Hiking networks themselves should remove steep/slow edges. This became apparent in developing code for betweenness calculations based on a limited set of origins and destinations, when imposing a cost cutoff reveals the existence of some very costly edges in networks (this should have been apparent sooner… but so it goes).
I’ve settled on two ‘basins’, Skelton and Dry Valleys, as defined by the NASA Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) project, downloadable from here.1
Looking more closely, Skelton was included in the study area extent because the provided GPS data from the 2015-16 season (shown in red below) extended into this basin in addition the Dry Valleys basin.
Based on this study area DEM data was assembled from the REMA project2 downloaded from ftp.data.pgc.umn.edu, using at least to begin the 32m resolution product, extending across tiles as shown below.
ggplot() +geom_raster(data = shade8, aes(x = x, y = y, fill = shade), alpha =0.35) +scale_fill_distiller(palette ="Blues", guide ="none") +geom_sf(data = study_area, fill ="#00000000", colour ="red") +geom_sf(data = tiles, fill ="#00000000", colour ="darkgrey") +geom_sf_text(data = tiles, aes(label = tile), size =2.5) +theme_void()
Definition of areas of interest
Much of the area delineated above is covered in permanent snow and ice. To delineate areas for closer study we use areas of classified geology obtained from the GNS GeoMAP3 and downloaded from here
This layer is clipped to the study area extent. Colours in the map below are randomly signed and indicative only.
Delineation of areas of interest: large regions of contiguous geology are chosen as study areas
Estimation of relative movement costs for building the hiking network
Areas of interest
The five largest regions of contiguous geology in the study area have been chosen for closer study. These range in extent from almost 2600 to around 320 sq.km.
For the time being a very crude relative movement rate classification assigning any geology including the term till a cost 1.5, any containing the term rock a cost 2, and all other areas (water and ice) a null value -999 has been used. Better choices might be 1.19 (or 1.67) for till and 2.5 for rock per values cited in the documentation of the R movecost package, as follows:
Blacktop roads, improved dirt paths, cement
Lawn grass
Loose beach sand
Disturbed ground (former stone quarry)
Horse riding path, flat trails and meadows
Tall grassland (with thistle and nettles)
Open space above the treeline (i.e., 2000 m asl)
Bad trails, stony outcrops and river beds
Off-path areas below the treeline (pastures, forests, heathland)
Swamp, water course
These choices remain open for discussion and adjustment, in combination with determination of localised hiking functions from the provided GPS data.
Current results: an example
An example output for the largest area of interest is shown below.
Both results were obtained with a betweenness centrality calculation cutoff of 2 hours estimated hiking time. The resulting beweenness measures have been rescaled in both cases to a range between 1 and 100 to enable direct comparison. The distribution of the results in each case is similar, although the finer resolution network yields more strongly concentrated outcomes.
However, it is worth noting that there are differences on closer inspection. The area highlighted in the second map above is shown below screenshotted from QGIS.
There are actually two spots here where the image on the right (200m resolution network) is disconnected relative to the 100m resolution case. Note how the 100m resolution network finds two paths through this region, where the 200m resolution network does not. The second ‘missing’ node is towards the top right of the image.
It would not be difficult to fix this by buffering the geology as required, but it may be that such narrow connections are not ‘really’ connections at all…
Mouginot, J., Scheuchl, B. & Rignot, E. MEaSUREs Antarctic Boundaries for IPY 2007-2009 from Satellite Radar, Version 2. 2017, Distributed by NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center. https://doi.org/10.5067/AXE4121732AD. Date Accessed 09-03-2024.↩︎
Howat, Ian, et al., 2022, “The Reference Elevation Model of Antarctica – Mosaics, Version 2”, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/EBW8UC, Harvard Dataverse, V1, Accessed: 28-29 August 2024.↩︎
Cox SC, B Smith Lyttle, S Elkind, CS Smith Siddoway, P Morin, G Capponi, T Abu-Alam, M Ballinger, L Bamber, B Kitchener, L Lelli, JF Mawson, A Millikin, N Dal Seno, L Whitburn, T White, A Burton-Johnson, L Crispini, D Elliot, S Elvevold, JW Goodge, JA Halpin, J Jacobs, E Mikhalsky, AP Martin, F Morgan, J Smellie, P Scadden, and GS Wilson. 2023. The GeoMAP (v.2022-08) continent-wide detailed geological dataset of Antarctica.PANGAEA. doi: 10.1594/PANGAEA.951482.↩︎