Compute times of hiking network analysis

Varying resolution and cutoff times in centrality analysis


David O’Sullivan


September 3, 2024

Date Changes
2024-09-26 Added an executive summary.
2024-09-04 Added quick analysis of timings.
2024-08-29 Initial post.

TL;DR Executive summary

The key findings are:

  • As expected calculation of betweenness times increases with the square of the network size (in number of nodes), hence with the 4th power of the resolution.
  • This combinatorial explosion (it’s polynomial, but not in a good way…) means that restricting betweenness calculations using a cost cutoff is desirable. For a given cutoff calculation time is linear in the network size, hence it grows with the square of the resolution. For the landscape sub-areas under consideration calculation of everywhere-to-everywhere betweenness on 100m nominal resolution networks takes several hours on a stock machine (M2 Mac mini) whereas betweenness calculations with 2 or 3 hour cutoffs take manageable 10-20 minute times.

This notebook explores the impact of varying the resolution of the hiking network and cutoff times on computation times.



Most of this code is in the previous notebook just wrapped in a couple of loops.

Setup a bunch of folders and base data sets that are unchanged from run to run.

dem_resolution     <- "32m" # 10m also available, but probably not critical
impassable_cost    <- -999  # in the cover-costs file. hat-tip to ESRI
data_folder        <- str_glue("{here()}/_data")
base_folder        <- str_glue("{data_folder}/dry-valleys")
input_folder       <- str_glue("{base_folder}/common-inputs")
output_folder      <- str_glue("{base_folder}/output")
basename           <- str_glue("dry-valleys")
contiguous_geology <- "05"  # use small one '05' for testing

dem_folder         <- str_glue("{data_folder}/dem/{dem_resolution}")
dem_file <- str_glue("{dem_folder}/{basename}-combined-{dem_resolution}-dem-clipped.tif")
extent_file        <- str_glue("{base_folder}/contiguous-geologies/{basename}-extent-{contiguous_geology}.gpkg")
extent             <- st_read(extent_file)

terrain <- rast(dem_file) |>
  crop(extent |> as("SpatVector")) |>
  mask(extent |> as("SpatVector"))
shade <- get_hillshade(terrain) |> = TRUE) # this is for plotting in ggplot

hillshade_basemap  <- ggplot(shade) +
  geom_raster(data = shade, aes(x = x, y = y, fill = hillshade), alpha = 0.5) + 
  scale_fill_distiller(palette = "Greys", direction = 1) +
  guides(fill = "none") +
  annotation_scale(plot_unit = "m", height = unit(0.1, "cm")) +

landcover_file     <- str_glue("{input_folder}/{basename}-cover-costs.gpkg")
cover              <- st_read(landcover_file)
resolutions <- c(100, 200)
cutoffs     <- c(1:5, -1)

results <- list()
index <- 1
for (resolution in resolutions) {
  hex_cell_spacing <- resolution * sqrt(2 / sqrt(3))
  # check if we have already made this dataset
  hexgrid_file <- 
  if (file.exists(hexgrid_file)) {
    xy <- st_read(hexgrid_file)
  } else {
    xy  <- extent |>
      st_make_grid(cellsize = hex_cell_spacing, what = "centers", square = FALSE) |>
      st_as_sf() |>
      rename(geometry = x) |>   # shouldsee
    coords <- xy |> st_coordinates()
    xy <- xy |>
      mutate(x = coords[, 1], y = coords[, 2])
    xy |>
      st_write(str_glue(hexgrid_file), delete_dsn = TRUE)
  z <- terrain |> terra::extract(xy |> as("SpatVector"), method = "bilinear")
  pts <- xy |>
    mutate(z = z[, 2]) |>
    st_join(cover) |>
    filter(!, cost != impassable_cost)
  graph_file <-   
  if (file.exists(graph_file)) {
    G <- read_graph(graph_file) 
  } else {
    G <- graph_from_points(pts, hex_cell_spacing * 1.1)
    write_graph(G, graph_file)
  # note... for now this uses a default Tobler hiking function
  G <- assign_movement_variables_to_graph(G, xyz = pts, impedances = pts$cost)

