Overview / plan

Antarctica Dry Valleys vulnerability to human impacts


David O’Sullivan


July 18, 2024

Date Changes
2024-07-18 Reprioritised items.
2024-07-18 Initial post.

Will keep this page updated as we go.

  1. Localised hiking functions
    • Derive from the GPS data — essentially DONE
  2. Make a hiking network – can do this in principle, but resolution to be agreed, and landcover costs determined
    • Network to be based on hexagonal grid of points, not raster (put this functionality in the R function script, i.e. generate the hex array in R, not Q or an external tool) — DONE
    • Cover types important - can we assume all the same? Apart from obvious ice?
    • Improve the input data using additional sources
  3. Select a set of central places
    • based on GPS data counts (ask if this is representative, or are there more?)
  4. Modify igraph betweenness centrality methods to operate on a limited set of ODs:
    • This might require iterating over OD pairs to get single shortest paths as lists of vertices/edges, then summing the # appearances of each across all trips
    • Generate for all pairs within some time range of one another only (assume that people will take known routes via closer central places)
  5. Output graphs as hex (vertex) and line (edge) spatial datasets for visualization
    • how well do these match the GPS data?

Data sources

Elevation data

Howat, Ian, et al., 2022, “The Reference Elevation Model of Antarctica – Mosaics, Version 2”, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/EBW8UC, Harvard Dataverse, V1, Accessed: 28-29 August 2024. Downloaded from ftp.data.pgc.umn.edu at 10 and 32m resolutions.

Rock outcrops

Gerrish, L. (2020). Automatically extracted rock outcrop dataset for Antarctica (7.3) [Data set]. UK Polar Data Centre, Natural Environment Research Council, UK Research & Innovation. https://doi.org/10.5285/178ec50d-1ffb-42a4-a4a3-1145419da2bb


From GNS GeoMAP:

Cox SC, B Smith Lyttle, S Elkind, CS Smith Siddoway, P Morin, G Capponi, T Abu-Alam, M Ballinger, L Bamber, B Kitchener, L Lelli, JF Mawson, A Millikin, N Dal Seno, L Whitburn, T White, A Burton-Johnson, L Crispini, D Elliot, S Elvevold, JW Goodge, JA Halpin, J Jacobs, E Mikhalsky, AP Martin, F Morgan, J Smellie, P Scadden, and GS Wilson. 2023. The GeoMAP (v.2022-08) continent-wide detailed geological dataset of Antarctica.PANGAEA. doi: 10.1594/PANGAEA.951482.

Downloaded from: https://download.pangaea.de/dataset/951482/files/ATA_SCAR_GeoMAP_v2022_08_QGIS.zip


Gerrish, L., Fretwell, P., & Cooper, P. (2020). High resolution Antarctic lakes dataset (7.3) [Data set]. UK Polar Data Centre, Natural Environment Research Council, UK Research & Innovation. https://doi.org/10.5285/6a27ab9e-1258-49b1-bd2c-fcbed310ab45