arrows and scalebars and such-like. tmap has them built in.

tm_shape(ak) + 
    fill = "TB_RATE",
    fill.scale = tm_scale_continuous(values = "brewer.reds")) +
  tm_compass() +
  tm_scalebar(position = c("left", "bottom")) +
  tm_layout(legend.frame = FALSE)

To get the same things in ggplot2 you need the ggspatial package, and they’re perfectly serviceable. I am about as excited about this as I sound.

ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data = ak, aes(fill = TB_RATE)) +
  scale_fill_continuous_c4a_seq(palette = "brewer.reds") +
  annotation_north_arrow(location = "br") +
  annotation_scale(location = "bl") +
  theme_void() + 
  theme(panel.border = element_rect(fill = NA))
Another ggspatial function
And another

Needless to say, both tmap and ggplot2 offer lots of flexibility for adding titles and subtitles and positioning all these elements around the map wherever you want them.

All in all, this one is probably a tie, assuming you’ve installed ggspatial.

Final thoughts

In brief then: tmap is better at:

  • classified choropleth maps;
  • dealing with geospatial rasters; and
  • web maps,

and about equal on

  • web map derived basemaps; and
  • map junk;

The latter two assuming that you have installed ggspatial. The funny thing is, I still find myself using ggplot2 more! For me the counterpoints to the above are:

  • unclassified choropleths are often fine for a quick look-see at your data;
  • I don’t make many raster-based maps, and ggplot2::geom_tile is often good enough for my purposes;
  • Where I previously used web maps in tmap to get an overview of my data, now I tend to use QGIS. If I really need a web map, I will certainly use tmap; and
  • I am not a fan of map junk (hence: junk). Don’t get me wrong, I’ll but a north arrow and scalebar on a map if necessary, I just don’t make many maps like that.

If your mix of use-cases is different, especially if choropleth maps, raster data, and web maps loom larger in your world than they do in mine, then you might wind up making a different choice.

I think the reason I end up gravitating to ggplot2 is that it is the entry point into a much wider visualization world. The idiom it has popularised, which tmap has reworked for mapping, of layering a series of aesthetics each linking a data variable to a visual variable (that so-called grammar of graphics) is more cleanly implemented in ggplot2, as you’d expect it to be. And the exact same semantics apply to scatterplots, boxplots, violin plots, histograms, bar charts, and so on. The ggplot2 ecosystem is sprawling and extremely powerful, and making maps is just one small corner of it.

Because of that, I am always making charts using ggplot(data) + geom_*() and it feels very natural to make maps the same way.

Having said that, for R coded maps that cover all the mapping bases, you should probably also get to grips with tmap. I use both regularly, even if I do use ggplot2 a little more regularly!

Geospatial Stuff