  for (cutoff in cutoffs) {
    vb_base_time <- system.time(base_vb <- betweenness(G, cutoff = cutoff))
    vb_cost_time <- system.time(cost_vb <- betweenness(G, weights = E(G)$cost, cutoff = cutoff))
    base_vb    <- scales::rescale(base_vb, to = c(1, 100))
    cost_vb    <- scales::rescale(cost_vb, to = c(1, 100))
    diff_vb    <- (cost_vb - base_vb) / (cost_vb + base_vb)
    rel_vb     <- cost_vb / base_vb
    log_rel_vb <- log(rel_vb)
    Gsp <- G |> 
      set_vertex_attr("base_vb", value = base_vb) |>
      set_vertex_attr("cost_vb", value = cost_vb) |>
      set_vertex_attr("diff_vb", value = diff_vb) |>
      set_vertex_attr("rel_vb", value = rel_vb) |>
      set_vertex_attr("log_rel_vb", value = log_rel_vb)
    results[[index]] <- vertex.attributes(Gsp) |> |>
      mutate(resolution = resolution, cutoff = cutoff,
             vb_base_time = vb_base_time[3], 
             vb_cost_time = vb_cost_time[3])
    index <- index + 1
results <- bind_rows(results)
results <- results |> 
  mutate(resolution = as.factor(resolution),
         cutoff = as.factor(cutoff)) |>
  mutate(cutoff = if_else(cutoff == -1, "None", cutoff))
hillshade_basemap + 
  geom_point(data = results |> filter(resolution == 100), 
             aes(x = x, y = y, colour = cost_vb), size = 0.09) + 
  scale_colour_viridis_c(option = "A", direction = -1) + 
  coord_equal() + 
  facet_wrap( ~ cutoff, nrow = 3, labeller = label_both) +
  ggtitle("Hiking network nominal resolution: 100m")

hillshade_basemap + 
  geom_point(data = results |> filter(resolution == 200), 
             aes(x = x, y = y, colour = cost_vb), size = 0.2) + 
  scale_colour_viridis_c(option = "A", direction = -1) +
  coord_equal() + 
  facet_wrap( ~ cutoff, nrow = 3, labeller = label_both) +
  ggtitle("Hiking network nominal resolution: 200m")

Export these results for interactive examination in QGIS.


for (c in cutoffs) {
  for (r in resolutions) {
    results |> filter(cutoff == c, resolution == r) |>
      st_as_sf(coords = c("x", "y")) |> 
      st_set_crs(st_crs(extent)) |> 
        delete_dsn = TRUE)


The timing for this small area of interest at these resolutions and cutoff times are tabulated below.

df <- results |> 
  select(resolution, vb_base_time, vb_cost_time, cutoff) |>
  distinct() |>
  pivot_longer(cols = c(vb_base_time, vb_cost_time))

ggplot(df) +
  geom_col(aes(x = cutoff, y = value, group = resolution, fill = resolution), position = "dodge") +
  xlab("Betweenness calculation est. hiking time cutoff") +
  ylab("Time, sec") +

This confirms that the time to perform betweenness centrality estimation increases with the square of the number of vertices in the network. The finer resolution network (100m) has four times as many nodes, and analysis takes around 16 times longer (>15 seconds vs ~ 1 second in the cutoff = 5 case).

When no cutoff time is used, the betweenness calculation takes much longer. It is clear from the maps above that the no cutoff case identifies ‘arterials’ although it is unclear that this is the most relevant concern for expected environmental impacts.

Further analysis of larger networks (the networks for the largest contiguous region are about 10 times larger than this one) confirms this result, with comparable analyses taking ~100 times longer, which on the computer used (an M2 Mac Mini) translates to several hours compute time for the most extensive betweenness estimation at 100m resolution.

These results suggest that it is important to settle on a resolution and cutoff distance judged appropriate for ongoing work to avoid costly repetition of sometimes time-consuming analysis. It is almost certainly preferable to apply some cutoff estimated hiking time to the calculation in any case.